European television industry
Television news channels in Europe
The European Audiovisual Observatory has just published a new report on the TV news market in Europe (covering 38 countries). This report provides an overview of the types of channels both national and international, the balance between public and private, and the dominant languages of news...
Public Funding for Film and Audiovisual Works in Europe
The report focuses on film funds in 37 European countries operating at pan-European, national and sub-national levels and looks at their activities in support of film, television and new media.
Television and On-Demand Audiovisual Services in the Russian Federation
This report looks at the progress of the digitisation of television, and the development of the pay-TV market and VoD in the Russian Federation.
Comparative analysis of national aid mechanisms
Public Aid Mechanisms for the Film and the Audiovisual Industry in Europe
The whole landscape of public support systems for the cinema and audiovisual industries is depicted, portraying the great diversity of national and regional policies.