Fiction film financing in Europe: A sample analysis of films released in 2021
The report aims at providing concrete figures on how European theatrical fiction films are being financed.
Top players in the European AV industry - Ownership and concentration - 2023 edition
The report aims at shedding light on the structure of the AV industry in Europe in terms of revenues as well as other performance indicators specific to key audiovisual market segments.
SVOD Usage in the European Union
This report gives an overview of the view time on SVOD services of works (films and TV seasons) by origin, genre and age (only for films) by analysing SVOD viewing time data in 9 EU countries (Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden - in this report EU9).
Film and TV content in TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues - 2023 edition
This report provides an insight into the composition of TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues in the 27 member states of the European Union, looking at both film titles and TV seasons.
Yearbook 2023/2024 - Key trends - Presentation
This presentation was made by Gilles Fontaine, Head of Department, on the 19 March 2024 during the Series Mania Forum in Lille, France.
Yearbook 2023/2024 - Key trends
This 9th edition of "key trends" offers a selection of topics which we believe indicate the most significant trends affecting the European audiovisual market. It provides a mix of analysis and key data, extracted from our 2023 activities involving reports and databases.
Writers and directors of film and TV/SVOD fiction 2015-2022 figures
This report provides an analysis of writers and directors of European theatrical films and TV/SVOD fiction produced in Europe between 2015-2022.
Films on EU screens: A comparative analysis of the film offering in cinemas, on VOD and on TV
This report provides an analysis of the offer of films in cinemas, on television and on video-in-demand in the European Union in 2022.
Works on television in Europe - 2023 edition
This report provides an analysis of the offer of films and TV content in 2022 provided by a sample of 1331 European TV channels and also gives a view of evolutions between 2018 and 2022.
Female professionals in European TV/SVOD fiction production 2015-2022 figures
This report provides an analysis of gender inequality for 6 categories of off-screen staff: directors; writers; producers; cinematographers; composers and editors and data for lead roles.