The SVOD market in the EU developments 2014/2015
This report analyses the development of the EU SVOD market from different angles such as the share of SVOD consumer revenues in total on-demand consumer revenues, the situation of pay TV in regard to SVOD (competition or coexistence) and the main players in the EU.
Origin of films in VOD catalogues in the EU
The European Audiovisual Observatory undertook in October 2015 a research project on films in selected video-on-demand catalogues available in the European Union. The first results of this research project are presented in this note.
The visibility of film on on-demand platforms: Germany, France and the United Kingdom
This report is a first attempt to measure the visibility of films, and notably the visibility of European films through the quantitative analysis of the services home pages.
FOCUS on the Audiovisual Industry in the Russian Federation
The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes a new report edited by Nevafilm Research: "FOCUS on the Audiovisual Industry in the Russian Federation". The report provides a snapshot of the Russian audiovisual industry in 2014-2015 detailing key trends in the television and on demand sector...
On-demand audiovisual markets in the European Union - Developments 2014 and 2015
The most recent figures for television and for online video viewing
The Theatrical Market for European Films Outside of Europe - Key Figures 2014
This report aims to provide a high level analysis of the theatrical markets for European films outside Europe based on admissions data provided by Rentrak for 12 non-European markets including the North American market, five Latin American markets, China and South Korea in Asia as well as...
Focus on Animation (2015)
This booklet is part of a major research project entitled “Mapping the Animation Industry in Europe” commissioned to the European Audiovisual Observatory by the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme of the European Commission.
Television in the regions: Spain and the United Kingdom
The European Audiovisual Observatory recently completed two snapshot studies on regional and local TV in the United Kingdom and Spain.
FOCUS 2015 - World Film Market Trends
This 18th edition is commissioned from the European Audiovisual Observatory by the film market organiser at the Cannes Film Festival, the Marché du Film. It presents the latest trends on all the major film markets around the world regarding film production and distribution as well as admissions.
The development of the European market for on-demand audiovisual services
This report is about important issues related to the development of the on-demand services sector in the EU and its impact on the wider audiovisual landscape.