Online video sharing: Offerings, audiences, economic aspects

05/06/2018 Authors: Gilles Fontaine, Christian Grece & Marta Jimenez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report presents the evolution of online video sharing, the main players, and the relationships with the programmes’ creators. It analyses the usage of video sharing platforms and their business models. It discusses the potential impact on the audiovisual sector.

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FOCUS 2018 - World Film Market Trends

01/05/2018 Authors : Martin Kanzler, Patrizia Simone, Julio Talavera

FOCUS 2018 - World Film Market Trends, the 21th edition, is commissioned from the European Audiovisual Observatory by the film market organiser at the Cannes Film Festival, the Marché du Film.

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International film co-production in Europe

05/05/2018 Strasbourg

This report defines international film co-production, describing the different legal instruments thereof available in Europe. Statistics on co-production volume, admissions and circulation of European co-productions through the different release windows (overall and by country) are also provided.

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Yearbook 2017/2018 - Key trends


Recognized by professionals and decision-makers across the audiovisual industries, this publication provides the analysis and intelligence necessary to gain an overview of recent key trends in the audiovisual sector. This year, the focus is on France, the Observatory Presidency country in 2018.

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TV fiction production in the European Union

17/04/2018 Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory

Key figures for the production of TV fiction in Europe.

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The EU online advertising market - Update 2017

02/03/2018 Author: christian Grece, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report gives an overview of the latest developments in 2016 and 2017 on the online advertising market in Europe and presents in detail the challenges of programmatic advertising. The introduction also has a short summary of the evolution of the EU advertising market 2011 – 2016 (all media).

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The origin of TV content in VOD catalogues - 2017 edition

02/03/2018 Authors: Christian Grece, Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report gives an overview of the origin of TV content in TVOD and SVOD catalogues in Europe.

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The origin of films in VOD catalogues – 2017

02/03/2018 Authors: Christian Grece, Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report gives an overview of the origin of films in TVOD and SVOD catalogues in Europe.

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Measuring access to theatrically screened films in Eastern Europe

01/03/2018 Author: Julio Talavera, European Audiovisual Observatory

Commissioned by the European Commission, the analysis measures the Eastern European population with access to cinema theatres within a given catchment area, as well as the number of cinemas, theatres and screens by country. Moreover, it addresses the issue of cross-border cinema attendance.

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The visibility of films and TV content on VOD

20/02/2018 Author: Gilles FONTAINE, European Audiovisual Observatory

How are European films and TV series promoted on VOD: key figures and detailed statistics by origin of content and categories of players.

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