The production and circulation of TV fiction in the EU28 - 2018 edition

10/05/2019 Authors: Gilles Fontaine and Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

Latest figures on volume of TV fiction production in Europe, including analysis of country of origin, main producers and broadcasters, circulation on television and on VOD.

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Yearbook 2018/2019 - Key trends


This fourth edition of the 'Key trends' Yearbook offers a broad array of insights and data on the European audiovisual market. The focus this year is on Italy - Presidency country of the Observatory in 2019 .

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From cinema to VOD: a case study of recent films

18/03/2019 Author: Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory

New analysis from the Observatory on the release of films in cinemas and on VOD. Focusing on recent films, the analysis addresses research questions such as: What is the status of “films” in VOD catalogues as regards their release in cinemas?

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Fiction film financing in Europe: A sample analysis of films released in 2016

18/12/2018 Author: Martin Kanzler, Film Industry Analyst, Department for Market Information European Audiovisual Observatory

This report is the result of a collaboration between the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Film Agency Research Network (EFARN). It aims to provide figures on European theatrical fiction film funding, offering a pan-European perspective to complement work done at national levels.

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EFARN Research Highlights 2018

13/11/2018 Authors: The members of EFARN

The EFARN brings together researchers actively involved in the collection, analysis and publication of data on the European film industry. This 15th anniversary publication presents a selection of studies from its members, giving an overview of current research topics, from VOD to gender statistics.

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The exploitation of catalogue films in the EU: Cinema, television and video on demand

18/10/2018 Author: Patrizia Simone, European Audiovisual Observatory

Films that have already completed a first run of exploitation through the different distribution windows are known as “catalogue titles”. This report outlines an overview of the commercial exploitation of catalogue films in the EU across the three main distribution windows: cinema, TV and VOD.

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Audiovisual media in Europe: Localised, targeting and language offers

16/10/2018 Author: Agnes Schneeberger European Audiovisual Observatory

This report provides an overview of the European audiovisual media landscape by looking at the origin of linear and pay-on-demand audiovisual services and their circulation through three complementary angles.

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TV news channels in Europe: Offer, establishment and ownership

04/10/2018 Author: Laura Ene, Analyst European Television and On-demand Audiovisual Market European Audiovisual Observatory

This new report provides an overview of the TV news channel landscape in Europe. It quantifies the offer of TV news channels in Europe, analysing their typology, assessing their availability, and identifying where they are established.

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Key trends in Russian cinema

20/09/2018 Authors:Nevafilm Research/ European Audiovisual Observatory

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the development of the Russian film industry between 2013 and 2017. The authors analysed data on the state of film production, distribution, and exhibition, and also considered both actual and potential changes to relevant legislation.

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Brexit in context: The UK in the context of the EU audiovisual market

04/05/2018 Authors : Film analysts - Department for Market information

This report provides the key figures on: The weight of the UK within the EU audiovisual market; Co-productions between the UK and other EU28 countries; Import/ export of films between the UK and other EU28 countries; The circulation of audiovisual services between the UK and the EU.

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