This publication series from 2015 covers a selection of topics that are high on the European regulatory agenda, offering comparative and reliable information on a chosen topical issue in the perspective of the ongoing reforms of the legal framework on European and national level.
For each chosen topic, this new publication looks into:
- the economic and technological backdrop
- the international and European regulatory framework
- the national implementation of these provisions
- self- and co-regulation
- case-law
- recent trends.
The former version of the IRIS Plus series (until 2014) was a paid-for publication that featured a combination of a lead article, related reporting and a Zoom section, comprising overview tables, market data or practical information.
- All published issues are available for free in PDF format (see below).
- Print versions for publications prior to 2022, may be purchased from the Council of Europe online shop.
IRIS Plus 2020-2: The European audiovisual industry in the time of COVID-19
With its comparative analysis of approaches taken in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, this IRIS Plus helps the reader understand the diversity of approaches, interests, and measures taken across the film and audiovisual sector, and the diversity of the bodies taking them.
IRIS Plus 2020-1: Copyright licensing rules in the EU
The application of copyright rules attached to audiovisual works and their exploitation along the value chain are becoming increasingly complex. This new and very timely copyright report provides a pathfinder’s thread through European copyright rules.
IRIS Plus 2019-3: Territoriality and financing of audiovisual works: latest developments
This publication focuses in parallel on copyright and media regulation in order to take a closer look at the impact of the two leading concepts of “territoriality of copyright” and “country of origin” on the financing of audiovisual works in the digital single market.
IRIS Plus 2019-2: Release windows in Europe: a matter of time
This latest report clarifies the current release windows situation in Europe by providing a thorough analysis of the system and the economic and legal rationale on which it is based.
IRIS Plus 2019-1: The promotion of independent audiovisual production in Europe
This publication aims at providing an overview of many relevant issues concerning the independent production of films and audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, inter-professional agreements and case law.
IRIS Plus 2018-3: The legal framework for international co-productions
This publication provides an overview of many relevant issues concerning the co-production of films and other audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, and funds supporting co-production.
IRIS Plus 2018-2: Brexit: The impact on the audiovisual sector
This publication provides information on current key facts and figures on the weight of the UK in the European audiovisual market and on the main features of the legal framework that will cease to apply from 30 March 2019.
IRIS Plus 2018-1: The legal framework for video-sharing platforms
This report attempts to give an overview of the state of current legislation at European and national level. It includes the latest regulatory initiatives, the most recent developments around the case law of courts and other bodies and also outlines the self-regulatory initiatives of the industry.
IRIS Plus 2017-3: Deposit systems for audiovisual works
This publication provides an overview of the regulatory framework concerning deposit systems. Today, deposit systems frequently serve national policy ends by ensuring the preservation of a country’s cultural heritage.
IRIS Plus 2017-2: Commercial communications in the AVMSD revision
This report analyses the ongoing AVMSD reform in relation to commercial communications.