The Department for Legal Information analyses key legal issues linked to the audiovisual sector and reports on major legal developments and ground breaking cases which affect media legislation in Europe.
Plagiarism: an original sin?
To understand fully the difference between unethical plagiarism and copyright infringement, one must first and foremost look at the interests that each of these norms protect. The ethical rule against plagiarism protects first of all the original author's reputation but also the interests of...
IRIS Plus 2004-4: The Protection of Cinematographic Heritage in Europe
This edition of IRIS plus looks at how different countries deal with the protection of cinematographic heritage in Europe and what initiatives have been taken in this area at European level.
IRIS Plus 2004-3: Sport as Reflected in European Media Law Part II
The main theme of this IRIS plus is the regulatory approach to the questions of exclusivity and the content of sports programmes – matters of prime commercial importance to broadcasting organisations.
IRIS Plus 2004-2: Sport as Reflected in European Media Law Part I
Questions concerning the basic principles, origins, ownership, sale and acquisition of rights to sports events are uppermost in a whole range of related legal issues, which are tackled in this edition of IRIS plus. However, legislative provisions on broadcasting, dissemination and content are...
IRIS Plus 2004-1: Regulation of Minority-Language Broadcasting
This IRIS plus considers whether - and if so, how – the use of minority languages in broadcasting is protected and promoted. It investigates the examples of Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. This IRIS plus also contains information about the international legal framework which aims to...
IRIS Special 2003 - Co-Regulation of the Media in Europe
This publication explains co-regulation, offers current examples of its use and discusses possible areas in which it may be applied. It describes the characteristics and legal requirements of co-regulation, as well as the chances and risks associated with it.
IRIS Plus 2003-5: Horizontal Rating of Audiovisual Content in Europe. An Alternative to Multi-level Classification?
This article discusses the horizontal rating of audiovisual content in Europe and rounds off our series on various aspects of "horizontal regulation".
IRIS Plus 2003-4: Swings on the Horizontal - The Search for Consistency in European Advertising Law
This IRIS plus addresses the horizontal regulation of advertising.
IRIS Plus 2003-3: European Public Film Support within the WTO Framework
This edition of IRIS plus describes systematically the areas where public film support and the WTO regulatory framework intertwine. The article concentrates on the compatibility of European film support policy with the GATT and GATS rules.
IRIS Plus 2003-2: European Copyright Law and the Audiovisual Media: Are We Moving Towards Cross-Sectoral Regulation?
This article explores the system of European copyright law as it applies to the audiovisual media. It discusses the aims of copyright law and how that law is affected by digitalisation, then goes on to ask whether we can identify a trend towards cross-sectoral regulation. Finally, taking the...