We serve European and international journalists with our press releases. We regularly publish facts, figures and analysis from our latest publications or conference presentations in the form of press releases targeting the journalist community.
All press releases are available in English, French and German. We also offer free copies of our publications to bona fide journalists who quote our work in their articles or write about our publications.
Our experts and analysts are often solicited to answer journalists' questions and participate in radio and television programmes. We are very glad to do this inasmuch as the work involved in producing our publications allows.
If you wish to join our unique network of journalists covering the audiovisual industries, or simply wish to receive our press releases for information, send an email to the Observatory's Press Officer (see details on the right). We look forward to satisfying your information needs.
For any press releases prior to 2017, please contact [email protected]
What's the current state of the video games industry in Europe?
The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes its first ever report on the European video games industry.
Sample analysis of national and sub-national funds for the years 2018-2022
Incentive support provided by European film funds increased significantly more than direct public funding
This report highlights general trends of the structure of public support for films and other audiovisual works in Europe.
Media pluralism in selected Black Sea countries: the influence of European standards
New in-depth analysis of European media law in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Türkiye and Ukraine
EMFA and AVMSD - What's next?
The European Audiovisual Observatory announces Brussels conference on the state of play of EU audiovisual legislation.
AI in the Audiovisual Sector: Navigating the Current Legal Landscape
What are the challenges of AI for the audiovisual sector and what role is European legislation playing?
Creators in Europe’s Screen Sectors – Sketching Present and Future Challenges - 7 June 2022
The European cinema sector - diverging paths? - 20 May 2023
FOCUS 2023: Key Trends in the Film Sector - 19 May 2023
If you wish to receive our press releases, please send an email to Alison Hindhaugh
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