Back European films and TV content get 27% of TVOD prominence

European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new free report on the visibility of European audiovisual works on transactional video-on-demand
European films and TV content get 27% of TVOD prominence

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The increased consumption of TV content on VOD services has prompted the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and DG Connect of the European Commission to undertake a ground-breaking new report on the visibility of European audiovisual works in 5 European Union Countries. This report – The visibility of audiovisual works on TVOD – Edition 2018 – was authored by Gilles Fontaine, Head of the Observatory’s Department for Market Information.

This new report finds that, overall, European films do get access to promotion and prominence on VOD services. However, they get less promotion per film than US films. Furthermore, the promotion efforts for European films are concentrated around a limited number of titles, and take place mainly in their country of origin.

Breakdown of single titles promoted and promotional spots by origin of content (October 2018 all territories)

Other findings of the report include:

  • Promotion is massively aimed at recent films (91%). Not only are recent films more likely to be promoted but they also get more promotional spots per film.

Breakdown of single titles promoted and promotional spots by age (October 2018 - all territories)

  • Only a limited number of films benefit from intensive promotion. The top 10 most promoted films represented 28.5% of all promotional spots and were all of US origin.
  • The promotion efforts for European films are concentrated around a limited number of titles: the top 10 share of promotional spots for European films is higher than for US films on a country per country basis. The top 10 of the European most promoted films shows a strong presence of United Kingdom (including 2 productions backed by US studios) and France.

Top 10 European most promoted films (October 2018 -All territories)

  • The most promoted European films are mostly promoted in their country of origin, unlike US films, which benefit from a large presence and intense promotion in many countries and services.
Strasbourg 10/07/2019
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