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COVID-19-Maßnahmen nach Ländern: Niederlande
Nov Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Industry
  • VOI members © E Buma, Sena and Videma have decided, in consultation with VNO / NCW and MKB Nederland, to introduce a payment exemption for individual licence holders for the period of closure caused by the measures to reduce the spread of the virus.  
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Nov Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • "Support Fund for the Rights Sector of the Federation of Copyright Interests
  • The Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the rights holders' enforcement organisations have set up a support fund amounting to EUR 10 million to support the creative process of creating (new) works (books, journalistic works, images, music and films) during the pandemic."
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July Netherlands Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator

CvdM will closely monitor the consequences of the coronavirus for the media sector, in close coordination with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

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June Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • March: The Dutch tax office has published details of a range of Value Added Tax easements for businesses during the coronavirus epidemic. Other taxes will have similar easements.
  • Update 24 May - The Dutch tax office has extended the VAT easements and payment extentions until 30 September 2020
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • Cinemas open since 1 June 2020. Restrictions will include a maximum 30 visitors per venue, with social distancing of 1.5 meters between each person. From 1 July, assuming all goes well, that number will be increased to 100 people, which is around 25% capacity.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture has announced an additional support package of EUR 300 million. This includes EUR 40 million for institutions and festivals receiving multi-annual grants from the six national culture funds, including EUR 5 million for film producers via the Film Fund.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture has announced an additional support package of EUR 300 million. This includes EUR 48.5 million to support municipalities and provinces, including EUR 3.5 million for cinemas via the Film Fund.
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June Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Rights Sector Support Fund: The Rights Sector Support Fund aims to meet the urgent needs of creative industry professionals most affected by the corona crisis. 10 million euros are available for this support fund in the framework of a public-private cooperation.
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June Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture has announced an additional support package of EUR 300 million. This includes 30 million for the Culture Start-Up Loan which concerns organisations in the cultural and creative sector whose income model is mainly focused on their own income and which cannot use the other measures in this package. The loan is intended for the development of productions, programmes, exhibitions or projects aimed at the public.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • NAPA published in May 2020 "COVID-19 PROTOCOL FOR THE AUDIOVISUAL SECTOR", which contains hygiene guidelines, precautionary and protective measures and rules of behaviour for the resumption of activity in the development, pre-production, production and post-production of audiovisual content. Version 3,0 updated on July 1st 2020.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Exhibition Industry
  • A protocol for the reopening of cinemas in accordance with health recommendations has been put in place by the Dutch cinema association (NVBF), in cooperation with MKB-Nederland, VNO-NCW, FNV Media & Culture, and the government.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • (Re)start Film production: as an extension of the Film Productions & High End Series Support Fund, aimed at the many affected productions and the film professionals involved, to help restart the productions after June 10, 2020.. With additional subsidies to film productions and high-end series to cover the additional costs. 
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector (non specific) Film agency
  • Film Fast Forward - Research & Development contribution for screenwriters, directors and Heads of Department: the contribution (to individuals) is intended for the research and first development phase of a new and original film idea for a film production or high-end series.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector (non specific) Film agency
  • Lockdown Cinema: this one-off scheme focuses on projects that convert the corona crisis - and all the limitations within it - into cinematic power. With a maximum amount of EUR 500 000 per feature film, the contribution is intended to cover all costs associated with the shooting, promotion and distribution.
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June Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Pandemic guarantee scheme: Pending a nationwide approach to pandemic risk, a guarantee contribution from the Fund and a contribution from the sector - a contribution over the approved budget in a collective designated reserve - will provide financial security to cover costs arising from any pandemic damage during the production process.
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June Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SoCu events sponsorship scheme: The Performing Artists Section of SENA has decided on a coulance arrangement for festivals and live projects that are supported from the Sena Performers Fund. Provided that first of all the musicians are paid, applicants who previously received a pledge can use the advance (70% of the allocated amount) for the unavoidable costs of cancelling the event.
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June Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SENA will add a special tranche of EUR 200 000 to the Sena Performers Music Production Fund. 
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May Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Companies and self-employed persons in the Dutch cultural/creative sector can make a special request for an extension of the 3-month payment deadline for all income tax, corporation tax, wage tax and turnover tax (VAT) contributions.
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April Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Additional support for culture: The cabinet is making an additional EUR 300 million available for the cultural sector to support institutions that are essential for the sector as a whole. This additional support includes among others: an increase in grants to institutions and festivals that currently receive BRI grants and national funds for culture; and an investment in vital regional cultural infrastructure (including cinemas). 
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April Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • The Netherlands Film Fund and Netflix announced on April 17, 2020 the creation of a new emergency fund with the aim of providing short-term emergency support to the workers and crews of the Dutch audiovisual industry directly affected by the crisis linked to the Coronavirus. Netflix makes available EUR 1 million for the Fund.
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April Netherlands Film/AV sector (non specific) Government/
  • Allocation to entrepreneurs in affected sectors COVID-19 (TOGS): Specific groups of entrepreneurs can receive a one-off compensation of EUR 4,000 for damage caused by the corona virus via the TOGS program. Sectors and activities eligible for this aid include: media players, film and TV programme production, activities of film and TV production facilities, distribution of film and TV productions, etc.
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April Netherlands Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Government/
  • Reimbursement of tickets purchased in the culture and events sector: The cultural sector, in cooperation with sports organisations, supported by the OCW, EZK and VWS ministries, has set up a voucher system for events that are permanently cancelled or if the ticket holder is unable to attend on the new date. The ticket holder can choose between obtaining a voucher worth the original ticket price or requesting a refund. 
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April Netherlands Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • Clemency Measure for OCW Grantees : To ensure that media organizations and professionals receiving government funding can fully focus on the work that is important now, the Cabinet is taking several clemency measures which include: extending the deadline for submission of 2019 annual accounts ; making grants available to media earlier so that they have more liquidity; a possible extension of the 15 September 2020 deadline for media institutions submitting the 2021 budget; and more flexible treatment of OCW grants. 
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April Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Sectoral measures: OCW takes measures for institutions that receive subsidies for basic cultural infrastructure and for institutions and manufacturers that receive long-term or project subsidies from the national cultural funds. This concerns, for example, the non-recovery of subsidies in case of disappointing performance as a result of the crisis. 
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April Netherlands Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • The Government establishes funding scheme of EUR 11 million for local and regional public broadcasters during the coronavirus crisis 
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April Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • In order to meet the needs of rightsholders, Buma/Stemra has decided to bring forward the distribution of copyright income by several months, especially for the 2019 radio and television copyrights which will be paid in June 2020 instead of September 2020. In addition, certain annual distributions will be replaced by quarterly distributions, including copyright income from public and commercial radio and television stations that will be billed quarterly starting in the 2020 operating year. This measure will structurally pay out approximately EUR 27,000,000 to EUR 30,000,000 3 to 12 months earlier.
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April Netherlands Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Buma/Stemra is making EUR 2,750,000 available for an emergency fund to help their members who still experience difficulties despite general governmental initiatives.
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March Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • The Temporary bridging scheme for independent entrepreneurs (Tozo) provides financial support to self-employed entrepreneurs.
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March Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • The Temporary Emergency Measure to preserve Employment (NOW) provides employers with financial support by contributing to wage costs, allowing companies to pay their employees. 
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March Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Credits provides microcredits to start-ups and small businesses.
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March Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Enterprise Finance Guarantee (GO) for bank loans between EUR 1.5 million to a maximum of EUR 50 million by providing a 50% guarantee, for SMEs.
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March Netherlands Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • SME Credit Guarantee (BMKB)  provides Guarantee for SME loans. The amount of the surety loan in the BMKB is increased from 50% to 75%.
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March Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Increase of the amount of the advance payment for subsidies.
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March Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Contribution to cover additional (pre) production costs directly related to COVID-19 (indicative amounts from 25 000 EUR for cinema documentaries and minority coproductions, to 50 000 EUR for feature films and up to 75 000 EUR for international co-production) with production abroad.
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March Netherlands Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • Additional distribution contribution for forced redistribution and marketing of majority Dutch feature films and cinema documentaries (indicative contribution of 10 000EUR - 25 000 EUR).
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March Netherlands Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Following a study conducted on the economic impact of the crisis on its members,  the NDF decided to accelerate the payment of all remuneration normally paid in the autumn. 
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COVID-19-Maßnahmen nach Ländern: Norwegen – Türkei


Nov Norway Cultural & creative industries Industry
  • The Music Industry Council launched a new report on the consequences of the corona crisis for the Norwegian music industry. It shows, among other things, that 88 percent of all concert activities in 2020 have been canceled.
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Nov Norway Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • TONO commissioned Opinion to conduct a survey among TONO's members on the impact of the crisis on their current and future livelihoods.
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July Norway Cultural & creative industries Industry
  • Following a study conducted on the economic impact of the crisis on its members,  the NDF decided to accelerate the payment of all remuneration normally paid in the autumn. 
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July Norway Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • NFI is redistributing NOK 85 million from the Film Fund to help produce and promote the films that have been directly affected by the corona outbreak: Production 2 grant to complete productions that has been halted; and Launch 2 grant to launch films that have had their releases postponed theatrically or on digital platforms.

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July Norway Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • COVID-19 Temporary Scholarship Program: The Ministry of Culture has announced the establishment of a temporary COVID-19 scholarship programme worth NOK 70 million for individual artists to maintain continuity in artistic production, ensure employment and contribute to the demand for art.
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July Norway Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Compensation scheme for self-employed workers and freelancers: NAV has established a compensation plan for self-employed workers and freelancers for loss of income during the period from March 30, 2020 to April 30, 2020. This temporary scheme applies from 14 March 2020 and provides for 80 % coverage for income below 6G (approximately NOK 600 000).
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June Norway Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 20 March: the Norwegian government will cut its reduced VAT rate from 12% to 7% between 1 April and October 2020. The rate applies to cinema admission, public transport, hotel accommodation services, museums and amusement parks.
  • Update 27 March: Norway has cut its reduced VAT rate for a second time during the coronavirus crisis, this time from 7% to 6%. This will still apply from 1 April until 31 October 2020.
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June Norway Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Gramo is making its 2020 payment to artists earlier than planned and the organisation processed 90% of payments by 23rd March.

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June Norway Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • Cinemas reopened from May 7. Audiences imited to 50 people per screen, with a minimum of one meter separating each person. If virus levels remain manageable, authorities expect capacity in theatres will expand to 200 people per screen from June 15. 
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May Norway Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • Virke with the support of the Norwegian Film Institute has developed a Guide for safe execution of audiovisual production, which contains guidelines for an infection protection plan for audiovisual productions.
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April Norway Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • A grant scheme was established for arts- and culture projects in Norway addressing the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. NOK 300 million has been allocated from the Norwegian Cultural Fund to support the arts and cultural sector.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • The Government has increased the subsidy for the production of news and information media from NOK 40 million to NOK 358 million in the State Budget for 2020. The increase enables the Media Authority to speed up the payment of production subsidies to media and newspapers, as well as to small local media, which will receive a redistribution of NOK 30 million. 
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • Following a dialogue with the Media Authority, the Ministry of Culture will amend the regulation on production subsidies so that the media can also apply for support from other programmes. 
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The Norwegian Media Authority (NMA) proceeds with advancement support for the media sector, including local broadcasters:
  • Subsidy for local broadcast: The subsidy is usually paid in two equal installments. In the first payout, (which expires by mid-April) 75 percent of the grant is paid out.
  • Innovation grants: This year's grants are distributed and paid by mid-April.
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April Norway Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • Easing of licensing conditions by the Norwegian Media Authority (NMA) and allowing local radios that still broadcast on FM in major cities to relay NRK's ​​news broadcasts.
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April Norway Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • The Norwegian Media Authority (NMA) provides short-term licenses for Drive-in movie theatres, as the sound is transmitted over the FM network, thus requires a license delivered by the authority.
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April Norway Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • Information campaign on disinformation and fake news during the COVID-19 crisis.
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April Norway Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • TONO has set up a podcast informing songwriters, publishers and the music industry about the measures put in place within the organisation and other useful information about available public support. 
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April Norway Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • TONO has made available a guide to inform about streaming music online and broadcasting live events.
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April Norway Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • The Media Authority, in collaboration with Actual and the National Team for Local Newspapers (LLA), and with the support of Facebook, created an information campaign to strengthen the media's understanding of COVID-19 and tackle disinformation.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • Promotion grants for online distribution: The NFI considers to give grants to help companies launch their films on transaction-based platforms. The NFI will also support the promotion of films at digital markets and international festivals, where such platforms are alternatives to the cancelled film festivals and film markets.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • The NFI redistributes its film fund to increase development funding for all formats (new films, games and drama series) and increases script development by and additional NOK 14 million.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • As the result of cancellations due to the corona outbreak, the NFI will not claim reimbursement of accumulated, documented expenses in accordance with the grant specifications and fixed share of government support.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Film agency
  • Sums spent on events that could not be completed will not be claimed back. Altered deadlines for applications and reports.
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April Norway Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Sums spent on productions or projects that could not be completed will not be claimed back. Altered deadlines for applications and reports.

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March Norway Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Compensation scheme for culture: Launch of a 300 million Norwegian crown (EUR 23.8 million) compensation scheme to alleviate the cultural industries’ losses, including ticket sales.Compensation scheme for culture
  • The government will not seek repayment of public subsidies paid for cultural and voluntary purposes.
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Nov Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • ZAiKS has established the Creation Support Fund, amounting to approximately EUR 11 million, which serves to support both ZAiKS members as well as non-ZAiKS creators and cultural institutions in the form of a grant of PLN 5,000.
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July Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • The Polish Ministry of Culture announced a new support programme for artists, creators and institutions that cannot carry out their artistic activities due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. "Culture on the Web" programme's budget is PLN 20 m (EUR 4.3 m). The programme is part of the Anti-Crisis Shield for culture with a planned budget of EUR 869.6 million (PLN 4 billion).
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July Poland Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has published new safety rules to be observed for the re-opening of cinemas theatres 
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June Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 27 May - mandatory electronic VAT cash registers have been delayed to 31 December 2020 for catering, accommodation and fuel sectors. Other sectors have been postponed until 30 June 2021.
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June Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Poland has changed policy on VAT payments for the COVID-19 crisis. VAT filings are due on the 25 March, as normal. However, taxpayers may apply for a liabilities write-off or extension of the payment deadline. There will be no interest charge for outstanding Value Added Tax. 
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June Poland Film/AV sector - Production Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has published new safety rules to be observed for the resumption of work on film sets, in connection with the possibility of resuming work from May 18 and taking into account sanitary requirements. 
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June Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Due to the crisis, SFP has started the process of paying special advances for future royalties to authors and producers. In addition, the organisation has taken steps to accelerate all payments and payment dates for those eligible in 2020.
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June Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SAWP is offering support for members who found themselves in a difficult financial situation, including advance payments and funding under the organizations’ cultural, social and educational fund.
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June Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • STOART has created the social fund COVID-19, which will provide support to nearly 10,000 artists.
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June Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • For SFP members who are at risk of coronavirus infection or who are quarantined, the SFP Association offers dinners prepared by the Cinema Paradiso restaurant, an aid that has already covered more than 300 people.
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June Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • From 14 March 2020 until further notice, the SAWP suspends the collection of remuneration resulting from contracts for the use of artistic services concluded with the SAWP or contracts for the collection of remuneration for such use by users.  
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June Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Regarding the payment of fees for the use of artistic performances in the context of restrictions and prohibitions related to the health crisis, STOART announced that they will correct users' fees claims for the month of March and for justified cases.
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June Poland Film/AV sector - Distribution Industry
  • MOJEeKINO.PL project is an online platform created to allow cinema distributors and thaers to cooperate in the online distribution of films. The partners are: Polish Film Academy, Polish Chamber of Audiovisual Producers, Culture Without Barriers Foundation. The project is implemented with the support of the Polish Film Institute.
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June Poland Film/AV sector - VOD services Government/
  • A 1.5% levy collected from on-demand audiovisual media services was included in the update of the anti-crisis protection, with the aim of strengthening the Polish film market.
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June Poland Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • In Poland, the prime Minister announced that cinemas and other large venues can reopen starting 6 June 2020, at half fill of their seats, and viewers will have to wear masks.
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May Poland Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • KRRiT invited interested market players to respond to a survey on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the media economy
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May Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The Polish Filmmakers Association (SFP) has agreed to allocate EUR 6.5m / PLN 30m as part of an assistance package to support filmmakers during the COVID crisis.
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April Poland Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Culture on the Web: Creation of a new support program for artists, creators and institutions, for digital creation and the dissemination of creative content on the Internet. The program budget is PLN 20 million.
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April Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Employee Security - worth PLN 30 billion, including for the purpose of co-financing employees' salaries - up to 40% of the average monthly salary and making working time more flexible - for struggling companies. This is part of the Anti-crisis shield.
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April Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 670,000 Polish companies will benefit from a new program targeted at enterprises that have suffered as a result of a coronavirus pandemic. Nearly PLN 100 billion will go to micro-enterprises, SMEs and large enterprises - of which up to PLN 60 billion are non-returnable funds. This is part of the Anti-crisis shield.
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April Poland Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Enterprise Financing - 74.2 billion PLN including measures to support self-employed workers. This is part of the Anti-crisis shield.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • A summary of changes in programs made by audiovisual service providers and actions taken by the media in connection with the coronavirus epidemic - document prepared by the Polish media regulator KRRiT.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Due to the coronavirus epidemic, local broadcasters temporarily suspend some program entries. At the same time, the President emphasized the need to involve local media in activities to increase the health security during the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic.
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
  • Introduction in the Cinematography Act of a fee on the public tribute of an entity providing an on-demand audiovisual media service in the amount of 1.5% of revenues from fees for access to on-demand publicly available audiovisual media services or revenues from the broadcasting of commercial communications, whichever is higher in a given billing period.
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • The Polish Film Institute, in cooperation with the Polish Filmmakers Association, Polish Film Academy, Polish Film Directors Guild and the Association of Artists for Rzeczpospolita, created a Support Program for film professionals. Scholarships (up to PLN 2 400) can be applied for by representatives of all film professions who have found themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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April Poland Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Possibility for ZAiKS members to apply for non-repayable grants, loans from the Loan Fund, as well as advance payments for future income. Simplification and rationalisation of application procedures for material support . 
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • Relaxation of rules for applying to financial support to audiovisual works: schedules, time limits, documents to be attached, contract extensions, etc.
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • Amendments to the Cinematography Act: changing the definition of a film – the film is now also a work that was not screened at the cinema due to unrelated circumstances.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • The Polish Film Institute announced that it will not expect cinema theatres to perform the statutory box office reporting obligation at least for the duration of the cinema theatres closing.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The time of broadcasting messages regarding basic hygiene and medical principles related to the prevention of infectious diseases, including coronavirus, will not be included in the permitted emission limit and teleshopping (12 minutes per clock hour). These types of communications are not advertising in the light of the definition of the RTV Act.
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • The processes of concluding grant agreements and settlements and payment of subsequent grant installments have been significantly accelerated.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Extra money for development and screenwriting schemes.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • An additional call for development scheme.
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April Poland Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • Flexibility on many formal requirements including full flexibility in terms of extending project schedules. Documents can be provided electronically.
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April Poland Film/AV sector - VOD services Government/
  • An anti-crisis package introduced by the Government, including:  Amendments to the Act on cinematography allowing film premieres on VOD platforms and on the Internet, as well as extending the validity of the PISF promise for film productions
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April Poland Film/AV sector - Production Government/
  • An anti-crisis package introduced by the Government, including:
  • Creativity on the Internet  
  • Grants for the development of digital forms of artistic presentation, which will be launched as soon as possible
  • Amendments to the Act on audiovisual incentives extending the deadlines and simplifying the procedures for submitting applications for financial support for audiovisual productions
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April Poland Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • An anti-crisis package introduced by the Government, including:
  • Public support for salary payments.
  • Two new  grant programs
  • Additional  program to compensate for losses to the cultural sector 
  • Increasing the scope of social assistance.
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April Poland Film/AV sector -Distribution Government/
  • An anti-crisis package introduced by the Government, including: Amendments to the  Act on cinematography  allowing  film premieres on VOD platforms and on the Internet,  as well as extending the validity of the PISF promise for film productions
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March Poland Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Exemption from the payment of royalties to collective management organizations for entrepreneurs performing public reproduction (restaurants, shops, bars, hair salons, fitness clubs, etc.) and display (cinemas), providing services in direct contact with the client, will be exempt from fees.
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March Poland Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The setting up of a platform for artists impacted by the crisis.
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Dec Portugal Film/AV sector - Production Film Agency
  • ICA and Netflix called for projects to be developed by the US platform. 10 Portuguse fiction and documentary projects were supported with a total EUR 155 000 for development.
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Nov Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), GDA - Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas, Audiogest (Entity for the Management of the Rights of Phonographic Producers in Portugal) and GEDIPE (Association for the Collective Management of Copyrights and of Film and Audiovisual Producers) have created the Fundo de Solidariedade com a Cultura (Fund of Solidarity with Culture), a EUR 1.35 million fund intended to support professionals of shows and cultural activities that have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and after a period in which their activities were suspended.
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July Portugal Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The ERC has published a report that provides an overview of the economic and organisational impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the media sector in Portugal. One of the conclusions is that the crisis generated a 61% to 80% drop in revenues for a third of the media companies.
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July Portugal Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Having received notifications from some local media identifying restrictions on access to information in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the REC recalled in a communication the importance and scope of the right of access to information.
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July Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Creation of a special fund of EUR 30 million for cultural programming at municipality level.
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July Portugal Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 38-B/2020: The Council of Ministers established an exceptional and temporary measure involving the acquisition of advertising space for the diffusion of institutional actions, within the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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June Portugal Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • On 9 March 2020, the government announced it was earmarking EUR 200 million in loans to support SMEs. This was followed on 10 March 2020 by the announcement of the launch of a credit line to support treasury to companies affected by the outbreak, in the initial amount of EUR 100 million. The package includes measures to support liquidity, but also to support of wages.
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June Portugal Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • The Government has put in place a series of measures aimed at protecting and safeguarding employment. It established exceptional and temporary job protection measures, aiming at supporting job maintenance and mitigating business crisis situations. This simplified layoff regime contemplates the temporary reduction of the normal working period or the suspension of the employment contract, aiming at maintaining the employment contracts and avoiding dismissals for economic reasons in this critical phase.
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June Portugal Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • March - Portugal has announced a range of VAT payment easements and other support for businesses.
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June Portugal Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • Cinemas set to reopen on 1 June with restrictions (all rows can be occupied; the seats that are available will have to be identified and there will be one seat separating each spectator, they can only sit together if they live together)
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June Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Guidelines of the Directorate General for Health for the use of cultural equipments in the context of deconfinement after the Covid 19 crisis.
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June Portugal Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Film agency
  • The ICA will Increase the percentage associated with the category of general structural charges: from the current maximum limit of 15% to 30% of the amount of ICA financial support. This measure is limited to support for festivals and support for distribution.
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June Portugal Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • The ICA will Increase the percentage associated with the category of general structural charges: from the current maximum limit of 15% to 30% of the amount of ICA financial support. This measure is limited to support for festivals and support for distribution.
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June Portugal Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • Beyond the guidelines of the Directorate General for Health for the use of cultural equipments, the ICA has published the FAQs on Rules to be observed for the reopening of theaters, movie theaters and outdoor cultural events.
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June Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • AUDIOGEST, in collaboration with the artists' association, has set up a crisis office to provide information on public support measures and legal support to help small enterprises and the self-employed affected by the cancellation of live events.
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June Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • AUDIOGEST has created a fund to support professionals in the field of music and show production worth EUR 500,000, which will be managed jointly with the GDA to guarantee the jobs of music and show production companies and the subsistence of professionals in the sector.
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June Portugal Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • ICA provides the regulations from the Directorate General for Health concerning the use of cultural spaces for the deconfinement reopening.
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May Portugal Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The ERC is collaborating with GILM and MILObs in the preparation of a media literacy resources and activities kit, mainly focused on disinformation and fake news and expected in April with the aim to help families, schools and other groups currently in social isolation due to the COVID19 pandemic. 
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May Portugal Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Portugal Film Commission has published "COVID-19: Guidelines for filming in Portugal",  based on the recommendations of the Directorate-General for Health, which contains basic guidelines and general recommendation to avoid risk during film production. 
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April Portugal Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Extraordinary support for maintaining employment contracts in situations of business crisis, with or without training (simplified lay-off );
  • Extraordinary training plan;
  • Extraordinary financial incentive to support the normalization of the company's activity; and
  • Temporary exemption from the payment of Social Security contributions, borne by the employer.
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Extraordinary financial support for the reduction of economic activity;
  • Deferral of payment of Social Security contributions (suspension of payment at the usual time);
  • The obligation to submit the declaration remains.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • ERC called media providers, to ensure that communications from the Directorate-General for Health are made accessible to audiences with special needs, where practicable.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • ERC issued a 'Guide to good practices in information coverage of diseases and epidemic situations'
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SPAutores has created an information platform accessible in the Authors' Portal with the denomination "Tudo Pelos Autores". This platform will be able to inform about all the mechanisms already in place to support artistic and cultural creators. At the same time, SPAutores has appealed to local authorities for more support for the continuity of Portuguese cultural and artistic life. 
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SPAutores has approved an intervention plan that allocates EUR 100,000 to a solidarity fund, as well as the modification of the amounts that guarantee the accessibility of the cooperators to the different support and assistance mechanisms. The PPS also proposes advances on the payment of fees.
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SPAutores announces its solidarity with the media united in the fight against piracy and for regular access to quality information. 
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April Portugal Film/AV sector (non specific) Media regulator
  • The Regulatory Council of the ERC - Regulatory Entity for Social Communication decided to extend, until July 31, the deadline for entities that pursue social communication activities to communicate, under the transparency obligations, the financial flows and submit the corporate governance reports for the year 2019.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • The ICA will maintain and, where possible, speed up the procedures concerning the grant of film and audiovisual support. ICA made amendments to the regulations of the support programmes in order to increase their flexibility, e.g. In the writing and development support program for 2020, the first payment, corresponding to the signing of the contract, will increase from the current 30% to 50%; In the automatic support program, the beneficiary may choose to apply for the support to be received to new production projects (as currently provided in the regulations) or to new writing and development projects;allowing the payment of half of the value of the last tranche of the contract (50% of the last 5%), relating to the final accounts, when it is manifestly impossible for the beneficiary to obtain the necessary documentation.
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Exceptional protective measures for unrealized performances: The Council of Ministers of March 26 approved a decree-law that establishes more exceptional measures for the cultural and artistic sector, with emphasis on shows not performed between February 28, 2020 and up to 90 working days after the end of the state. of emergency. The Government's intention is thus to guarantee special protection to the cultural agents involved in the performance of these shows, as well as to guarantee the rights of consumers.
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • New Emergency Support Line for the Arts: Applications are open until April 6, 2020 for the new Emergency Support Line for the Arts Sector, as part of exceptional and temporary measures related to the epidemiological situation Covid19. With a value of EUR 1 million, this line is financed through the Cultural Development Fund of the Ministry of Culture, and is intended to support artistic entities and artists in the areas of performing arts, visual arts and disciplinary crossing.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • For the time being, the ICA foresees the possibility of flexibility in the execution of the distribution and exhibition plans supported in the scope of the ICA film support programmes.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Film agency
  • For the time being, the ICA foresees the possibility of flexibility in the rules of support for the realization of film festivals in the national territory, e.g. in the ongoing supports, ICA will accept the re-programming of festivals activities, namely allowing the programming to be more extended in time, also allowing the payment related to the festival action, even when it has been cancelled
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April Portugal Film/AV sector (non specific)  Film agency
  • ICA made amendments to the regulations of the support programmes in order to increase their flexibility, including e.g digital submission of documents; Accept the extension of the deadlines for submission of copies and final accounts report, for a longer period than the ones that the regulations provide for.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • Suspending until further notice, and including the month of March, the obligation on exhibitors to retain 7.5% of the sale price of cinema tickets to the public.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • Foreseeing the possibility for cinematographic works to have initial exploitation on television or on on-demand audiovisual media services.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • RTP's support programme for independent audiovisual production: 
  • Increased investment in the acquisition of stock content from independent producers and performing arts rights for broadcast on RTP channels and digital platforms.
  • Launch of a web-based concert series, in collaboration and negotiation with artists/agents, to be broadcast on RTP's digital platforms.
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April Portugal Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture created a website that is constantly updated with all relevant information for professionals in the cultural sector. The platform will inform about forthcoming extraordinary support measures. A support email was also created for artistic entities, artists and technicians, in order to clarify the support measures that have already been and will be announced by the Government, with a more direct impact on Culture.
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April Portugal Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • RTP's support programme for independent audiovisual production:
  • Maintenance of contracts for employees and service providers in a wide variety of content-related areas.
  • Anticipation of payment terms for cash settlement in the various products already delivered or for short-term delivery.
  • Improved payment terms for projects that have already been approved during content consultations and will move to production.
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March Portugal Cultural & creative industries Industry
  • #EntraEmCena initiative (which is created by a portuguese digital company, and supported and advertised by the Portuguese Ministry of Culture) is a digital marketplace that allows artists to launch ideas and get investment from potential public and private investors.
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July Romania Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Instruction no. 4 of 25.06.2020
  • The CNA calls on audiovisual media service providers, in the context of the information and debate programmes in which COVID-19 is discussed, to ensure compliance with the legal obligations concerning the correct information of the public, such as rigour and precision in the presentation and discussion of COVID-19, the avoidance of sensationalism or infodemia characterized by an overabundance of information that can create confusion, and respect for ethical rules.
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July Romania Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • The Minister of Culture and the Minister of Health signed the joint order on the measures to be taken to prevent contamination by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and to ensure the proper conduct of activities with regard to cultural events/actions organised in the open air, including cinematographic projections.
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June Romania Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 42/2020
  • The Ordinance amends the existing legislative framework regulating the support granted to SMEs (the ""IMM Invest Romania"" Programme, as approved under GEO 110/2017) and provides SMEs with access to bank loans under preferential terms to ensure continuation of business and payment of employed personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the scheme is to help businesses cover their immediate working capital or investment needs, thus ensuring the continuation of their activities.
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June Romania Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 17 March The Romanian Ministry of Finance has announced Value Added Tax and other tax easements during the Covid-19 outbreak.
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June Romania Film/AV sector - Production Government/
  • The Minister of Culture and the Minister of Health signed the joint order on the measures to be taken to prevent contamination by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and to ensure the proper conduct of activities in film and audiovisual production.
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June Romania Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • UPFR has decided that for companies whose operations are necessarily closed during the state of emergency, to suspend payment of remuneration from May April until the end of the state of emergency. 
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 32 of March 26, 2020
  • A compensation equal to 75% of the average gross national wage for natural persons who obtain income exclusively from copyright and related rights, according to the regulations in effect.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 30 of March 18, 2020
  • Providing a compensation equal to the gross minimum wage per economy for authorized natural persons and individual enterprises.
  • The method of granting technical unemployment in the case of SRLs and NGOs that temporarily suspend the employment contract. Thus, the employees benefit from a state subsidized allowance of 75% of the salary, but not more than 75% of the average gross salary in the economy.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 29 of March 18, 2020
  • Implementation of a multi-annual program to support SMEs in order to reduce the effects of the spread of COVID-19, by guaranteeing credits and subsidizing the interest for this financing.
  • Small and medium-sized companies, as defined by Law no. 346/2004, who have totally or partially interrupted their activity based on the decisions issued by public authorities, during the period of emergency, having been granted a certificate for emergency situations issued by the Ministry of Economy, benefit from deferred payment of utilities, electricity , natural gas, water, telephone and internet services, as well as the deferred payment of the rent for the building destined for registered offices and secondary offices.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • ONLINE ACCESS 2020: Launch of the program dedicated to cultural operators in the independent area from the private sector, with an allocated amount of LEI 1,000,000.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The National Institute for Cultural Research and Training (INCFC), subordinated to the Ministry of Culture, has created a Register of the Independent Cultural Sector for the purpose of mobilizing and supporting the cultural sector, determine regulatory needs and ensure its presence in the future national strategy regarding culture.
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April Romania Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • National Cinematography Center (CNC) Decision no. 61 issued on 26 March 2020. Direct credit for the production: no instalments I and II of the ongoing credit agreements will be granted. The instalments III and IV can be granted.
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April Romania Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • National Cinematography Center (CNC) Decision no. 61 issued on 26 March 2020. Non-reimbursable financial support: all financial support (including to distribution and exploitation of the films; the operation of art cinemas) is postponed until the end of the state of emergency.
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April Romania Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • National Cinematography Center (CNC) Decision no. 61 issued on 26 March 2020. Direct credit for the production: deadlines for the conclusion of direct credit contracts for film production are postponed; changes of financing plans and support for artistic quality and public success will be granted only for projects in post-production; deadlines for depositing the standard copies are postponed until the end of the state of emergency.
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April Romania Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • National Cinematography Center (CNC) Decision no. 61 issued on 26 March 2020. Classification of the films and classification of cinemas are suspended, until the state ceases the state of emergency.
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April Romania Film/AV sector (non-specific) Industry
  • The Romanian Film Development Association (ADFR) launches a programme supporting Romanian independent emerging film artists affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. #ADFR Survival allocates micro-grants totalling EUR 3,000 starting 10 April 2020.
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April Romania Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The National Audiovisual Council (CNA) recommends broadcasters to support the broadcast, during the emergency, of the audio-video spot for the public information campaign "I am only a man", carried out by the Ministry of Culture.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Financial institution
  • BRD- Societe Generale Group donated 1.7 million lei for the medical sector and 300,000 lei for the independent cultural sector, as part of the joint effort against the negative effects generated by the coronavirus pandemic.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • UCMR-ADA calls on radio stations to participate in the "Support a Romanian Artist" campaign to broadcast Romanian music in order to increase copyright revenues for creators.
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April Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Decree no. 195 of March 16, 2020: During the state of emergency, for several sectors, including the public telecommunications, radio and television sectors, it is forbidden to organize collective labour disputes.
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April Romania Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
  • Decree no. 195 of March 16, 2020: Public institutions and authorities, as well as private operators, are required to contribute to the information campaign in a correct and objective way to inform the public about the measures taken at national level and about the evolution of the health crisis. To this end, and in order to combat the spread of ""fake news"", hosting service providers and content providers can be required, by decision of the National Authority for Communications Administration and Regulation, to immediately stop the transmission of fake news in an electronic communications network or the storage of such content, to eliminate it at source or to immediately block access to it by Romanian users.
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April Romania Film/AV sector- Broadcasting Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture sent the National Audiovisual Council the spotlight of the public information campaign "I am only a man", with the aim of raising awareness, preventing and combating the spread of COVID-19, a campaign to which public life personalities joined.

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April Romania Film/AV sector- Broadcasting Government/
  • The Strategic Communication Group, set up within the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations, has made a new information video containing recommendations for citizens and methods of preventing the spread of the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19), the spot being adapted to the phase of the epidecmics in Romania. 
  • The spot will replace the one broadcast in the audiovisual space as a result of the CNA Recommendation no. 6 of February 27, 2020
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March Romania Film/AV sector- Broadcasting Media regulator
  • INSTRUCTION no. 2 of March 16, 2020 on ensuring compliance by the audiovisual media service providers of the measures taken during the establishment of the state of emergency
  • AVMS providers have the obligation to communicate as a priority all official information coming from the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations , and to adopt a particular rigour, ethics and reliability in the dissemination of information to the public.
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March Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The Ministry of Culture launched the ACCES Online 2020 financing project, exclusively dedicated to the private sector, a financial support tool for cultural projects, which can be disseminated exclusively in the online environment. The project was designed to support artists who cannot carry out their cultural activities with the public during this period. The Ministry of Culture has decided that this year, the funding session through the ACCES Program will be dedicated to cultural operators in the independent area who have the capacity to disseminate their work in the online environment. Projects must be in the fields of theatre, music, dance, visual arts, intangible heritage.
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March Romania Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The Government approved an emergency ordinance that includes a special provision for individuals who obtain income exclusively from copyright and related rights. These persons will receive a compensation equal to 75% of the average gross wage per country guaranteed from the general consolidated budget. 
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March Romania Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 30/2020: The technical unemployment during the state of emergency declared in Romania against the epidemic with the new coronavirus will be 75% of the average gross basic salary.
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June Russian Federation Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 13 April - Russia has implemented a range of tax easements to assist businesses during the COVID-19 epidemic. However, these do not include changes to Value Added Tax returns or payments. Taxpayers must therefore continue to file and pay VAT obligations on time.
  • 28 April update, Russia has offered delays on VAT filings.
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June Russian Federation Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • The Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing has published health and safety recommendations for cinemas, drafted in collaboration with the Russian Association of Cinema Owners. 
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June Russian Federation Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The organisation has set up a hotline for members in need, to help them with the purchase and delivery of food, medication and other essentials products. 
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May Russian Federation Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Industry
  • 42nd Moscow International Film Festival was postponed to October 1-8, 2020. The date was validated by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF), which provides accreditations to film festivals worldwide.
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April Russian Federation Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • In a Russian government resolution listing the economic sectors most affected by the epidemic, the culture, leisure, entertainment and film exhibition sectors were included. As such, they can benefit from a six-month deferral to pay taxes other than VAT, insurance premiums and loan payments to small and medium-sized enterprises.
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Nov Sweden Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) "Stim scholarship 2020
  • Due to the covid-19 pandemic, STIM will strenghten the scholarship fund with about 300 additional scholarships of SEK 10,000 each to help support the continued creation of music."
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Oct Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • The Film Institute will distribute around EUR 35 million (SEK 375 million) to the film industry. Some of the funds will go to compensate cinemas, distributors and film festivals for loss of income. The crisis support will also go to producers of film and drama series, to cover the extra costs caused by the pandemic. The money will also be used for stimulating the production of Swedish film now and in the future.
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Oct Sweden Cultural & creative industries Film agency
  • SEK 80m will be set aside for arranging cultural events under Covid-secure restrictions in 2020, and up to SEK 400 million will be distributed to organisers as compensation for lost revenue from cancelled or postponed events, from June to September.
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Oct Sweden Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • SEK 1.5 billion of additional support invested in culture in 2020. This money will help to ensure that an infrastructure for culture is maintained throughout the country, that cultural creators who have lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic can continue to support themselves, and that the cultural sector is given a chance to recover. Another SEK 1 billion will be allocated in 2021.
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Oct Sweden Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • The audience capacity is being raised to 300. The government announced that the capacity for seated audiences at cultural and sporting events will be raised to 300 people. The decision applies from 1 November.
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Oct Sweden Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Concerning exceptions to the 50-person limit_ the government is reviewing the rules for the number of participants allowed in various contexts during the pandemic. The change will apply from 8 October.
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July Sweden Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The cultural creators' copyright society Copyswede has paid more than SEK 84 million in additional payments to thousands of cultural creators, mainly Swedish but also foreign, due to the recent focus on advancing payments in response to the Corona pandemic crisis.
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July Sweden Cultural & creative industries Industry
  • The Writers Guild of Sweden has set up a special page, "Small businesses in Corona - questions and answers", to explain how self-employed writers can apply to the governmental measures to support the economy.
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June Sweden Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • Guidelines for film and TV productions in Sweden during the Corona / Covid-19 epidemic, issued by The Swedish Film & TV Producers Association, Media Industries Employer Association, and The Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film.
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June Sweden Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Sweden has become the latest country to introduce Value Added Tax easement measures to help businesses cope with the economic downturn of the Covid-19 crisis. As part of a SEK 300 billion support package, companies may delay VAT payments and other tax settlements for up to 12 months. The measure will be backdated to January 2020.
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June Sweden Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • No obligation for cinemas to be closed during Covid-19 crisis, but open with a maximum of 50 persons in the theatre, with disinfection and restriction rules. Only one chain has stayed open; the other cinemas have had too many losses in the context of Coronavirus and preferred to remain closed.
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June Sweden Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SAMI has adapted its planned payments to support its members by accelerating and advancing copyright payments.
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May Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Media regulator
  • The Media Subsidies Council at the SPBA assigns the press subsides and has prolonged the application time due to the extra subsidies. Payments will be made earlier and quotas regarding journalistic content will be lowered.
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May Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
  • The government has announced that a new support of SEK 500 million for the public news media will be launched in the wake of the corona crisis. This is in addition to the SEK 200 million in crisis support previously announced by the government. 
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April Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
  • Government proposal for a permanent increase in media support of SEK 200 million per year. 150 million of this year's money will be temporary support for the distribution of printed newspapers, while the remaining 50 million will double support for coverage of areas that lack or have poor journalistic coverage. In addition, newspapers that have received press support may receive the money earlier than planned
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April Sweden Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • Government announcement of a proposal to change the rules for the broadcasting of television advertising. The proposal means that the time allowed for advertising is calculated on the basis of a longer time interval instead of being currently based on clock time. The legislative change is authorised by amendments to the AV Directive and is expected to enter into force later this autumn.
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April Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
  • Temporary rule changes in press support Government proposal: payment of the press support already decided upon must be possible in advance for the current year, and the requirement of 55% own editorial material is temporarily dropped in order to receive support.
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April Sweden Film/AV sector (non-specific) Media regulator
  • Extension of the deadline of the application period for support for local journalism. New deadline is 15 April 2020.
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April Sweden Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • STIM offers, for a limited period of time, authors, composers and music publishers the opportunity to receive an advance payment, up to a maximum of SEK 200,000 per applicant. An amount of SEK 50 million has been set aside for these advances. The amount of the advance is based on the amount of revenue received from STIM in 2018 and 2019, as well as on the total amount of all advances granted to STIM members. 
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April Sweden Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • Earlier payment of support to cinemas ("Support to cinema owners for open screenings of films that received launch support").
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April Sweden Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • For projects, events and campaigns that have been postponed, any deadlines are extended, linked to the conditions for the support.
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April Sweden Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Allocation of funding (SEK 500 million) to businesses that lose revenue as a result of the restriction of public events. Minor events are also affected by the guidelines of the Public Health Authority and by general behavioral changes. Those who should be able to receive support are both large and small players who are active in the cultural field. Organizational form should play no role in being able to receive support. Government institutions are not covered, but their situation is closely monitored.
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March Sweden Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • For projects, events and campaigns that have been postponed, any deadlines are extended, linked to the conditions for the support.
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March Sweden Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • Films that have received launch support where the premiere has been cancelled or postponed have the opportunity to submit a new support application for a re-examination.
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March Sweden Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Already granted support for projects and activities that could not be competed or completed will not have to be reimbursed for already accrued costs. All deadlines extended.
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Nov Slovenia Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The ZAMP Association will not charge the users concerned for the use of copyrighted works during the fall 2020 confinement period. 
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Nov Slovenia Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • AIPA has published another call for applications for the payment of funds from the Audiovisual Co-Authors Fund - as assistance due to the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic. The call is aimed at retired, unemployed and partially self-employed persons who are members of AIPA as co-authors of audiovisual works or film producers.
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Nov Slovenia Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • AIPA has launched two calls for funding from a dedicated co-sponsor fund to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. The funds are intended for AIPA members who are co-authors of audiovisual works or film producers having their permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia. Self-employed and unemployed members may apply, as well as employed members under the conditions defined in the call. 
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June Slovenia Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 28 March - Slovenia has offered businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak the opportunity to apply for a deferral of their Value Added Tax payments. If granted, this would come without any penalties or interest charges. However, VAT filings still need to be submitted on time. Other tax returns have been delayed by two months.
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June Slovenia Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 18 May - Slovenia is to end the VAT reliefs on 31 May 2020 as the pandemic official emergency is ended.
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May Slovenia Film/AV sector  Broadcasting Film agency
  • extended deadlines for public calls
  • prolonged deadlines for projects 
  • simplification of administration (e-applications)
  • accelerated money transferring 
  • eligible costs expanded to include covid related expenses
  • distribution support flexibility: eligible distribution also online
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May  Slovenia Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • Film agency offers films, for which it has production rights, on better terms to exhibitors till end of 2020.
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April Slovenia Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • For music users, SAZAS will not charge a fee for the closing period of public gatherings and public spaces. In addition, users are exempt from any prior obligation to apply for special authorisations.
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April Slovenia Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Following the measures of restrictions on the movement of the population and closures of public places decided in the context of the Covid-19 crisis, the ZAMP Association has informed that it will not charge the users concerned for the costs related to the use of protected works.
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April Slovenia Film/AV sector (non-specific) Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Call for proposals for funds from the Audiovisual Co-Authors Fund - Epidemic Assistance: AIPA has launched a special call for applications for funds from the AIPA's Audiovisual Co-Authors' Fund - Self-Help Assistance. Audiovisual authors and other members of society, who are self-employed, may apply for emergency assistance in the gross amount of EUR 500.
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April Slovenia Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Communication on the regulator's operation in time of emergency. Announcement that certain derogations from the rules of administrative operation apply in this context (with the exception of urgent matter as defined in the regulator's missions):
  • statutory time limits within which the agency must issue an administrative decision do not apply.
  • there are no time limits for the execution of procedural actions, administrative cases and misdemeanor cases.
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April Slovenia Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Extension of the deadline for the submission of tenders for the award of four broadcasting rights for digital broadcasting in the Ljubljana area

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April Slovenia Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • Intervention Act on Emergency Measures to Mitigate the Consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 Infectious Disease Epidemic (COVID-19) - provision applicable to the cultural sector:
  • Exceptional financial support for the self-employed in the field of culture in the form of a basic income for the months of March, April and May on condition that they can prove a certain decrease in their income compared to February 2020.
  • Coverage by the State of all related social security contributions.
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April Slovenia Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • RTV Slovenia will not issue invoices for RTV's contribution for the month of April to legal persons and sole proprietors who have to pay a fee for receivers for public use (pubs, restaurants, wellness centres ...) and accommodation establishments.
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March  Slovenia Film/AV sector (non-specific) Film agency
  • Enabling limited time online screenings of Slovenian films under the brand "All (films) at home" with the aim of Slovene cultural content accessibility during COVID-19 lock down.
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March Slovenia Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
  • #antiCorona legislative package: Clause 1.1 provides that regional and other TV channels that inform the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia via DVB signal are exempted from paying for the distribution of TV signal by the public broadcaster RTV Slovenia.
Link to source document
Nov Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, SOZA's supervisory board has approved the extension of the implementation date of SKF projects approved in 2020 until the end of 2021. Modifications for individual projects can be made on the basis of a change request modified by an amendment to the contract, which must be signed before the new project implementation date.
Link to source document
Nov Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • The Supervisory Board of SOZA has approved an extraordinary assistance to the members, on the basis of which the right holder represented by SOZA can request the payment of advance payments for an amount of up to 50% of the remuneration of the other main invoice already this year. 
Link to source document
Oct Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • "The Slovak Audiovisual Fund operatively provides financial assistance to cinemas in Slovakia, intended mainly to mitigate the consequences of measures against the spread of COVID-19. For this purpose, the fund also received a special contribution from the state budget from the Ministry of Culture. Under the special call 9/2020, the fund first distributed EUR 502 400 to 57 cinema operators.
  • Later the Audiovisual Fund approved an additional deadline for the submission of applications until 20 November 2020."
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Government/
"Law No. 129/2020 ""lex corona in the field of culture"" 
  • The new law includes support measure for the cultural sector such as temporary adaptation of the contractual conditions for the implementation of public cultural events for the organisers
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Government/
  • "Law No. 129/2020 ""lex corona in the field of culture"" 
  • The new law includes support measure for the cultural sector such as the optimisation of the contribution obligation for beneficiaries of royalties and performers' copyright to artistic funds until 31 December 2020 by suspending the obligation to deduct a 2% contribution from their gross royalties to artistic funds, and a wider access to support for artists. 
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Government/
"Law No. 129/2020 ""lex corona in the field of culture"" 
  • The new law includes support measure for the cultural sector such as the restriction of the possibility for RTVS to use frequencies freed from the private broadcasters' frequency range due to the impossibility for private radio stations to request free frequencies by default, which would eliminate the loss of broadcast space and reduce their advertising potential
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Film/AV sector (non-specific) Government/
"Law No. 129/2020 ""lex corona in the field of culture"" 
  • The new law includes support measure for the cultural sector such as the unification of the regulation of the processes and administrative requirements of the Audiovisual Fund, the Arts Support Fund and the Fund for the Support of Culture of National Minorities, in order to simplify them to respond more effectively in times of crisis and mitigate the negative effects of the crisis on the cultural community.
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Video sharing platforms & social media Media regulator
  • The RVR, together with MEMO 98, organized an online conference on 14 April 2020 to discuss how to address the spread of COVID-19-related misinformation on Facebook, Google and Twitter and how to deal with the spread of misinformation. 
Link to source document
July Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • The Slovak government has proposed a revision of the operational guidelines for the resumption of activities in cinemas, theatres and other cultural events.
Link to source document
June Slovak Republic Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 27 March - The Slovak Ministry of Finance has published proposed relaxation of Value Added Tax and other tax rules. This will apply for February, March and April payments. There will also be no interest or penalties on late filings.
Link to source document
June Slovak Republic Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • 11 Jun - the Slovak tax office has confirmed non-resident businesses with a Slovakian VAT registration may apply for VAT deferments like domestic businesses.
Link to source document
June Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Exhibition Government/
  • Slovakia cinemas and theatres reopened on 20 May 2020, with a limit of 100 visitors, wearing masks and distancing limitations. The sale and consumption of food and drink is prohibited.
Link to source document
May Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Production Industry
  • Based on the recommendation created by the European Institute for the Safety of Film Industry and in collaboration with expert consultants, the leading audiovisual professional associations in Slovakia (ANP, ATVS, Slovak Film Commission, RTVS, etc) have adopted Self-regulatory guidelines for Risk protection against contagion of SARS-COV-2.  
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • Advance payment of royalties by June 30, 2020 for each SOZA member of up to 50% of last year's remuneration if its royalty for the use of works on the territory of the Slovak Republic has reached at least EUR 200.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • SOZA has revised the conditions of its open call for applications for the financial support of projects from its Social and Cultural Fund, allowing applications to be sent electronically.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • In order to mitigate as much as possible the effects of the current economic crisis, SOZA allows its authors to apply for a contribution under the SOZA Social and Cultural Fund in case of sudden financial emergency. SOZA has allocated a budget of EUR 40,000 to assist authors and the amount of the fixed grant per author is EUR 290.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • For cinemas that face the harshest immediate consequences (they were forced to be closed/cancelled/suspend their activities by the state) the Slovak Audiovisual Fund considers on a case by case basis the possibility of increasing the subsidy granted or providing specific short-term loans to small cinemas.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Broacasting Media regulator
  • Provisional measures regarding the Regulator's activities during the confinement period:
  • In the administrative field, the Council will only enforce the necessary obligations relating to property transfers and to prevent the use of broadcasting frequencies in an unlawful manner.
  • All temporary changes to broadcasting, imposed by the current situation, can be easily reported by e-mail without any change to the license terms.
  • If broadcasters are forced to temporarily stop broadcasting, due to the current situation, this will not affect the use of the license in the future.
  • In terms of content, the Council will confine itself to pursuing the most fundamental rules with particular emphasis on the objectivity of the information related to the spread of coronavirus.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • For film distributors, the fund is planning case by case cover certain expenses even when an event is cancelled or moved, or to postpone payment obligations for loans or levies.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Flexibility in adjusting the projects including their timelines and other measures.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Exhibition Film agency
  • For cinemas that face the harshest immediate consequences (they were forced to be closed/cancelled/suspend their activities by the state) the Slovak Audiovisual Fund considers on a case by case basis the possibility of increasing the subsidy granted or providing specific short-term loans to small cinemas.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Film agency
  • For events, the fund is planning case by case cover certain expenses even when an event is cancelled or moved, or to postpone payment obligatios for loans or levies.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Events & festivals Film agency
  • For events, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund considers on a case by case basis the possibility of increasing the subsidy granted.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Distribution Film agency
  • For film distributors, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund considers on a case by case basis the possibility of increasing the subsidy granted.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Production Film agency
  • Postponement of loan repayments for audiovisual production.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • Change in the deadlines of application for the granting and renewal of licenses.
Link to source document
April Slovak Republic Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • Payment of 80% of the employee's salary to certain types of companies.
  • Support for self-employed persons and employees depending on the the amount of decrease in revenues.
  • Provision of bank guarantees amounting.
  • Employees in quarantine and parents to be paid 55% of their gross salary at all times.
  • Postponement of payment of employer contributions when sales fall by more than 40%.
  • Postponement of income tax advances when sales fell by more than 40%.
  • Possibility of offsetting losses not yet claimed since 2014 included.
Link to source document
June Turkey Cross-sector - All industries Government/
  • The Turkish tax office on 24 March introduced VAT payment reliefs. Several sectors will have their VAT returns for April, May and June delayed until 27 July 2020. VAT payments for April to June are delayed six months out to October to December. The sectors include: automotive; accomodation; cinema; heath; publishing; pubic exercise facilities; and professional services.
Link to source document
June Turkey Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • MESAM will distribute royalty payments to its members at the beginning of May instead of June. 
Link to source document
April Turkey Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • RTÜK decided to postpone the advertising Supreme Board shares to be paid by the 1793 media service provider organization for a period of 3 months.
Link to source document
April Turkey Film/AV sector - Broadcasting Media regulator
  • The regulator published principles that media organisations should implement in the light of a study carried out by Ankara University on media responsibility within the scope of the coronavirus outbreak.
Link to source document
COVID-19-Maßnahmen – Supranational


February Supranational Video
platforms &
social media
  • The European Commission published a set of reports on actions taken in December 2020, provided by the signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation as part of the COVID-19 monitoring and reporting programme - a transparency measure to ensure public accountability of the signatories of the Code of Practice on Disinformation.
Link to source document
February Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions aims at facilitating access to EU support via a dedicated tool for media companies to find all relevant EU funding opportunities for them. This will offer guidance on how to apply for relevant EU support, in the context of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, but also through national recovery and resilience plans.
Link to source document
February Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions is to boost investment in the audiovisual industry via a new initiative MEDIA INVEST whose target is to leverage investments of EUR 400 million over a 7-year period.
Link to source document
February Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions is to launch a “NEWS” initiative to bundle actions and support for the news media sector. The initiative includes a pilot NEWS invest project with foundations and other private partners, access to loans to be backed by the InvestEU guarantee, grants, and a European News Media Forum with the sector. Particular attention will be paid to local media.
Link to source document
Dec Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions aims at facilitating access to EU support via a dedicated tool for media companies to find all relevant EU funding opportunities for them. This will offer guidance on how to apply for relevant EU support, in the context of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, but also through national recovery and resilience plans.
Link to source document
Dec Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions is to boost investment in the audiovisual industry via a new initiative MEDIA INVEST whose target is to leverage investments of EUR 400 million over a 7-year period.
Link to source document
Dec Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • The Commission is launching an action plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, in the form of 10 concrete actions. One of its actions is to launch a “NEWS” initiative to bundle actions and support for the news media sector. The initiative includes a pilot NEWS invest project with foundations and other private partners, access to loans to be backed by the InvestEU guarantee, grants, and a European News Media Forum with the sector. Particular attention will be paid to local media.
Link to source document
Nov Supranational Cultural &
Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • CISAC report “COVID-19: Crisis, Resilience, Recovery” shows how creators have been impacted by the pandemic and analyses the continuing effects on their income well into 2021, the actions of authors societies and the support needed from governments
Link to source document
Nov Supranational Cross sector  
- All
  • EU institutions reached a provisional agreement on deploying additional EU resources and measures of EUR 47,5 billion to mitigate the immediate effects of the COVID-19 crisis. This support will be available in all economic sectors, including tourism and culture, which are heavily affected."
Link to source document
Sept Supranational Cultural &
  • Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • The Recovery and Resilience Facility offers financial support
    for investments and reforms with a lasting impact on the
    productivity and resilience of Member States’ economies.
    This includes investments in the fields of green and
    digital transitions as well as other reforms that foster
    sustainable growth. The Facility has an overall budget of
    €672.5 billion: €312.5 billion in grants and €360 billion in
    loans. To access funding through the Recovery and
    Resilience Facility, Member States are required to
    submit national Recovery and Resilience plans as
    part of their National Reform Programmes. 
Link to
Sept Supranational Cultural &
  • The REACT-EU initiative adds €55 billion to the ongoing
    2014-2020 cohesion policy programmes to support
    workers and SMEs; health systems; and society’s green
    and digital transition. The budget is purposely not broken
    down per region or economic sector to allow for targeting
    the areas where support is most needed. Considering
    that the European Commission explicitly listed the culture
    and creative sectors among the sectors most in need of
    support, funding for the culture and creative sectors'is in
    theory available through REACT-EU. 
Link to
Sept Supranational Cultural &
  • InvestEU Programme
  • InvestEU can provide crucial support to companies in the
    recovery phase. It ensures investors stay focused on the
    EU’s long-term priorities such as the European Green
    Deal and the digitization challenge. The InvestEU budget
    guarantee lists four existing policy windows, of which at
    least three can be connected to the CCS: research,
    innovation and digitization (+€10 bn); SMEs (+€10 bn); and
    social investment and skills (+€3.6 bn). 
  • Culture and creative sectors' stakeholders can reach
    out to participating banks and inquire whether they can
    benefit from the increased InvestEU budget.
Link to
Sept Supranational Cultural &
  • Solvency Support Instrument 
  • It guarantees from the EU budget to support viable
    European companies that suffer from solvency issues
    due to the COVID-19 crisis. The instrument operates
    alongside InvestEU, and will be implemented in
    collaboration with the EIB Group within the framework
    of the European Fund for Strategic Investments. As the
    European Commission has included the culture and
    creative sectors amongst the list of sectors most affected,
    the latter are in a position to benefit from the Solvency
    Support Instrument. 
Link to
August Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • Forty-one international film festivals and several trade
    organisations and unions representing the industry
    have signed a call addressed to national and regional
    institutions for immediate relief measures and to safeguard
    the current festival ecosystem at the national, regional and
    global level.
Link to
August Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • Nighty-nine cultural and creative bodies request EU strong
    and systemic support measures to overcome the coronavirus
Link to
July Supranational Film/Av
sector - Distribution
  • Europa Distribution - the Network of independent
    Publishers and Distributors and FIAD - the
    International Federation of Film Distributors’
    Associations, issue a joint call for urgently needed
    support during the COVID-19 crisis. The
    organisations have called for an emergency fund and
    access to Creative Europe-MEDIA grants. The
    statement lays out specific requests at the state level
    as well as the European level.
Link to
July Supranational Film/Av
sector - Distribution
  • As a result of the difficulties applicants face due to the
    COVID-19 outbreak, section 4 and 9 have been amended
    under the call EACEA/22/2019 - Distribution and Sales
    Agents Automatic Support 2020, which include an increase
    of the amount of the potential fund that can be received by
Link to
July Supranational Film/Av
sector 'Non specific)
  • EDN is conducting a Covid-19 Survey for Documentary
    Professionals, in order to learn more about how the ongoing
    pandemic is affecting the audiovisual sector and the general
    situation of documentary professional. 
Link to
July Supranational Cultural &
  • In order to address the profound impact of the Covid-19
    pandemic on the cultural sector, UNESCO has launched a
    weekly "Culture & COVID-19: Impact and Response Tracker"
    to provide an overview of the rapidly evolving situation and
    explores the immediate impact of the health crisis.

Link to

July Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • Since mid-March, FSE has contacted its member guilds and
    monitored various channels of information to publish regular
    reviews of various initiatives taken to tackle Covid-19 crisis in
    the audiovisual and cultural sectors.
Link to
July Supranational Film/AV
sector - Broadcasting
  • EBU published a report providing an overview of how EBU
    Members reached out to cultural institutions and creatives
    in need through various support measures.
Link to
July Supranational Cross sector  
- All
  • The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (COE) issued
    an important Information Document (toolkit) for member states
    entitled “Respecting democracy, rule of law and human rights
    in the framework of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis.” It aims at
    providing member states with a toolkit for dealing with the
    COVID-19 crisis in a way that respects the fundamental
    values of democracy, rule of law and human rights. Notably,
    the document contains important guidance relating to freedom
    of expression, media freedom, and public broadcasting. 
Link to
July Supranational Cross sector  
- All
  • The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights,
    Dunja Mijatović, issued a Statement concerning measures
    aimed at countering disinformation about the COVID-19
    pandemic, by pointing out that certain CoE member states
    had used countering disinformation about COVID-19 as a
    “pretext to introduce disproportionate restrictions to press
    freedom,” which is a “counterproductive approach that must
Link to
July Supranational Cultural &


  • Joint letter from the French, German and Italian
    Ministries of Culture to the European Commission,
    asking for an increase in the budget of the Creative
    Europe programme, and for more cooperation and
    support for the cultural and media sectors. 
Link to
June Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • The Council adopted by written procedure the
    conclusions on risk management in the area of cultural
    heritage, which recalled the importance of protecting
    cultural heritage against the various types of risks
    threatening it, and recognised that crisis such as the
    COVID-19 pandemic have a huge negative impact on
    the cultural and creative sectors. Member states are
    invited to identify innovative tools and approaches for
    risk identification, prevention and mitigation.  
Link to
June Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • The Council adopted by written procedure the conclusions
    amending the Work Plan for Culture (2019-2022), which
    reiterated that promoting sustainable development is a key
    action for the European Union’s future in the Strategic Agenda
    2019 – 2024 and amend the plan to give priority to culture as a
    driver of sustainable development.
Link to
June Supranational Film/ AV
sector – Production
  • The European Producers Club (EPC) published
    recommendations on safety rules on the film set in the
    COVID-19 virus threat.
Link to
June Supranational Film/Av
sector - Non specific
EU institution
  • The Council adopted by written procedure the
    conclusions on media literacy in an ever-changing
    world, which recognised the importance of media
    literacy given the growing exposure of citizens to a
    large amount of information, in particular during
    global crises such as the current COVID-19 crisis.
    They invited Member states to undertake various
    measures, such as developing lifelong-learning
    approaches to media literacy for all ages.
Link to
June Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • European Member state representatives have agreed
    on 24 June the postponement of the EU VAT
    e-commerce package until 1 July 2021. The delay
    will be formally adopted by the European Council
    shortly without further discussion. The postponement
    is due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19
Link to
June Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • The EU’s European Commission has recommended
    that member states looking to provide businesses with
    immediate support during the coronavirus pandemic
    should consider Value Added Tax payment holidays.
    VAT, and other tax payment deferments offer immediate
    cashflow relief for companies facing a drop-off in revenues.
    The EC has already indicated that it will relax state-aid
    rules for tax relief to specific businesses or industries.
Link to
June Supranational Film/ AV
sector – Production
Film agency
  • The EFAD has tracked the safety recommendations and
    guidelines published in the different European countries. 
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector -Broadcasting
    EBU conducted a study on how audiences turned to
    Public Service Media news during the period of confinement.
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector -
  • UNIC collected detailed information on the impact of the
    Coronavirus outbreak on the cinema industry across the
    38 territories it represents.
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector -
  • UNIC, in collaboration with their partners from the Film Expo
    Group, have put to programme for the CineEurope online
    convention, which will offer seminars and conference on
    the future of the cinema industry after this crisis and post-
    pandemic technologies.
Link to
June Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
    CONSUMPTION: EBU published a report exploring the
    impact the pandemic is having on Digital Media
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector - Broadcasting
    PERFORMANCE: The EBU has published a report focusing
    on public service media services provided to children during
    the confinement period, covering the performance of existing
    services for children, as well as special content launched in
    key areas during COVID-19 (education, information and entertainment).   
Link to
June Supranational

sector - Broadcasting

    AT RISK: EBU conducted a report to understand the
    financial burdens public service media may be suffering
    as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
Link to
June Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • The Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and
    Culture has published answers to Frequently Asked
    Questions concerning the Creative Europe programme
    during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Link to
June Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • EACEA has created a websit that gives information to
    beneficiaries and other participants in EACEA's funding
    programmes, on how coronavirus is affecting their activities,
    what changes are taking place, and what help is available.
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector -
EU institution
  • As a result of difficulties experienced by cinemas due to
    the coronavirus outbreak, the call for the Support to cinema
    Networks 2020 has been amended, the budget increased
    (to EUR 15,9 million) and the deadline extended.
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • The European Institute for Health and Safety in Film Industry
    has published Self.regulatory guidelines for risk protection
    against contagion of Sars-Cov-2. Basic safety rules for
    audiovisual production.
Link to
June Supranational Film/Av
sector (Non specific)
  • Facing the global situation generated by Covid-19, the annual
    deadline is maintained but for the applications, exceptionally,
    some requirements will be relaxated, both for Development and
    Co-production support.
Link to
June Supranational Film/AV
sector - Distribution
EU institution
  • As a result of cashflow difficulties experienced by beneficiaries
    due to the coronavirus outbreak, the payment arrangements
    have been adapted under the Distribution and Sales Agents
    Automatic Support 2020.
Link to
May Supranational Cultural &
  • 75 organisations from Europe’s cultural and creative
    sectors (including, among others, CEPI, FERA, FIAPF,
    UNI MEI, UNIC or FIA) call for ambitious EU budgetary
    measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • In addition to a guide, European Film Commissions Network
    (EUFCN) keeps track of all guidelines for productions during
    COVID-19 adopted in the various film agencies in Europe on
    a dedicated page 'FILMING EUROPE IN SAFETY'
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • In association with the European Institute for Health and
    Safety in Film Industry, the EUFCN (European Film
    Commissions Network) has published a guide "RISK
    DURING FILMING - Basic Safety Rules" providing
    recommendation and basic methods to establish technical
    and organisational measures for contagion prevention. 
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
Film agency
  • Full report by Nordisk Film & TV Fond on official measures to
    go back filming safely in the Nordics under COVID-19,
    including plans for foreign shoots.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV 
sector (Non specific)
  • The CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance Database
    Poynter has set up a database designed to gather all of the
    false information related to the Covid-19 crisis  detected by
    the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus alliance.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV sector (Non specific) International
  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF) launched “Tracker 19”,
    named after the Covid-19 but also Article 19 of the
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which aims to
    evaluate the pandemic’s impacts on journalism by
    documenting on state censorship, deliberate disinformation,
    and their impact on the right to reliable news and information.
Link to
May Supranational

sector -
Events & festivals

  • The European Film Academy has decided to exceptionally
    extend its eligibility rules for films eligible to participate in
    the European Film Awards 2020, removing the need for an
    official first screening. 
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector -
EU institution
  • A mapping of the availability of the finalist films from every
    edition of the LUX Prize (2007 to 2019), on every VoD
    platform in the European Union and the United Kingdom.
    This initiative complements the #Europeansagainstcovid19
    campaign put in place by the European Parliament.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector -
Events &
  • The European Film Academy (EFA) has exceptionally
    extended the eligibility rules for films participating in the
    next European Film Awards. The change concerns films
    that had a premiere scheduled until 31 May 2020, which
    could not take place because of the pandemic. Provided
    that such a film will premiere theatrically or online before
    the end of November, it is – exceptionally – eligible for
    this year’s European Film Awards.
Link to
May Supranational Video
platforms &
social media
  • In order to facilitate the search for credible information
    on Twitter and to limit the spread of potentially harmful
    content, Twitter announced that it will introduce new tags
    and warning messages that will provide context and
    additional information on certain tweets containing
    disputed or misleading information related to COVID-19. 
Link to
May Supranational Cross sector
- All
International organisation
  • COVID-19 IP Policy Tracker
  • The WIPO COVID-19 IP Policy Tracker provides information
    on measures adopted by IP offices in response to the
    COVID-19 pandemic and information on legislative and
    regulatory measures for access and voluntary actions.
Link to
May Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • Creatives unite; A new platform for cultural and creative
    stakeholders. It gives access in one single space to
    information about cultural and creative sector initiatives
    responding to the coronavirus crisis including a multitude
    of existing resources and numerous relevant networks and organisations.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector -
EU institution
  • Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton has called
    on the responsibility of streaming services, operators and
    users. Streaming platforms are advised to offer standard
    rather than high definition and to cooperate with telecom
  • Following this call, several online platforms took active
  • Netflix slightly reduced the video quality on its service in
    Europe by 25% for a limited period, to reduce the strain on
    internet service providers. It was joind by Disney+, Apple,
    Amazon and YouTube, who took similar measures.

Link to

Link to

Link to

May Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • The European Parliament’s Culture and Education
    Committee, in a letter to Commissioners Thierry Breton
    and Mariya Gabriel, called for additional EU action to make
    sure EU help reaches the ravaged media and culture
  • Emergency support needed for media, with advertising
    revenues dropping as much as 80%
  • Make sure EU support reaches culture SMEs, individual
    creators and charities
  • Create an emergency fund for media, earmark structural
    funds for culture, and beef up the guarantee instrument
Link to
May Supranational Cultural &
  • UNESCO is launching a global movement – ResiliArt.
  • ResiliArt sheds light on the current state of creative
    industries amidst crisis through an exclusive global
    discussion with keyindustry professionals while
    capturing experiences and voices of resilience from artists
    - both established and emerging –on social media.
    Together, it raises awareness about the far-reaching
    ramification of COVID-19 across the sector and
    aims at supporting artists during and following the crisis.
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV 
sector (Non specific)
  • The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media,
    Harlem Désir, called on participating States throughout
    the OSCE region to let journalists work do their job
    unhindered, without fear or favour, especially in this time
    of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Link to
May Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • European audiovisual industry appealing to european
    commission and member states governments re:
    coronavirus crisis. Proposition of 10 measures to apply
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May Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Banking package: The aim is to facilitate bank lending to
    businesses (as well as households) throughout the EU. It
    includes an Interpretative Communication on the EU's
    accounting and prudential frameworks, as well as targeted
    “quick fix” amendments to EU banking rules.
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May Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • Issue of a "Q&A concerning Creative Europe activities in
    light of the COVID-19 pandemic", including (among
    other information):
  • additional or exceptional travel costs, directly and
    exclusively linked to
  • the project may be covered under certain conditions,
    as well as costs directly and exclusively linked to cancelled
    activities under funded projects
  • clear instructions for Creative Europe's managers on the
    use of the 'force majeure' clause;
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April Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • Emergency support fund for media.
  • Members of European Parliament’s Culture and Education
    Committee called for further action by the European Union
    to ensure support for the media and culture sectors. In
    particular, they asked that the European Commission
    should explore the possibility of an emergency support fund
    to support the media and press sector.
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April Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • More support to culture and creative sector
  • Members of European Parliament’s Culture and Education
    Committee called for further action by the European Union
    to ensure support for the media and culture sectors. In
    particular, they asked:
  • to increase the guarantee mechanism for the cultural
    and creative sectors (Creative Europe programme) to
    ensure that aid reaches the cultural and creative sector,
    in particular individual creators and SMEs. 
  • consider the creation of an ad hoc financial instrument
    under the European Investment Fund to channel funds
    to this sector. 
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector -
EU institution
  • Under the responsibility of Commissioner Breton,
    special measures for cinemas are foreseen in the
    context of MEDIA support to the Europa Cinemas
    network. This is likely to take the form of a EUR 5
    million supplementary allocation of funds in the form
    of “vouchers” for cinemas most severely affected by
    the lockdown.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • European Guarantee Fund
  • European Finance Ministers approved the
    establishment of a European Guarantee Fund of EUR
    25 billion that will support up to EUR 200 billion of
    financing for companies, with a special focus on SMEs.
    The EUR 25 billion guarantee fund will be funded by
    EU member states pro rata to their shareholding in the
    EIB and/or other institutions. Thanks to the guarantee,
    the EIB Group will be able to provide existing products
    to local banks and other financial intermediaries, who
    are in close contact with businesses in all member
    states and can unlock financing to the real economy,
    without risking financial instability.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Temporary Framework to support the economy in the
    context of the coronavirus outbreak. The new framework
    will enable Member States to:
  • Set up schemes direct grants (or tax advantages) up to
    €500,000 to a company, 
  • Give subsidised State guarantees on bank loans, 
  • Enable public and private loans with subsidised interest
    rates. Finally, Recognise the important role of the banking
    sector to channel direct aid to final customers, in particular
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April Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • Evaluation of the 2020 Cooperation projects call has been
    speeded up to take account of the pandemic. The call,
    which is worth an overall sum of EUR 48,5 million, was
    launched in November 2019. A first substantial part of the
    budget will reach the sector via the pre-financing instalments
    very quickly. The projects can start in September 2020 and
    can last up to four years.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • COVID-19-Exceptional measures:
  • Preparing alternative means of signature of the Eurimages
    Support Agreement and other contractual documents, such
    as List of Deductions, to replace the circulation of hard
    copies. - Implementing electronic signatures on Eurimages
    Support Agreement and contracts considering the postal
    services disruption;
  • Processing the first payment of the Fund’s support on
    presentation of a declaration confirming the start of
    shooting. Interruption will be considered as falling under the
    ‘force majeure’ clause of the Eurimages Support Agreement.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
EU institution
  • European Parliament resolution of 17 April 2020 on EU
    coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic
    and its consequences.
  • The resolution stresses that misinformation about
    COVID-19 is a major public health problem.  Therefore,
    the EU should establish a European information source
    to ensure that all citizens have access to accurate and
    verified information.
  • MEPs also call on social media companies to take the
    necessary steps to stop misinformation and hate speech
    related to the coronavirus.
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April Supranational

sector (Non specific)

  • Combating the disinfodemic:
  • UNESCO has published two policy briefs offering critical
    insights into the fast-growing COVID-19-related
    disinformation that is impeding access to trustworthy
    sources and reliable information. One assesses the type
    of coronavirus
  • disinformation and the other focuses on the type of
    response to the viral spread of Covid-19 disinformation.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector -
Events &
  • We Are One: A Global Film Festival is produced
    and organized by Tribeca Enterprises of New York.
    The YouTube event will feature programming from
    20 major film festivals, including the Cannes
    Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, 
    Sundance Film Festival, Berlin International Film
    Festival, Tribeca Film Festival and Venice Film
    Festival. It will run from May 29 to June 7, 2020
    and will be available on youtube.com/weareone.
    The free, commercial-free programming will
    include feature films, shorts,documentaries,music,
    comedies and panel discussions.
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April Supranational Cultural &
  • UNESCO organized an online meeting where more
    than 130 ministers and deputy ministers of culture
    joined to discuss actions to support the cultural sector.
    On this occasion, participants called for building a
    broad coalition to support the cultural ecosystem, with
    some calling for a strengthened platform for dialogue to
    share good practices among States, and others stressing
    the need for international financial mechanisms to support
    countries least able to strengthen their cultural sectors.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Distribution
  • Europa Distribution and FIAD call for urgent support to
    mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on film
    distribution in order to avoid a long-term catastrophe.
    To this end, they recall the impact that the current crisis
    is having on distribution, and make a list of
    recommendations for measures to be adopted at national
    and European level. 
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April Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • CREATIVE EUROPE Programme has adopted extend
    periods of implementation of projects; extend deadlines
    of calls during the crisis; flexibility in accepting activities
    and budget revisions; speed up payment processes to
    facilitate cashflow.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
  • The Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT)
    calls for strong sustainability measures. In the short term,
    ACT calls on the European Commission to demonstrate
    flexibility in the application of state aid rules; in particular
    recognising the need for Member States to help their own
    national broadcasters withstand a major drop in revenue.
    The European Commission in close cooperation with the
    European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media
    Services, should develop guidance to enact leniency
    (such as standstill periods for quota obligations) and
    liberalisation measures to ensure Broadcasters can
    rebound from the crisis.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • AFCI’s new Global Production Alert provides a one-stop
    source for COVID-19-related restrictions information direct
    from film offices around the world in order to help the
    industry stay up-to-speed throughout each phase of the
    pandemic, from the current shutdown through the lifting of
    restrictions and return to production.
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April Supranational Cultural &
  • In a communiqué, the OECD recalled the importance
    of designing public support to mitigate the negative
    impacts that may affect the cultural and creative sectors,
    with particular emphasis on small companies and
    independent professionals. To this end, the OECD
    organized  a series of targeted discussions and training
    sessions for policy makers and practitioners. 
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Broadcasting
  • The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is calling on
    governments across Europe not to take advantage of
    emergency measures, designed to address the coronavirus
    pandemic, to restrict freedom of expression, freedom of the
    media or the free flow of news and information.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • The European Commission's President U. Von der Leyen
    made a statement on the emergency measures put in place
    in response to the epidemic, stressing the importance that
    such measures are not to be taken to the detriment of the
    fundamental principles and values of the European Union
    and should respect the principles of necessity and
    proportionality. In particular, she recalled that " Democracy
    cannot work without free and independent media."
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April Supranational Cultural &
EU institution
  • The European Parliament's Culture Committee issued a
    statement calling for support for the creative sectors as
    part of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative
    and Structural Funds.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Broadcasting
EU institution
  • Creation of a dedicated Action Group
  • The Action Group will serve as a forum for
    exchanging experiences and information on the
    implications of the crisis on the economic
    conditions of the audiovisual media sector in the
    Member States. In order to ensure a rapid
    exchange of information between interested
    ERGA members, the Task Force could set up
    an ""emergency channel"" via a messaging service,
    for example, in which any regulator wishing to
    participate could do so. If the results of the
    stocktaking exercise and the exchange of
    information allow, the Action group could make
    practical recommendations to the European
    Commission and Member State policy-makers,
    encouraging them to take into account the media
    sector and its particular role for stable democracies
    when creating safety nets for the economy. 
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • The ECB's pandemic emergency purchase programme
    (PEPP) introduces EUR 750 billion to help fight the
    consequences of the pandemic:
  • To launch a new temporary asset purchase programme of
    private and public sector securities to counter the serious
    risks to the monetary policy transmission mechanism and
    the outlook for the euro area posed by the outbreak and
    escalating diffusion of the coronavirus, COVID-19. Purchases
    will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the
    asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme (APP). 
  • To expand the range of eligible assets under the corporate
    sector purchase programme (CSPP) to non-financial
    commercial paper, making all commercial papers of sufficient
    credit quality eligible for purchase under CSPP. 
  • To ease the collateral standards by adjusting the main risk
    parameters of the collateral framework. In particular, the
    ECB will expand the scope of Additional Credit Claims (ACC)
    to include claims related to the financing of the corporate sector.
    This will ensure that counterparties can continue to make full
    use of the Eurosystem’s refinancing operations.
  • The ECB will ensure that all sectors of the economy can benefit
    from supportive financing conditions that enable them to absorb
    this shock. This applies equally to families, firms, banks and governments. 
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (CRII+)
  • The new package complements an earlier initiative by
    introducing extraordinary flexibility to allow that all non-utilised
    support from the European Structural and Investment Funds
    can be mobilised to the fullest. This flexibility is provided for
  • transfer possibilities across the three cohesion policy funds
    (the European Regional Development Fund, European Social
    Fund and Cohesion Fund)
  • transfers between the different categories of regions;
  • flexibility when it comes to thematic concentration;
  • a 100% EU co-financing rate for cohesion policy programmes
    for the accounting year 2020-2021, allowing Member States
    to benefit for full EU financing for crisis-related measures.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Extension of the EU Solidarity Fund:
  • Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament
    and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC)
    No 2012/2002 in order to provide financial assistance
    to Member States and countries negotiating their
    accession to the Union seriously affected by a major
    public health emergency, COM/2020/114 final.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency
  • The European Commission's new instrument will provide up
    to EUR 100 billion in loans to countries that need it to ensure
    that workers receive an income and businesses keep their
    food shopping and helps provide much needed stability to
    the economy.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • The European Commission has unlocked €1 billion from the
    European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) that will
    serve as a guarantee to the European Investment Fund
    (EIF), part of the European Investment Bank Group. This
    will allow the EIF to issue special guarantees to incentivise
    banks and other lenders to provide liquidity to at least
    100,000 European SMEs and small mid-cap companies hit
    by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, for
    an estimated available financing of €8 billion.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
  • The VOD platform ARTE is offering up various entertaining
    cultural content for free during lockdown, including
    documentaries, live concerts and dance.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
  •  SOFA – School of Film Advancement announced that its
    second workshop of the MEDIA-funded training programme
    will take place online from 25 to 30 April, with selected live
    events for the general public.
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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • The European Commission presented the
    European coordinated response to counter
    the economic impact of the Coronavirus,
    which focuses on:ensuring the necessary
    supplies to our health systems by
  • preserving the integrity of the Single Market and
    ofproduction and distribution of value chains;
  • supporting people so that income and jobs are not
    affected disproportionally and to avoid permanent
    effect of this crisis;
  • supporting firms and ensure that the liquidity of our
    financial sector can continue to support the economy;
  • allowing Member States to act decisively in a
    coordinated way, through using the full flexibility of
    our State Aid and Stability and Growth Pact
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Broadcasting
EU institution
  • Extension of the mandate of ERGA Sub-Group 2 on
  • Sub-group 2 on misinformation will broaden its scope
    to conduct an assessment of how the platforms are
    responding to the challenges posed by this
    extraordinary situation. The assessment will place
    particular emphasis on the measures taken by the
    platforms to identify, control and prevent the dissemination
    of false, misleading or incorrect information about medical
    treatments and the disease as such, as well as the
    measures taken by governments and regulators. 

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April Supranational Cross sector
- All
  • The European Journalist Federation (EFJ) calls on EU
    and governments to fight the COVID-19 crisis in the media
    sector by:
  • Increasing national funding for public media;
  • Providing direct financial support for daily and weekly
    newsrooms to be distributed by an independent body 
  • Supporting new approaches to newsgathering,
    specifically  independent, local community-based,
    investigative journalism and news start-ups, among
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
  • 52 organisations from the film and audiovisual sector in
    Europe call for urgent action by EU and Member State
    decision-makers to safeguard the future of the sector in
    the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, following in the
    footsteps of initial emergency measures announced at
    national level, including by film funds and other bodies.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • Joint Declaration of Animation in Europe, CEPI,
    Fighting the global COVID-19 crisis in the film and
    TV production sector. Signatories offer European and
    national decision-makers targeted recommendations
    to minimize the economic, social and cultural impact
    of the crisis in the film and audiovisual production
    segment of the industry.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector (Non specific)
  • Published by Euractiv, Media stakeholders and experts
    (in a personal capacity) along with MEPs and former
    MEPs express in an Open Letter to the President
    of the EU Commission, asking for the Commission
    to support trust in public action, and to help sustain
    the Media in this testing time.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector -
& festivals
EU institution
  • Extension of the deadline for the Call for proposals
    EACEA/26/2019: Support for Festivals, to 21 May
    2020 at 5pm, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
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April Supranational Cultural & creative industries Collective Management Organisations (CMOs)
  • GESAC, the European Grouping of Societies of
    Authors and Composers has produced a COVID-19:
    mapping authors’ societies responses, a map with
    summaries of the measures and initiatives put in
    place by European authors' societies to support
    their creators.
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April Supranational Film/AV
sector -
EU institution
  • Extention of the deadline for the Call for proposals
    EACEA 23/2019 on the Promotion of European
    Audiovisual Works Online 2020, to 5 May 2020 at
    5pm, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
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April Supranational


EU institution
  • The European Commission and the Body of European
    Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
    issued a joint statement on tackling the increased
    network connectivity needs caused by the Covid-19
    pandemic, asking service providers to work closely with
    national regulators.
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April Supranational Film/AV
  • Statement by the CoE’s Committee of experts on media
    environment and reform : In line with the CoE Guidelines
    on protecting freedom of expression and information in
    times of crisis, the Committee reminds that the crisis
    situation should not be used as a pretext for restricting the
    public's access to information, or to introduce any restrictions
    on media freedom beyond the limitations allowed by Article
    10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
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March Supranational Cross sector
- All
EU institution
  • Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII)
  • An initiative launched by the European Commission  to
    mobilise cohesion policy to flexibly respond to the rapidly
    emerging needs in the most exposed sectors, such as
    healthcare, SMEs and labour markets, and help the most
    affected territories in Member States and their citizens.
    To this effect, the European Commission made a series of
    proposals on 13 March 2020 to amend legislation that will
    allow Member States to benefit from more financial back-up
    and targeted assistance.
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March Supranational Cultural & creative industries EU institution
  • Creative Europe Calls: Coronavirus - deadline for
    applications extended:
  • EAC/2019/0669 ""Cultural Heritage in Action"" peer-
    learning scheme for local authorities financed by
    Creative Europe;
  • EACEA 39/2019 ""Cultural Cooperation Projects in the
    Western Balkans 2019.
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March Supranational Film/AV
sector - Production
  • Interruption to principal photography:
  • In the case of interruptions, provided the Eurimages
    Support Agreement has been or can be signed,
    release of the first payment of the Fund's support can
    be made on presentation of a declaration confirming the
    start of shooting. The interruption will be considered as
    falling under the "force majeure" clause of the
    Eurimages Support Agreement, and therefore accepted
    by Eurimages as a valid reason for the break in production.
    However should production be definitely abandoned,
    producers are asked to inform without delay their
    Eurimages project manager by e-mail.
Link to
March Supranational Video
sharing platforms &
EU institution
  • CreativeEuropeAtHome
  • A social media campaign on Creative Europe
    accounts (#CreativeEuropeAtHome) to highlight great
    online cultural activities of beneficiaries that offer
    online cultural activities to post about it on social media. 
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March Supranational Cultural & creative industries EU institution
  • Corona Virus: Consequences for Creative Europe
    programme and related activities. The Commission
    fully respects all of the containment measures currently
    being taken at national level and understands their
    consequences on the projects and other initiatives.
    It will take action by:
  • Responding to uncertainties, together with EACEA
    (Executive Agency) by applying the maximum flexibility
    in the implementation of the programme.
  • Being in close contact with the national Creative Europe
    desks regarding the situation.
  • Monitoring this situation very closely and adopting any
    additional measure that may become necessary.
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March Supranational Film/AV
sector - Distribution
  • Application of the “force majeure” clauses of Eurimages
    Support Agrement to delegate producers of projects
    supported by Eurimages whose theatrical release has
    been cancelled or indefinitely postponed due to the
    closure of cinemas:  i.e. Eurimages will during this
    period only, accept other forms of presentation to the
    public, such as VOD, TVOD or d-cinema, in both
    majority and minority co-producing countries.
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