Legislative activities
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- Sep 2021
- To promote self-regulation for the protection of minors, KommAustria adopted guidelines on September 15, 2021 which will serve as support in coping with the effort of self-regulation in relation to the classification of content that may impair the physical, mental or moral development of minors.
- March 2021
- KommAustria issued guidelines for the transparent expansion of accessibility in audiovisual media. In these guidelines, KommAustria specifies how planned measures are to be presented in a three-year action plan.
- Law entered into force on 1 January 2021.
The Federal law amending the Audiovisual Media Services Act, the KommAustria Act, the ORF Act and the Private Radio Act (federal law by which the Audiovisual Media Services Act, the KommAustria Act, the ORF Law and the private radio law are changed) of the National Council was published on 23 December 2021:
- November 2020
The draft has been submitted to Parliament. It was examined by the Constitutional Committee on November 25.
- September 2020
A draft federal law amending the Audiovisual Media Services Act, the KommAustria Act, the ORF Act and the Private Radio Act was published by the ministry. Stakeholders have time until October 16 to file their comments / remarks. After that the revised draft will be sent to the parliament - it is expected that it will be final by the end of 2020, ( draft of a federal law with which the Audiovisual Media Services Act, the KommAustria Act, the ORF Act and the Private Radio Act changed ):,_KOG-G,_ORF-G_und_PrR-G_Entwurf.pdf
- July 2019
Federal Act of 12 June 2019 amending the KommAustria Act - transposes article 33bis of the AVMSD on the promotion of media literacy: 20190612
- News and follow-up:
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Belgium ( Brussels Capital Region )
- July 2021
Belgium (Brussels-Capital Region) has transposed the AVMSD 2018/1808 with the Law 21 July 2021, amending Law of 5 May 2017 on audiovisual media services in the bilingual Brussels-Capital Region, that entered into force on 20 August 2021 :
- MNELink
- NL: Wet houdende omzetting van Richtlijn (EU) 2018/1808 van het Europeanes Parlement en de Raad van 14 November 2018 tot wijziging van Richtlijn 2010/13/EU concerning de coördinatie van bepaalde betting en bestuursrechtelijke bepalingen in the lidstaten inzake het van audiovisual e media services (directive “audiovisuele mediadiensten”) in the light of a changing market situation FR: The portant transposition of the directive (UE) 2018/1808 from the European Parliament and the Council on November 14, 2018 modifiant la directive 2010/13 / UE visant à la Coordination of certain dispositions législatives, réglementaires et administrative des États membres relatives à la fourniture de services de médias audiovisuels (directive "Services de médias audiovisuels"), compte tenu de l'évolution des réalités du marché: FR/TXT/?uri= CELEX%3A72018L1972BEL_202105987&qid=1665737868750
Notified |
05/10/2022 |

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Belgium (German speaking community)

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Belgium (Flemish speaking community)

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Belgium (French speaking community)
- March 2024
On 7 th March 2024, the Decree of the Government of the French Community amending the Decree of the Government of the French Community of 12 December 2018 approving the regulation of the College of Advice of the CSA on the accessibility of programs to people with sensory impairments and establishing an aid scheme for publishers of audiovisual media services subject to the provisions of Article 3, §2, of the said regulation was adopted.
- February 2024
- On 21 February 2024, the Decree of the Government of the French Community setting the terms and conditions for the contribution of television service publishers and television service distributors to audiovisual production was adopted.
- December 2023
- The draft Decree amending the Decree of 4 February 2021 on audiovisual media services and video sharing services has been adopted on 6 December 2023. It will enter into force on 1 st January 2024. -modifiant-le-decret-sur-les-services-de-medias-audiovisuels-et-services-de-partage-de-videos/
- September 2023
- The CSA's advisory committee issued a positive opinion on the draft Government Decree amending the current "regulations on the accessibility of programs to people with sensory impairments".
- July 2023
- The CSA's advisory committee presents its opinion on the Preliminary draft Decree amending the Decree of 4 February 2021 on audiovisual media services and video sharing services.
- March 2023
The Minister for the Media has presented to Parliament Preliminary draft Decree amending the Decree of 4 February 2021 on audiovisual media services and video sharing services. The draft is now in first reading.
- March 2021
- The decree was published in the official gazette Moniteur Belge and notified to the Commission on 26/03/2021:
- February 2021
The Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) has definitely approved the new audiovisual media services Decree: .publicationfull.html
- August 2020
The media regulator (CSA) published its opinion on the preliminary draft: medias-audio-visual /
- July 2020
The government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation adopted at first reading a preliminary draft decree transposing the AVMS Directive in ten "books" or chapters, ranging from the regulation of video-sharing services to the extended obligation to contribute to the production of content ( Avant-projet de décret sur les services de médias audiovisuels et les services de partage de vidéos ), published 02/07/2020: -de-decret-sur-les-services-de-medias-audiovisuels-et-les-services-de-partage-de-videos.publicationfull.html
- December 2019
The Advisory Council of the CSA issued an opinion on the directive to the government: avis-du-csa /
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- February 2023
- The Council for Electronic Media, the Association of Bulgarian Radio and Television Operators, the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian National Television have developed a Code of Conduct regarding measures to evaluate, flag and restrict access to programs that are unfavorable or create a risk of harm the physical, mental, moral and/or social development of children. It has entered into force on the 1st February 2023.
- Act entered into force on 22 December 2020
Radio And Television Law (Закон За Радиото И Телевизията):
- November 2020
The bill for amendment of the Radio and Televisions Act was adopted by the Parliament in first reading on the 26 November 2020. Interested parties can submit statements until 3 December 2020. News and follow-up: https: //www.parliament . bg / bg / bills / ID / 163352 /
- October 2020
The bill for amendment of the Radio and Televisions Act has been submitted to the Parliament, after being approved by the Council of Ministers:
- Bill Amending and Supplementing the Radio and Television Act : http:
//Parliament.bill s/44/002-01 -62.rtf
- July 2020
The Ministry of Culture published a draft law Amending the Law on Radio and Television, with a period of public consultation from 31 July to 31 August on a draft law: http
: // .doc
- March 2020
Creation of working groups for the transposition of the Directive. The working time of these groups was extended to 15 days after the end of the state of emergency.
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- December 2023
- CRTA started a public consultation on the Draft Bill on the Regulations of VSP Services, which lasted until the 30 January 2024.
- December 2021
- The two proposed amending bills which implement the Directive were adopted as follow: the Cyprus Broadcasting Foundation (Amendment) Law of 2021 was adopted on the 9th December, -kyproy-nomos-2021/ and the Radio and Television Organizations (Amendment) (No.2) Law of 2021, was adopted on 23rd December 2021,
- They were notified to the Commission: ;
- October 2021
- On the 7th, the CRTA, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, announced a public consultation on draft bill entitled "The Radio and Television Broadcasting Organizations (Amendment) Law of 2021", focused on Video Sharing Platform Services.
- A unified version of the relevant legislation, including the new AVMSD provisions, has been prepared and the CRTA's (media regulator) legal department is currently preparing the amending draft bill in order to run a public consultation with the relevant stakeholders.
- July 2020
The public consultation was extended:
- June 2020
Draft Radio and Television Organizations Law amending bill ) Νόμοςτου 2021
A public consultation on a draft was launched: 72 & cid = 73
- MNELink
- Ο Περί Ραδιοφωνικού Ιδρύματος Κύπρου (Τροποποιητικός) Νόμος του 2021, https:// eur
- Ο Περί Ραδιοφωνικών και Τηλεοπτικών Οργανισμών (Τροποποιητικός) (Αρ.2) Νόμος του 2021,

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- June 2024
- The Draft Cultural Contribution Act was approved by parliament on 30 May and will enter into force on 1st July .
- In addition, on 21 June, the Executive Order on the administration of the scheme on certain media service providers' contribution to the promotion of Danish culture was adopted.,og%20opkr%C3%A6ver%20dette%20hos%20medietjenesteudbyderen
- February 2024
- On 2nd February the Draft Cultural Contribution Act has been notified to the Commission via TRIS:
The Bill is expected to be put forward in April 2024 allowing for the Act to enter into force on July 1, 2024.
- November 2023
- A new Film Agreement for 2024-2027 has been concluded between the government (the Social Democrats, Liberals and Moderates) and the Socialist People's Party, the Conservative People's Party, Enhedslisten, the Radical Left, the Danish People's Party and the Alternative.
- September 2023
- The public consultation for the Draft Act on the contribution by certain media service providers to the promotion of Danish culture (Cultural Contribution Act) has ended on September 11, 2023.
- August 2023
- The Draft Act on the contribution by certain media service providers to the promotion of Danish culture (Cultural Contribution Act) was communicated to the Cultural Committee of the Parliament on 15 August by the Ministry of Culture. This new draft aims at implementing the part of the Media Agreement for 2023-2026 that concerns the introduction of an obligation for certain media service providers to pay a cultural contribution to promote Danish culture.
- September 2022
- The public consultation for the Draft Act on certain media service providers' contributions to the promotion of Danish-language content (Cultural Contributions Act) organized by the Ministry of Culture has ended on September 12, 2022. Details/66689
- The Bill was adopted and came into force on July 1, 2020
Act amending the Radio and Television Act and the Film Act ( Lov om ændring af lov om radio- og fjernsynsvirksomhed og lov om film ): ripdf / samling / 20191 / lovforslag / l108 / 20191_l108_som_vedtaget.pdf
The main points from the legislation are implemented in 12 ministerial orders that are drafted subject to the Danish Radio and Television Broadcasting Act and the legislative proposal and entered into force by 15 September.
- May 2020
A first reading took place on 28 February 2020, the second and third reading of the Bill took place on 26 and 28 May 2020, after which the legislative proposal was passed.
- TRIS notification:
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- October 2024
- On 28 October, the CNMC published its opinion and recommendation on the draft law on the prevention of alcohol consumption and its effects on minors. The draft law was presented to the Council of ministers on 30 July, and must collect reports and opinions from various ministries and agencies and undergo a public hearing before returning to the Council of Ministers to begin its parliamentary process.
- September 2024
- The CNMC launched a public consultation on self- and co-regulation systems for age-based content ratings. The public consultation will be open until 28 October.
- June 2024
- The draft Organic Law on the Protection of Minors in Digital Environment was approved by the Spanish Council of Ministers on 4 June, and is to be debated in Parliament. Adoption is scheduled for the end of 2024.
- May 2024
- The Royal Decree 444/2024, of April 30, which regulates the requirements for the purposes of being considered a particularly relevant user of video sharing services through a platform, in development of article 94 of Law 13/2022, of July 7, General of Audiovisual Communication was adopted and published in the official gazette on 1st May 2024 and will enter into force on 2nd May 2024. 8716
- January 2024
- CNMC launched a public consultation on the age verification systems used by video platforms in Spain to prevent minors' access to pornography and violence. The consultation ended on January 31st.
- December 2023
- The Royal Decree 1138/2023, of December 19, which regulates the State Registry of audiovisual communication service providers, video exchange service providers through platforms and communication service aggregation service providers. audiovisual and the prior communication procedure for the start of activity. Was adopted an published in the official gazette on 21st December 2023.
- April 2023
The CNMC has published its report on the Draft Royal Decree regulating the State Registry of Audiovisual Communication Service Providers, Video Exchange Service Providers through a platform and Audiovisual Communication Service Aggregation Service Providers.
- March 2023
The CNMC has prepared an agreement to clarify requirements to qualify for the exemption from compliance with the accessibility obligations introduced in the General Law on Audiovisual Communication.
- October 2022
- A draft Royal Decree is in preparation for the prohibition of commercial communications of certain foods and beverages aimed at children and the appearance of "influencers" in commercial communications. The CNMC has recently published a series of recommendations on this Draft Decree.
- July 2022
- Law 13/2022 of July 7, General Law on Audiovisual Communication was notified to the Commission.
- June 2022
- The Senate has approved the draft law on 22 June 2022 and has entered in force on 30 June 2022.
- May 2022
- The Spanish Congress has approved the draft law on May 26, 2022 and the draft law has now been sent to the Senate to complete its parliamentary processing.
- December 2021
- The Draft law was presented to the Parliament on the 1st December, and is currently under examination by the Committee on Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Publication: =normal&p_p_mode=view&_iniciativas_mode=mostrarDetalle&_iniciativas_legislatura=XIV&_iniciativas_id=121/000076
- October 2021
- The Council of Ministers has approved the referral to Parliament, for its processing, of the Draft General Law on Audiovisual Communication.
- August 2021
- On the 9th, The CNMC (media regulator) published a new report on the draft bill of the General Audiovisual Communication Law.
- July 2021
- The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has resubmitted the Draft Bill of the General Audiovisual Communication Law to a public hearing on the beginning of July 2021 after incorporating contributions received in the previous consultative process.
- May 2021
The Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications plans to approve the draft of the new General Audiovisual Law between May and June 2021: a-plataformas-a-destinar-5-de-sus-ingresos-para-financiar-cine-europeo /
- January 2021
CNMC (media regulator) published a report on the Draft General Law on Audiovisual Communication:
- November 2020
A public consultation was launched, until December 3, 2020:
- October 2020
The CNMC has opened a public consultation on the application of audiovisual regulation to providers of audiovisual communication services that are supported by video exchange platforms: -intercambio-videos-cnmc-20201005
- July 2020
There is a consultation period by the regulator CNMC (until September 30):
- June 2020
The government is still in consultation with stakeholders:
- January 2019
The Government launched a public consultation in 2019: f9268750bd100c
- TRIS notification
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- December 2024
- On 17 December 2024, ARCOM published a new Charter to promote healthy diets and behaviours in audiovisual programmes, digital content and commercial communications (2025-2029).
- October 2024
- ARCOM published a framework document setting out minimum technical standards to be met by age verification systems.
- September 2024
- On 26 September, ARCOM adopted the following two resolutions:
- ARCOM has also published a note presenting a system to ensure appropriate visibility for services of general interest.
- August 2024
- The Decree no. 2024-699 of 5 July 2024 amending the list of events of major importance to be broadcast on a free-to-air television service has been adopted.
- July 2024
- On July 3rd, France has notified through TRIS a Draft Order amending Law No 2023-451 of June 9, 2023 aimed at regulating commercial influence and combating abuses of influencers on social networks.
- On 9 th July 2024, ARCOM has published its opinion on the draft decree amending decree no. 2004-1392 of 22 December 2004 on events of major importance taken for the application of article 20-2 of law no. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication. de-larcom
- May 2024
- The Law No. 2024-449 of 21 May 2024 aiming to secure and regulate the digital space was published in the French Official Gazette. It includes, among others, new measures to prevent minors from accessing harmful content and new penalties for spreading hate speech online.
- February 2024
- ARCOM has published two draft resolutions related to the prominence of services of general interest:
- Draft resolution on the list of services qualified as being of general interest, pursuant to the provisions of Article 20-7 of the Act of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, -juridique/textes-juridiques/projet-de-deliberation-relative-la-liste-des-services-qualifies-dinteret-general-en-application-des-dispositions-de-larticle-20-7-de-la-loi -du-30-septembre-1986-relative-la-liberte-de-communication
- Draft resolution on the conditions for appropriate visibility of services of general interest and the procedures for gathering the information referred to in article 20-7 of the law of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, -ressources/espace-juridique/textes-juridiques/projet-de-deliberation-relative-aux-conditions-de-visibilite-appropriee-des-services-dinteret-general-et-aux-modalites-de-recueil-des-informations -mentionnees-larticle-20-7-de-la-loi-du-30-septembre-1986
- July 2023
- The Law no. 2023-566 of July 7, 2023 aimed at establishing a digital majority and combating online hate was adopted and published in the Journal Officiel on July 8, 2023. JORFTEXT000047799533
- March 2023
A bill to establish a digital majority and to fight online hate has been adopted by the National Assembly and sent to the Senate. It aims in particular to oblige social network service providers to implement technical solutions to verify the age of their users.
- January 2023
- A partnership agreement of 17 January 2023 was concluded between the Ministry of National Education and Youth and Arcom in the field of media education, information and digital citizenship. de-la-jeunesse-et-larcom-dans-le-domaine-de-leducation-aux-medias-linformation-et-la-citoyennete-numerique
- December 2022
On 7 December 2022, a decree has been adopted to further specify the transposition of Art. 7a of the Directive with regard to the prominence of programs of general interest: Decree No. 2022-1541 of December 7, 2022 taken for the application of Article 20-7 of Law No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on the freedom of communication and setting the trigger threshold and the deadline for the application of appropriate visibility obligations for services of general interest, /#LEGIARTI000046712473
- March 2022
- On March 2, 2022, Arcom presented its guide to the use of French sign language (LSF) and the accessibility of election news programs.
- December 2021
- An additional decree, Decree No. 2021-1923 of 30 December 2021 on the procedure for the provisional suspension of the retransmission of certain audiovisual services, was adopted to complete the transposition of the Directive in France.,D%C3%A9cret%20n%C2%B0% 202021%2D1923%20du%2030%20d%C3%A9cembre%202021%20relative,relative%20%C3%A0%20la%20libert%C3%A9%20de
- July 2021
- The Decree on AVMS was adopted on the 22nd June 2021 and entered into force on the 1st of July.
- June 2021
The draft decree on AVMS (which specifies in particular the thresholds for obligations to promote European works) has been the subject of an opinion by the CSA and was examined by the Council of State in May 2021. The government's intention is that the decree should enter into force on July 1, 2021:
- The law was promulgated on December 3, 2020
Draft law relating to audiovisual communication and cultural sovereignty in the digital age (Project de loi relatif à la communication audiovisuelle et à la souveraineté culturelle à l'ère numérique): http: //www.senat. fr / espace_presse / actualites / 202003 / adaptation_au_droit_de_lunion_europeenne_en_matiere_economique_et_financiere.html
- November 2020
On 18 November 2020, the National Assembly definitely adopted the draft adapting French law to several important reforms of the European Union. An amendment to this text necessarily empowers the government to legislate by ordinance to transpose a set of 18 European directives, including the AVMS Directive. (Projet de loi portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation au droit de l'Union européenne en matière économique et financière (DDADUE)) : -2020-adaptation-au-droit-ue-economie-et-finance
- October 2020
On 28 October 2020, the Ministry of Culture launched a Public consultation on the transposition of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive: -la-transposition-de-la-directive-Services-de-medias-audiovisuels
On 7 October 2020 the French Parliament unanimously adopted two articles empowering the government to transpose the AVMS Directive along with other Directives by ordinance: http: // www.
- September 2020
The General Directorate of Media and Cultural Industries (DGMIC) and the National Center for Cinema and Animated Image (CNC) are opening a public consultation in order to collect the observations of the actors concerned on the modification of Decree No. 2010-1379 of November 12, 2010 relating to on-demand audiovisual media services (Décret SMAD): -du-decret-SMAD
Responses are due by 25/09/2020.
- July 2020
A draft law (3196) by which the Government will be authorized to implement the directive by the way of an ordinance is now discussed in parliament: -loi #
- News and follow up: / dyn / 15 /
dossiers / communication_audiovisuel_et_souverainete_culturelle
- January 2020
- The Charter to promote healthy diets and behaviors in audiovisual programs and advertisements was adopted on 30 January 2020. It is applicable from 1 February 2020 for a period of 5 years and is open to all new voluntary actors.
- TRIS notification
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- November 2023
- The ESR has adopted the Directive 1/2023 on the labeling of audiovisual programs transmitted by media service providers and the protection of minors.
- February 2023
- On the 28 th February 2023, a public consultation on the Draft Code of Conduct for Programs has been completed. The Draft Code will then be re-introduced to the National Radio and Television Council for final processing. -%ce%b4%ce%b9%ce%b1%ce%b2%ce%bf%cf%8d%ce%bb%ce%b5%cf%85%cf%83%ce%b7%cf%82- %ce%ba%cf%8e%ce%b4-%ce%b4%ce%b5%ce%bf%ce%bd%cf%84/
- February 2021
Law 4779/2021 transposing the AVMS Directive was published in the Government Gazette: -paroxh-uphresiwn-optikoakoustikwn-meswn
The Law was notified to the Commission on 20/02/2021:
- December 2020
The General Secretariat for Communication and Information launched a public consultation on the law transposing the AVMS Directive from 3-10 December 2020:
- October 2020
On 29 October 2020, the Vice-Minister presented the Prime Minister with a draft law on the implementation of the (EU) Directive 2018/1808.
- January 2020
A designated working group along with the competent national authorities has completed the process of revising articles of the AVMSD into a preliminary draft law. A public consultation on the draft law will be launched with the relevant stakeholders (ie public authorities, business association organizations, consumer organizations, NGOs, independent regulatory bodies, etc) in order, through a transparent process, to collect comments, prior to the submission of the draft law to the Hellenic Parliament: /
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- January 2025
- The Draft act restricting access to pornographic content on the internet for the protection of children, and amending certain acts relating to electronic commerce services and advertising was adopted and entered on force on 1st January 2025.
- June 2024
- The Draft act restricting access to pornographic content on the internet for the protection of children, and amending certain acts relating to electronic commerce services and advertising was notified through TRIS to the Commission.
- September 2021
- Due to an amendment to the law, the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) updated its recommendation on the age rating of television and radio content.
- The Act was published on 13 May 2020 and entered into force 30 days after its promulgation
Act XXIV of 2020 on the Amendement of the E-Commerce Act CVIII 2001 implements the Directive's rules on video-sharing platforms (2020. évi XXIV. Törvény az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, valamint az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény módosításáról): doc.cgi?docid=219480.382963
- May 2020
The law was adopted by the Hungarian Parliament on May 5, 2020.
- August 2019
Act LXIII of 2019 amending certain laws relating to media services 2019 ( évi LXIII. Törvény a médiaszolgáltatással kapcsolatos egyes törvények módosításáról ), adopted in 2019 already implemented certain rules regarding TV broadcasting: docid=A1900063.TV
- June 2019
The new law, named “Amending certain laws on media services” and bearing the number T/6355, was submitted to Parliament on 4 June 2019:
The first debates of the law in Parliament took place on 13 June 2019. A detailed discussion of the law in Parliament took place on 17 June 2019. The law entered the legislative procedure on 27 June 2019. The law was approved on 3 July 2019. Four days later, the law was signed by the President and on July 8, 2019, it was published in the Hungarian Gazette .
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- December 2024
- Coimisiún na Meán published revised Media Services Codes and Rules, completing the process of updating its regulations to implement changes under the AVMS Directive and the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022. This comprises of nine regulations, as follows :
- Media Service Code and Rules (Audiovisual On-Demand Media Service Providers)
- Media Service Code and Rules (Advertising, Teleshopping, Signal Integrity and Information)
- Media Service Code and Rules (Advertising for Radio Broadcasters)
- Media Service Rules (Access Rules for Television Broadcasters)
- General Commercial Communications Code
- Children’s Commercial Communications Code
- Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality
- Code of Programme Standards
- Short News Reporting Code
- October 2024
- Coimisiún na Meán adopted the finalised Online Safety Code on 10 October 2024 and published it on 21 October. The general obligations contained in the Code will apply from November and platforms will have an implementation period for certain detailed provisions, which require IT build, to come into compliance.
- September 2024
- Coimisiún na Meán has launched consultation on revised Broadcasting Codes and Rules, which include the following Codes: General Commercial Communications Code, Children’s Commercial Communications Code, Code of Programme Standards, Rules on Advertising and Teleshopping, Code of Fairness, Objectivity and Impartiality in News and Current Affairs, Short News Reporting Code. The Consultation will run until the 3rd of October 2024.
- August 2024
- TRIS process in relation to the Online Safety Code has concluded without comments from the European Commission or other EU member states. Coimisiún na Meán announced they intend on adopting and applying the Online Safety Code to VSPs later in the Autumn.
- July 2024
- On 4 th July, Coimisiún na Meán published a new draft Audiovisual On-Demand Media (Video-on-demand) Service Code and new draft Rules. The draft Code is now open for public consultation until the 20 th August 2024. The draft Code was also notified through TRIS: https://technical-regulation-information -
- Coimisiún na Meán launched a public consultation on revised Rules to improve Accessibility of Television Broadcasters. The consultation will run until 19th August 2024.
- May 2024
- On 27 th May, Coimisiún na Meán published an updated draft Online Safety Code and notified it to European Commission under the TRIS process.
- January 2024
- On 8 th January, Coimisiún na Meán published details of the designation of ten services as named video-sharing platform services.
- December 2023
- Coimisiún na Meán opened a public consultation on its draft Online Safety Code for video-sharing platform services. The consultation is open for responses until Friday, January 19th, 2024.
- November 2023
- On 10 November, Coimisiún na Meán has published a Designation Decision Framework for video-sharing platform services (“VSPS Designation Decision Framework”) to inform individual providers of online services of the assessment and decision-making process it intends to follow, in order to determine whether a named service meets the defining criteria of a video-sharing platform services.
- October 2023
- The Media Commission launched on the proposed Levy Order in respect of the levy period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, under the Broadcasting and other Media Regulation Acts 2009 and 2022. levy consultation/
- July 2023
- The Media Commission launched a public consultation on the first Online Safety Code which will focus on VSP providers and their measures to address online harms more effectively. The deadline for submission is September 4, 2023.
- February 2023
- On 24 February, Ireland has notified the Online and Safety Media Regulation Act 2022, as well as two complementary orders.*&DTS_DOM=NATIONAL_LAW&lang=fr&type=advanced&qid=1678438366076&AU_CODED =IRL
- December 2022
- The Bill was signed into Law by the President on 10 December 2022.
- November 2022
- The Bill was in final stage (5th stage , final statements are being made) since 30 November 2022.
- October 2022
- The Bill has completed Dáil Éireann (Lower house of the Oireachtas), third stage. The Select Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media has completed its consideration of the Bill and some significant amendments to the Bill were agreed on the 27 and 28 October. the online safety and media regulation bill 2022/
- September 2022
- The Bill is now before Dáil Éireann (Lower house of the Oireachtas), third stage.
- July 2022
- The Bill is now before Dáil Éireann (Lower house of the Oireachtas), second stage.
- May 2022
- The Bill is now before Seanad Éireann in Fourth Stage.
- February 2022
- The Bill completed Second Stage in the Seanad on 22 February 2022.
- January 2022
- The Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill was published by the Government on 12 January 2022. It was then initiated in Seanad Éireann on 25 January 2022 for consideration for enactment.
- November 2021
- On the 2nd November, the Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media today publishes its report on the Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020. https://www.oireachtas. ie/en/press-centre/press-releases/20211102-joint-committee-on-tourism-culture-arts-sport-and-media-publishes-report-on-pre-legislative-scrutiny-of-the-general- scheme-of-the-online-safety-and-media-regulation-bill-2020/
- September 2021
- The government has published its legislative program on the 28th September for autumn 2021, and the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill is among the priority texts for publication and drafting. Pre-legislative scrutiny is still ongoing.
- July 2021
- The Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media has met on 7th July, to continue pre-legislative scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020. /press-centre/press-releases/20210706-joint-committee-on-tourism-culture-arts-sport-and-media-continues-pre-legislative-scrutiny-of-online-safety-and-media-regulation-bill -2020/
- May 2021
Pre-legislative scrutiny of the general scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill:
- gaeltacht/videos/
- -community-broadcasters-public-service-media-and-the-radio-sector/
- February 2021
The finalized General Scheme was referred to the relevant Joint Oireachtas Committee for pre-legislative scrutiny. The Joint Oireachtas Committee has since begun pre-legislative scrutiny: and-the-gaeltacht-seeks-stakeholder-and-expert-submissions-on-online-safety-and-media-regulation-bill-2020/
- December 2020
The finalized General Scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill was published on the 9 January 2020 with extra provisions from the Government and was notified to the Commission on the 10/12/2020.
- June 2020
The publication of the Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 2019 was approved in June 2019:
Proposal for the amendment of the Broadcasting Act 2009 with the General Scheme of the Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill:
- March 2019
A public consultation was held between 4 March and 15 April 2019 to inform the drafting of the proposed Bill. A thematic analysis of the consultation responses was published on 25 July 2019: revised-audiovisual-media-services-directive/
- For complementary information about the process:
OSMR Regulatory Framework Online Safety Graphics:
OSMR Scheme Q and A Explanatory Note:
https://assets dce86e3af286.pdf
OSMR Online Safety Workshop Summary June 2020:
- TRIS notification
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- December 2024
- On 11 December, AGCOM launched a public consultation on the proposed amendments to the guidelines and code of conduct for influencers.
- November 2024
- On 13 November, AGCOM published a technical table on the right to report and short extracts of images of sporting events pursuant to Legislative Decree 9/2008.
- October 2024
- On 23 October, AGCOM launched a public consultation on the amendments to the regulation on programming and investment obligations for European works and works by independent producers referred to in resolution no. 424/22/CONS in light of the innovations introduced by Legislative Decree no. 50 of 25 March 2024.
- On 16 October, the Technical and procedural arrangements for ascertaining the age of majority of users pursuant to Article 13a of Decree-Law No 123 of 5 September 2023, converted with amendments into Law No 159 of 13 November 2023 was notified to the Commission via TRIS. This regulatory framework was approved by AGCOM on 24 September 2024, and contains technical and procedural methods that website operators and video-sharing platform providers must adopt to verify users' age.
Its entry into force is therefore subject to the expiration of the 90-day standstill period which ends on 17 January 2025.
- On 9 October, AGCOM adopted new guidelines on the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest.
- April 2024
- On 17 April, the Draft legislative decree laying down supplementary and corrective provisions to Legislative Decree No 208 of 8 November 2021 on the Consolidated Text on Audiovisual Media Services implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1808 was published in the Italian Official Gazette.
- March 2024
- On 25 March AGCOM launched a public consultation on methods for verifying the age of majority by website managers and video sharing platform providers. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=33779145&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- February 2024
- The Draft legislative decree laying down supplementary and corrective provisions to Legislative Decree No 208 of 8 November 2021 on the Consolidated Text on Audiovisual Media Services implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1808 was presented by MIMIT before the Advisory Section for Regulatory Acts of the Council of State for its opinion. The Council of State's opinion was rendered on February 27, 2024.
- January 2024
- On 10 th January, AGCOM adopted guidelines aimed at ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Consolidated Law by influencers and the establishment of a specific technical table =column-1&p_p_col_count=1&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_struts_action=%2Fasset_publisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=33028275&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- December 2023
- On December 7, AGCOM adopted the regulation defining the rules aimed at protecting minors and consumers from harmful content disseminated on digital video sharing platforms. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=32597961&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- On 5 December, AGCOM announced the extension of the deadline concluding the procedure initiated by Resolution No 149/22/CONS concerning the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest and the accessibility of the automatic numbering system for digital terrestrial television channels. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=32641754&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- September 2023
- On September 27, 2023, AGCOM amended the Resolution No. 666/08/CONS, containing the "Regulation for the organization and maintenance of the register of communication operators", aimed at, inter alia, the establishment of the list of audiovisual media service providers subject to Italian jurisdiction. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=31715679&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- The Draft legislative decree laying down supplementary and corrective provisions to Legislative Decree No 208 of 8 November 2021 on the Consolidated Text on Audiovisual Media Services implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1808 was notified through TRIS. .
- July 2023
- AGCOM launched a public consultation on regulatory provisions aimed at influencers , ie subjects who create, produce and disseminate audiovisual content to the public - for which they exercise editorial responsibility - through the use of platforms for sharing videos and social media in general. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=31152060&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- AGCOM revised the Regulation on procedures for resolving disputes between users and operators of electronic communications/ AVMS providers and for the implementation of article 42, paragraph 9, of the TUSMA with reference to VSPs. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=31308514&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- May 2023
- On 3 May 2023, AGCOM launched a public consultation concerning the amendment of Resolution No. 666/08/CONS, containing the "Regulation for the organization and maintenance of the register of communication operators", aimed at, inter alia, the establishment of the list of audiovisual media service providers subject to Italian jurisdiction. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=30662790&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- April 2023
- On 19 April 2023, AGCOM launched a public consultation on the draft regulation on programs, user-generated videos or audiovisual commercial communications directed to the Italian public and conveyed by a platform whose provider is established in another Member State.
- On April 12, 2023, the Privacy Guarantor and AGCOM have set up a joint table aimed at promoting a code of conduct that will lead digital platforms to adopt systems for verifying the age of young users accessing online services. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=30155351&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- March 2023
- On March 7th, AGCOM announced the extension of the deadlines for sending contributions to the public consultation on the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest and accessibility of the automatic numbering system of digital terrestrial television channels. del-sistema-di? 26p_p_col_count%3D2
- February 2023
- On 22nd February, AGCOM has adopted a detailed regulation on the provisions of Article 30 of the Consolidated text of Audiovisual Media Services relating to the protection of fundamental human rights, in line with the transposition of Art. 6 of the AVMS Directive. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=29764157&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- On 8th February 2023, AGCOM has also launched a public consultation on the issue of resolving disputes between users and VSPs, &_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_struts_action =%2Fasset_publisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=29754517&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- January 2023
- On 25 January 2023, AGCOM approved the launch of the public consultation on the guidelines and regulatory prescriptions to ensure the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest, as well as the accessibility of the automatic numbering system of digital terrestrial television channels. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=29424802&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- December 2022
- A GCOM has adopted on 14 December 2022 a new regulation on programming and investment obligations in favor of European works and works by independent producers. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=29157065&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- October 2022
- AGCOM has adopted a new resolution on dispute resolution procedures for audiovisual media services, which should enter into force on 1 February 2023. =1&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_struts_action=%2Fasset_publisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=28450112&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- July 2022
- AGCOM has launched on July 19, 2022 a public consultation on the draft regulation on programming and investment obligations in favor of European works and works by independent producers, due to the changed regulatory framework of reference. _publisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=27507198 &_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document .
- May 2022
- AGCOM adopted Resolution no. 149/22 / CONS on 19 May 2022 which launch the procedure for the adoption of guidelines and regulatory provisions aimed at guaranteeing the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest. The procedure which should be completed 180 days from the publication of this resolution. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=27063516&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- AGCOM has also adopted Resolution No 151/22/CONS on 19 May 2022 which aims at establishing a “Technical Table aimed at defining the measures to ensure accessibility to audiovisual media services to users with disabilities”. lisher%2Fview_content&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_assetEntryId=27096576&_101_INSTANCE_FnOw5lVOIXoE_type=document
- December 2021
- The Decree was adopted and has entered into force on the 25th December 2021.;208 . It was also notified to the Commission:
- October 2021
- The draft Decree is currently under examination at the Parliament:
- August 2021
- The Council of Ministers examined on the 5th August the draft legislative decree, available here: On the 6th , the draft legislative decree arrived in Parliament.
- July 2021
- The draft legislative decree implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1808 has been prepared in line with the European Delelgation Act 2019-2020, and is currently under public hearing from 3 August 2021 by the Ministry of Economic Development. audiovisivi-e-radiofonici-digitali-tusmar-in-attuazione-della-direttiva-ue-2018-1808
- May 2021
The European delegation law 2019-2020 came into force on 08/05/2021:;53
- March 2021
The text European Delegation Act 2019-2020 was finally approved on 20 April 2021, after amendments were added in late March 2021:
- October 2020
The text is currently being discussed by the Committee:
- Article 3 sets out the specific delegation principles and criteria for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/1808 on Audiovisual Media Services through amendments to the Single Text for Audiovisual and Radio Media Services (Legislative Decree No 177 of 2005): http://
- August 2020
Text under examination, 5 August 2020 and the examination by the responsible Commission was concluded on 9 September 2020:
- January 2020
The Council of Ministers approved in January the final reading a law delegating the Government to implement European directives and other EU acts (European Delegation Law): -consiglio-dei-ministri-n-24/13823
Following the approval of the Law, the discussion on the law was launched in the Senate in February: 52774.pdf
- MNE link
- DECRETO LEGISLATIVE 8 November 2021, n. 208,

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- September 2024
- CVDM launched a public consultation on the 2024 Regulation on exemption from investment obligation for commercial media services upon request. The consultation period runs until 29 October 2024.
- July 2024
- CVDM started a public consultation on revised Policy Rule on Advertising by Public Media Institutions 2019. The consultation period runs until August 31, 2024. publieke-media-instellingen-2024/
- January 2024
- The Bill introducing an investment obligation for large streaming services for the Dutch cultural audiovisual product was adopted and entered in forced on 1 st January 2024.
- July 2023
- The House of Representatives passed the Bill introducing an investment obligation for large streaming services for the Dutch cultural audiovisual product. The bill must now be approved by the Senate.
- February 2023
- On 17th February 2023, the CVDM published two revised policy rules on quota for recent European, independent media content, original Dutch-language or Frisian-language program content and program content provided with subtitles for the benefit of people with a hearing impairment for public media institutions and for commercial media organizations:
- July 2022
A Bill introducing an investment obligation for large streaming services for the Dutch cultural audiovisual product has been introduced to the Parliament. It proposes amendments to the 2008 Media Act to include an investment obligation for the promotion of Dutch cultural audiovisual products.
- May 2022
- On 17 May 2022, the Dutch Media Authority has published the policy rule clarifying which video uploaders will be under their active supervision as of 1 July 2022, and what rules they must comply with.
- January 2022
- The Dutch Media Authority published Policy Rule on recent European, independent media offerings, original Dutch or Frisian language program offerings and program offerings with subtitles for the benefit of persons with an auditory disability (Policy Rule quota commercial media institutions 2022).
- Law entered into force on 1 January 2021 :
- November 2020
The amendment of the Media Act 2008 came into effect on 1st November 2020.
- August-September 2020
The Senate Committee for Education, Culture and Science (OCW) received the statement of response (EK, C) on August 20, 2020 and will provide input for the further preliminary report on September 22, 2020.
- December 2019
Draft submitted to the Parliament and adopted by the House of Representatives, still debated at the Senate. Amendments to the Media Act (Wijziging van de Mediawet):
- News and follow up:
- For further documents related to the process: w.dossiernummer==%2235361%22))&zv=&pg=10&col=Kamerstuk&svel=Publicatiedatum&svol=Aflopend
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- September 2023
- KKRiT has launched a public consultation for the update of the Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of November 17, 2014 on the list of important events.
- May 2022
- On 17 May, KRRit adopted the Regulation on the lower share of, or exemption from the obligation to provide, programs with provision for persons with disabilities in the catalogs of on-demand audiovisual media services, attachment/878b935e-705d-4dc5-a193-51bf46e5d914
- April 2022
- On April 13, KRRit adopted several regulations in relation to the Directive:
- September 2021
- Poland has notified the Commission of the entry into force of the Law amending the Broadcasting Act and the Cinematography Act.
- August 2021
- On the 11th , the Senate adopted the draft law amending the Broadcasting Act and the Cinematography Act. The act will enter into force on November 1st. The text is available here:
- July 2021
- The Draft Law was submitted to the Sejm and is under the second reading.
- May 2021
The draft is under examination by the Committee on Legal Affairs:
- March 2021
The scheduled date of adoption of the draft by the Council of Ministers was set for the 1st quarter of 2021:,Projekt-ustawy-o- zmianie-ustawy-o-radiofonii-i-telewizji-oraz-ustawy-o-kinematog.html
- November 2020
The Legislative Council delivered an opinion on the draft on 27 November 2020: ustawy-o-radiofonii-i-telewizji-oraz-ustawy-o-kinematografii
- September 2020
A Draft act amending the act on radio and television broadcasting and the act on cinematography was published on September 8, 2020 (Project ustawy o zmianie ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji oraz ustawy o kinematografii): pl/projekt/12337952/katalog/12716719#12716719
The Bill is expected to be presented before the Parliament during the 4th Quarter of 2020:,Projekt-ustawy-o-zmianie- ustawy-o-radiofonii-i-telewizji-oraz-ustawy-o-kinematog.html
- The regulator launched a public consultation in consultation with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage:,2918,wyniki-konsultacji-w-sprawie-nowelizacji -dyrektywy-o-audiowizualnych-uslugach-medialnych.html
- Article 16 of the Act of 14 May 2020 introduced payment obligation for VoD service providers to the National Film Institute of 1.5% of the revenues obtained from fees for access to VOD services or issue of commercial communications, if this revenue is in a given billing period higher (without referring to the AVMS Directive).
- Act of 14 May 2020 amending some acts in the field of protective measures in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: z-dnia-14-maja-2020-r.-o-zmianie-niektorych-ustaw-w-
zakresie-dzialan-oslonowych-w-zwiazku-z-rozprzestrzenianiem-sie-wirusa-sarscov2-dz.u.-z- 2020-r.-poz.-875-19698.html

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- July 2024
- Act no. 232 of 19 July 2024 amending Act no. 148/2000 on advertising and article 29 of Audiovisual Act no. 504/2002 has been adopted. It amends the provisions relating to advertising for tobacco and alcohol products.
- December 2023
- CNA submitted for public consultation the draft decision to complete the Decision of the National Audiovisual Council no. 220/2011 on the Audiovisual Content Regulatory Code, with subsequent amendments and additions, with the mention of the transposition of European Union norms.,12956.html
- July 2022
- The Law was notified to the Commission.
- June 2022
- The Bill was adopted by the Parliament on 28 June 2022 and will enter into force on 3 July 2022.
- May 2022
- The Bill was submitted to the Senate on May 23, 2022.
- March 2022
- The Commission on Human Rights, Religious Affairs and National Minority issued an opinion on the Bill on the 23 March 2022.
- February 2022
- The Bill was referred to the Committee on Constitutionality for opinion on February 7, 2022.
- December 2021
- The Draft Law was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies in the plenary meeting of December 7, 2021 and was submitted to the Senate for debate and approval.
- October 2021
- On the 4th of October, the government approved the Draft Law amending and supplementing Law no. 504/2002 of the audiovisual and the Government Ordinance no. 39/2005 regarding cinematography, which transpose the AVMS Directive. Following this approval, they will be submitted by the Government to the Romanian Parliament. . The draft law is currently being examined and has been sent for report to the standing committees of the Chamber of Deputies.
- March 2021
On 25/03 the Ministry of Culture published and submitted to public debate the draft law modifying and completing the law no. 504/2002 on audiovisual, until 05/04/2021: -de-lege-10
- April 2020
The draft law transposing the Directive, Draft Law amending and supplementing Law no
On 30 April 2020, the draft Law for amending and supplementing Law no. 504/ 2002 was withdrawn from the public consultation procedure, which will be reanalyzed in relation to the opportunity of regulation and the need to implement Directive 1808/2018 on audiovisual media services. In this respect, a possible transposition of the said Directive will be subject to public consultation only after consultations with all stakeholders, namely media representatives:
- MNE link

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- July 2024
- The Ministry of Culture has prepared a proposal for a Regulation laying down more detailed conditions for the accessibility of services providing access to audiovisual media services for people with disabilities. The proposal is under Inter-ministerial discussion.
- June 2023
- Since 29 June, the proposal for a “Rulebook on the method of calculating payments based on a license to carry out television activities, registration in the official register of providers of on-demand audiovisual media services and registration in the official register of providers of video sharing platforms” is under preparation within the Ministry of Culture.
- August 2022
- To complete the transposition of the Directive by the Act Amending the Audiovisual Media Services Act , AKOS has prepared and amended the following six General Acts:
- General Act on the protection of children in audiovisual media services (Official Journal of the RS, No 92/22), 2305?sop=2022-01-2305
- General Act on the notification of on-demand audiovisual media services and on the notification of video-sharing platform services (Official Journal of the RS, No 87/22), -list-rs/vsebina/2022-01-2044?sop=2022-01-2044
- General Act on the methodology for the supervision of audiovisual media services, radio broadcasting and video-sharing platforms (Official Journal of the RS, No 87/22), -rs/vsebina/2022-01-2045?sop=2022-01-2045
- General Act on product placement and sponsorship (Official Journal of the RS, No 44/12 and 74/22), 1842?sop=2012-01-1842
- General Act on the protection of vulnerable groups (Official Journal of the RS, No 70/22), =2022-01-1638
- General Act on the out-of-court settlement of disputes between users and providers of video-sharing platforms (Official Journal of the RS, No 63/22), list-rs/vsebina/2022-01-1500?sop=2022-01-1500
- March 2022
- The text was notified to the Commission.
- December 2021
- After a third reading and a vote on December 15, the bill was adopted. The act should enter into force on 12th January 2022:
- October 2021
- After a first vote by the National Assembly rejecting the bill during its session of September 22, 2021, the project is again in preparation, and was in first reading on October 8, 2021.
- The draft bill is now in second reading since 26th of October GDn5BhsYGwQHG-pHEaPfAAdwNCBOPx4FUfiNL8gNDQ11VFQEAAXcoa4!/dz/d5 / L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?uid=E1E1302EDA9237FDC1258768002FAB1D&db=pre_zak&mandat=VIII
- July 2021
- A proposal was adopted after a third reading on July 9th, 2021. But the bill is still under consideration after a request for a resolution from the National Council.
- June 2021
The Bill is in second reading
- March 2021
The government sent the text of the amendments to the law on audiovisual media services to the National Assembly. It was sent to the Committee for Culture in Parliament on 23 March for a second reading:
- January 2021
In a response to the European Commission's letter of formal notice for non-notification of regulations transposing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Slovenian government stated that the phase of harmonization of the bill with relevant stakeholders was successfully completed, and in the autumn of 2020, the phase of inter-ministerial coordination was also completed. After reviewing the comments received, the bill was corrected and prepared for consideration by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and for adoption by the National Assembly: redna-seja-vlade-republice-slovenije/
- November 2020
The draft was sent for interdepartmental coordination in September, it was then withdrawn for further changes. Deadlines have been extended for this interdepartmental coordination. The latest version of the draft law following consultation is available at the following link:
- September 2020 A draft law transposing the Directive has been submitted by the Ministry of Culture. Act Amending the Audiovisual Media Services Act ( Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o avdiovizualnih medijskih storitvah ):
- News and follow-up:
- MNE link

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