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One third of all television channels and on-demand services established in the EU specifically target foreign markets

26/06/2017 News

An increasing number of audiovisual media services target foreign national markets. Typically, these tend to be recently-emerged hubs from which broadcasters and on-demand service providers circulate services. In some cases these constitute a significant market power in the respective target...

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Only 16% of Europe’s film heritage collections has been digitised

22/06/2017 News

On the occasion of the opening of the Cinema Ritrovato festival – one of the major events for cinephiles across the world taking place every year in Bologna, Italy - the European Audiovisual Observatory has just released a new study on the access to film works contained in Europe’s Film Heritage...

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European films make up one third of all films promoted on VoD platforms in Europe

15/06/2017 News

European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new VoD study focusing on the visibility and promotion of films on VoD platforms Recent films (produced in 2015 or 2016) were allocated in average 93% of all available promotional spots[1]. The allocation of “promotional spots” is heavily concentrated:...

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UK TV programmes make up the lion’s share of EU TV content available on Netflix and iTunes, followed by France and Germany

14/06/2017 News

A. TV content in the catalogues of Netflix and Apple’s iTunes The main European countries of origin for EU 28 TV content in Netflix’s catalogues are the United Kingdom with 160 titles (or 44% of the total EU28 TV titles available in the 8 Netflix catalogues studied), France with 72 titles (20%)...

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European Films make up around 25% of VoD films available in the EU

13/06/2017 News

The composition of the 68 TVOD catalogues by films share of region of origin (October 2016) The Strasbourg-based Observatory, part of the Council of Europe, examined the catalogues of 68 transactional VOD services in the European Union (such as Apple’s iTunes, Microsoft’s Movies,, Chili...

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Filme unserer letzten Konferenzen

Creators in Europe’s Screen Sectors – Sketching Present and Future Challenges - 7 June 2022

The European cinema sector - diverging paths? - 20 May 2023

FOCUS 2022: Key Trends in the Film Sector 



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