IRIS Bonus 2021-1: Reports on diversity and inclusion in the European audiovisual sector - an overview
Intended as a free working tool to accompany the reading of the IRIS Plus on “Diversity and inclusion in the audiovisual sector” this IRIS Bonus is the result of the desk research done for the preparation of the IRIS Plus and the preliminary workshop for the analysis of the topic.
IRIS Plus 2021-1: Diversity and inclusion in the audiovisual sector
This publication aims at presenting the variety of measures in place with regard to diversity and inclusion in a non-comprehensive way - in a way which not only illustrates all the good work that has been done in recent years, but which also highlights shortcomings and challenges for the future.
IRIS Special 2020-2: Artificial intelligence in the audiovisual sector
In the audiovisual industry, as in other sectors, the increasing use of artificial intelligence is likely to herald a paradigm shift, as it can transform the entire value chain. This new report discusses the opportunities and challenges raised by AI in this sector.
IRIS Extra 2020: Foreign agents in Russian media law
How does Russian media law deal with media outlets owned by non-Russian players? This latest IRIS Extra report delves into foreign ownership of the media in Russia and the provisions for this in Russian audiovisual legislation.
IRIS Special 2020-1: Media pluralism and competition issues
This IRIS Special 2020-1 report contributes to the debate on the relationship between safeguarding media pluralism and effective competition in the age of digitisation and globalisation, especially with regard to new diversity-relevant phenomena in the digital platform economy.
IRIS Plus 2020-2: The European audiovisual industry in the time of COVID-19
With its comparative analysis of approaches taken in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, this IRIS Plus helps the reader understand the diversity of approaches, interests, and measures taken across the film and audiovisual sector, and the diversity of the bodies taking them.
IRIS Plus 2020-1: Copyright licensing rules in the EU
The application of copyright rules attached to audiovisual works and their exploitation along the value chain are becoming increasingly complex. This new and very timely copyright report provides a pathfinder’s thread through European copyright rules.
IRIS Plus 2019-3: Territoriality and financing of audiovisual works: latest developments
This publication focuses in parallel on copyright and media regulation in order to take a closer look at the impact of the two leading concepts of “territoriality of copyright” and “country of origin” on the financing of audiovisual works in the digital single market.
IRIS Special 2019-2: Self- and co-regulation in the new AVMSD
This publication aims to analyse the system of self- and co-regulation provided for in the revised AVMSD.
IRIS Plus 2019-1: The promotion of independent audiovisual production in Europe
This publication aims at providing an overview of many relevant issues concerning the independent production of films and audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, inter-professional agreements and case law.