Animation films and TV series in Europe – Key figures
The European Audiovisual Observatory has just published a new report on film and TV animation in Europe. The report finds that France and the United Kingdom dominate the European animation scene.
Media Ownership: Children’s TV channels in Europe - Who are the key players?
This report focuses on portraying the children’s TV channels in terms of market offering, performance and major players.
Mapping the Animation Industry in Europe (2015)
A new study carried out for the European Commission by the European Audiovisual Observatory finds that while animation films represent 14.7% of overall admissions to European works, European animation only holds 20% of the animation market in Europe. The 44 US films on release indeed accounted...
Focus on Animation (2015)
This booklet is part of a major research project entitled “Mapping the Animation Industry in Europe” commissioned to the European Audiovisual Observatory by the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme of the European Commission.
The theatrical circulation of European children’s films
The European Audiovisual Observatory has published a brand new report on "The theatrical circulation of European children’s films". Cinema analyst, Martin Kanzler, presented this new report at the KIDS Regio Forum 2014. The objective of this study is to analyse the theatrical circulation and...
Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe
This report was prepared by the Observatory for the 25th anniversary of the CineKid Festival (Amsterdam) in October 2011. It covers three different aspects of media for children: the circulation and performance of European feature films for children (live action and animation) in cinemas; the...
The Theatrical Circulation of European Live Action Children's Films in Europe 2000 – 2008
Published in 2009 in collaboration with the KIDS Regio subgroup of Cine Regio, the European network of regional film funds, this report looked at the production, theatrical performance and circulation of live action feature films for children produced and distributed in Europe between 2000 and 2008.