Key players
Top players in the European AV industry - Ownership and concentration - 2023 edition
The report aims at shedding light on the structure of the AV industry in Europe in terms of revenues as well as other performance indicators specific to key audiovisual market segments.
Top players in the European AV industry - Ownership and concentration - 2022 edition
The report aims to shed light on the structure of the AV industry in Europe in terms of revenues as well as other performance indicators specific to key audiovisual market segments.
Top players in the European AV industry ownership and concentration - 2021 edition
The report aims to shed light on the structure of the AV industry in Europe in terms of revenues as well as other performance indicators specific to key audiovisual market segments.
The internationalisation of TV audience markets in Europe
This report examines the increasing internationalisation of the European TV sector from three different angles : concentration and fragmentation tendencies in national audience markets, the market power of non-domestic TV channels in national markets, and the growing footprint of US groups.
Pay AV services in Europe: the state of play
An analysis of the pay audiovisual services market with a keen eye on the interactions between pay-TV and SVOD.
TV news channels in Europe: Offer, establishment and ownership
This new report provides an overview of the TV news channel landscape in Europe. It quantifies the offer of TV news channels in Europe, analysing their typology, assessing their availability, and identifying where they are established.
Media Ownership: Children’s TV channels in Europe - Who are the key players?
This report focuses on portraying the children’s TV channels in terms of market offering, performance and major players.
Media ownership: towards pan-European groups?
Focusing on a selection of major pan-European groups in both the broadcast and the distribution markets, this new report outlines some of the key players, their geographical footprint, their position in a range of markets, and their most recent strategies regarding expansion, acquisition and...