IRIS Reports regroup all of the Observatory’s legal reports, with the exception of the mapping reports and AVMSDigest.

IRIS Reports can be in-house reports or reports authored by external experts. They are detailed legal reports on specific topics, sometimes including national case studies. 

The reports are sorted by year of publication.

Publications 2024


Publications 2023


Publications 2020


Publications 2019


Publications 2018


Publications 2017


Publications 2016


Previous Reports

This report tackles issues such as the definition of a public service media, current funding models for broadcasting or indeed the pertinence and practicability of a public value test for New Media...
The new forms of commercial communications in a converged audiovisual sector. The current European legal framework. Editorial responsibility and control. Data protection for convergent media. A...
This IRIS Special adds information on different schemes to promote European works in on-demand services and related legal challenges.