The following tracking tools allow to follow specific rules imposed on audiovisual media services in Europe.


The AVMSD Tracker follows chronologically the various legislative steps of national transpositions of Directive (EU) 1808/1808 (the Audiovisual Media Services Directive – AVMSD) among EU-27 member states. The purpose of the AVMSD Tracker is to present in an easily understandable manner the state of play and the latest important legal developments in each country.

OPUS is the Observatory’s database dedicated to national obligations with regard to the promotion of European works. As such, it provides information on national transpositions of the AVMSD’s Articles 13(1) and (2), 16 and 17. It allows users to select both a country and an Article to see how it was transposed. The available data can be downloaded in the form of a national Excel file for each country. OPUS contains information on all EU-27 member states, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

The Observatory’s table on levies to film funds gathers detailed information on contributions to national film funds. It contains information as to the contributors, the types of contributions, the rates and base and who administrates the film fund. It contains information on all EU-27 member states and the UK.

Lastly, the Observatory’s table on public service media gathers information with regard to the governance and funding of public service media in all 40 countries which are members of the Observatory.