Video on demand in Europe
Works on television in Europe - 2023 edition
This report provides an analysis of the offer of films and TV content in 2022 provided by a sample of 1331 European TV channels and also gives a view of evolutions between 2018 and 2022.
Audiovisual services spending in original European content - a 2012-2022 analysis
This report provides an analysis of investments made by broadcasting groups and streamers in original European content.
Audiovisual fiction production in Europe - 2022 figures
[New version of the report updated on 14 November 2023] This report provides analysis of the production of audiovisual fiction in Europe in the period 2015-2022.
Writers and directors of film and TV/SVOD fiction - 2015-2021 figures
This report provides an analysis of writers and directors of European theatrical films and TV/SVOD fiction produced in Europe between 2015-2021.
Film and TV content in TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues - 2022 edition
This report provides an insight into the composition of TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues in the 27 Member States of the European Union, looking at both film titles and TV seasons.
Yearbook 2022/2023 - Key trends
This 8th edition of "key trends" offers a selection of topics which we believe indicate the most significant trends affecting the European audiovisual market. It provides a mix of analysis and key data, extracted from our 2022 activities involving reports and databases.
Audiovisual fiction production in Europe - 2021 figures
This report provides analysis of the production of audiovisual fiction in Europe in the period 2015-2021.
Female audiovisual professionals in European TV fiction production - 2021 figures
The report analyses the composition of key positions in over 50 000 TV/SVOD fiction films and series episodes produced between 2015 and 2021: directors, writers, producers, directors of photography, composers and lead roles.
Top players in the European AV industry - Ownership and concentration - 2022 edition
The report aims to shed light on the structure of the AV industry in Europe in terms of revenues as well as other performance indicators specific to key audiovisual market segments.
Investments in original European content - 2011-2021 analysis
The report analyses the evolution of financing of original European content by broadcasters and global streamers since 2011.