For each chosen topic, this new publication looks into:
- the economic and technological backdrop
- the international and European regulatory framework
- the national implementation of these provisions
- self- and co-regulation
- case-law
- recent trends.
The former version of the IRIS Plus series (until 2014) was a paid-for publication that featured a combination of a lead article, related reporting and a Zoom section, comprising overview tables, market data or practical information.
- All published issues are available for free in PDF format (see below).
- Print versions for publications prior to 2022, may be purchased from the Council of Europe online shop.
IRIS Plus 2017-1: Exceptions and limitations to copyright
This IRIS Plus aims at providing a general overview of the rationale and the evolution of the exceptions and limitations to copyright in the numerous international treaties and European directives devoted to this topic, and in the consequent ratifications and implementations at national level....
IRIS Plus 2016-3: VOD, platforms and OTT: which promotion obligations for European works?
The present issue of IRIS Plus starts with an outlook of the latest market developments, before exploring the regulatory context, and sets out international and European obligations as well as national frameworks. The report then continues considering self- and co-regulatory tools and case-law,...
IRIS Plus 2016-2: Audiovisual sports rights – between exclusivity and right to information
The increasing relevance of audiovisual sports rights, especially given this summer’s European football championship and Summer Olympics, has prompted us to carry out a comprehensive exploration of the topic.
IRIS Plus 2016-1: On-demand services and the material scope of the AVMSD
Providers of VoD services originate from almost all links of the audiovisual value chain. They come from the traditional worlds of television channels and telecom operators, but also from film producers and distributors, content aggregators, video sharing platforms and even from audiovisual...
IRIS Plus 2015-3: Copyright enforcement online: policies and mechanisms
The ambition of this report is to give a digest of what has happened so far in the field of copyright enforcement online.
IRIS Plus 2015-2: Territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works
This report aims to interpret the results of previous research in the light of the concept of territoriality. It focuses in parallel on copyright and media regulation, in order to take a closer look at the impact of the two leading concepts of “territoriality of copyright” and “country of origin”...
IRIS Plus 2015-1: The protection of minors in a converged media environment
This publication concentrates on the protection of minors from harmful editorial content delivered over electronic communication networks.
IRIS Plus 2014-4: The Influence of New Technologies on Copyright
Technology affects economics and economics affects regulation. This is generally how the chain operates. The rules usually come later, and sometimes they may become outdated.
IRIS Plus 2014-3: Enabling Access to the Media for All
When it comes to barriers to accessing information and to culture for people with disabilities, the concept becomes immediately multifaceted. Depending on how content as such is conceived, whether it is a library with stairs before an entrance door or an immaterial file requiring the command of...
IRIS Plus 2014-2: Media in the Courtroom
The model of separation of powers (legislature, executive and judiciary) in its different declinations forms the basis for the political structure of most democratic states in the world. Not formally one of these powers, the press is nevertheless often called “the Fourth Estate” or “the fourth...