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Back Brexit - impact, challenges and chances for the European audiovisual sector

Brexit conference in Brussels announced!
Brexit  - impact, challenges and chances for the European audiovisual sector

How will Brexit affect the television, film and VoD sectors in Europe? Will the much quoted exodus of media companies from the UK actually happen? How will the circulation of films and TV programmes work in the post-Brexit landscape? What forms of cooperation and co-production with the UK will still be attractive… or indeed possible? Some four months before Brexit takes effect, the European Audiovisual Observatory invites you to the fifth edition of its annual Brussels conference: Brexit – impact, challenges and chances for the European audiovisual sector.

This free entry public conference will take place in Brussels on Tuesday 27th November from 13.00 – 15.00. A buffet lunch will be held from 11.45 to 13.00 and the actual conference takes place from 13.00 – 15.00. The event will take place at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union, 77, rue Wiertz, 1000 Brussels. Participation is free but registration is compulsory.

The Observatory’s Executive Director, Susanne Nikoltchev, stated that “while no one claims to have a Brexit crystal ball, we look forward to analysing the current weight of the UK in our media landscape. This will allow us to draw some informed conclusions on film, TV and VoD in post-Brexit Europe.” She added that this year’s Observatory conference would “take a Europe’s-eye view of the various challenges and possible chances for the European audiovisual industries created by Brexit.”

The economic scene setting will be provided by Gilles Fontaine, Head of the Observatory’s Department for Information on Markets and Financing.

The regulatory challenges will be analysed by Maja Capello, Head of the Observatory’s Department for Legal Information.

An expert panel discussion will be led by Johannes Studinger of UNI-MEI and current Chair of the Observatory’s Advisory Committee. Contributing to the debate will be Harriet Finney, Director of external affairs at the BFI, Ross Biggam, Vice-President of Government Relations at Discovery Networks EMEA, Maria Donde, Head of International Content Policy at OFCOM and Alejandro Flórez, General Manager at 100 Balas (Mediapro).

The working language of this conference is English.

Strasbourg 13/11/ 2018
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