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Back European TV series episodes make up 24% of all episodes on pay per view VOD and 19% on SVOD in Europe

European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new free report on the origin of TV content in VOD catalogues in Europe
European TV series episodes make up 24% of all episodes on pay per view VOD and 19% on SVOD in Europe

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This new report finds that

  • On a per episode basis, European TV content accounts for 24% of all episodes found in TVOD catalogues and 19% of all episodes found in SVOD catalogues.
  • National TV series episodes make up the majority of European TV episodes on pay per view VOD (TVOD) services (62%). They represent a minority of 32% of European episodes on subscription VOD (SVOD) services.
  • While the US is the main country of origin for TV content availablein TVOD and SVOD, content from outside the EU or outside the US represents a significant part of TV content on offer in SVOD. There are more non-EU/non-US titles and episodes available in SVOD than EU titles/episodes.

The increased consumption of TV content on VOD services has prompted the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and DG Connect of the European Commission to undertake a ground-breaking new report on the origins of TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU. This report – The Origin of TV content in VOD catalogues – Edition 2018 – was authored by Christian Grece and Marta Jiménez Pumares, both Analysts within the Observatory’s Department for Market Information.
The report covers 61 VOD country catalogues corresponding to 29 national VOD services/catalogues and 32 multi-country services/catalogues.

1. National services have a higher share of EU TV Titles

On average, national TVOD and SVOD services have a higher share of EU TV titles (respectively 45% and 46%) than multi-country TVOD and SVOD services (with respectively 31% and 25%). As far as EU TV content is concerned, they have also a higher share of national content.

Average shares of EU, EU non-national and national TV episodes for national and multi-country SVOD and TVOD services

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

2. International TV content has a higher share on SVOD than EU titles

Whereas the US is the main country of origin for TV content available, in TVOD and SVOD, content from outside the EU or outside the US represents a significant part of TV content on offer in SVOD. There are more non-EU/non-US titles and episodes available in SVOD than EU titles/episodes.

Average shares by region of origin of TV episodes in SVOD and TVOD catalogues

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

3. The top 5 EU production countries account for more than 84% on SVOD and 90% on TVOD of EU TV titles

The top 5 EU production countries account for 91.2% of all EU TV titles on TVOD (the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark) and 84.1% on SVOD (the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Sweden and Germany).

4. EU titles circulated less than TV titles from other regions of production

If single titles are considered, the share of EU TV content is higher (53% of all single titles on TVOD and 40% on SVOD services) than if one takes into account the number of catalogues in which they are present.
But, on average, one given EU TV single content is available in fewer countries (3.3 in SVOD and 1.2 in TVOD) than a given US title (5.8 and 2.1 respectively). Titles from outside the EU and outside the US also circulate better than EU titles.

Country circulation of single film titles by region of origin

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

Tomorrow we will release a sister press release on the amount of European feature films available on VOD. Watch this space!

Strasbourg 09/07/2019
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