Function: Head of Department for Legal Information


+33 (0) 3 90 21 60 02 (Assistant)
[email protected]


Maja Cappello joined the Observatory as Head of Department for Legal Information in 2014. She previously worked for the Italian regulator AGCOM from 1998 and was Head of AGCOM’s Digital Rights Unit of the Media Services Directorate. She was also Vice President of EPRA (European Platform of Regulatory Authorities) from 2011 to 2014. Italian-Norwegian mother tongue, in her daily work at the Italian regulator she has been dealing with audiovisual regulatory issues at European level, both contributing to international conferences and committees, and participating as national expert in European Union and Council of Europe cooperation projects. She is the author of articles and speeches in the areas of audiovisual media services, media pluralism, copyright and consumer protection and holds an LLM in EU law and a PhD in European social law after graduating in Law in 1994. She has been lecturing  in Media law at University level (Bachelor, Master and PhD) since 2001.