IRIS Plus 2010-2: Digital Cinema
The European cinema of the near future will be digital. This much seems to be agreed upon by anyone who has a say in the matter. But the road there requires special efforts and may indeed be long and winding. This IRIS plus asks where we stand in the roll-out of digital cinema and it does so with...
IRIS Plus 2009-3: An Introduction to Music Rights for Film and Television Production
More often than one might expect, basic issues concerning music rights are unknown territory for producers of music works, film composers and musicians. Reading this IRIS plus is a first step towards understanding the complex legal matter.
IRIS Plus 2009-1: The Legal Status of the Producer of Audiovisual Works in the Russian Federation
This IRIS plus describes important rules of Russian copyright law, focusing on the legal status of the producer of audiovisual works.
IRIS Plus 2008-2: Media Windows in Flux Challenges for Audiovisual Media Chronology
This IRIS plus does not deal with economic considerations, but with the legal framework on which an economic strategy, however it is chosen, must be built. The author begins by explaining how rules on media chronology have developed. On this basis, it is easy to see who defines the media windows...
IRIS Special 2006 - Broadcasters' Obligations to Invest in Cinematographic Production
This IRIS Special describes the various ways in which the television industry supports cinematographic film – whether enshrined in law or on a voluntary basis, whether direct or indirect. It considers broadcasters' investment obligations in different European countries and investigates whether...
IRIS Plus 2006-3: Protection of Minors from Harmful Information in the Law of Post-Soviet States
The angle chosen in this IRIS plus is to inform about the difficulties of establishing standards, procedures and justified limits to the right to information in countries with a more recent tradition of free mass media and the challenges they pose for protecting the youth.
IRIS Plus 2005-5: Application of EC Competition Policy regarding Agreements and State Aid in the Audiovisual Field
This IRIS plus links up to the earlier IRIS plus 2003-6 on "European Public Film Support within the WTO Framework" in that both articles examine the double nature of audiovisual goods and services and its impact on supranational regulation.
IRIS Plus 2004-4: The Protection of Cinematographic Heritage in Europe
This edition of IRIS plus looks at how different countries deal with the protection of cinematographic heritage in Europe and what initiatives have been taken in this area at European level.
IRIS Plus 2003-5: Horizontal Rating of Audiovisual Content in Europe. An Alternative to Multi-level Classification?
This article discusses the horizontal rating of audiovisual content in Europe and rounds off our series on various aspects of "horizontal regulation".
IRIS Plus 2003-3: European Public Film Support within the WTO Framework
This edition of IRIS plus describes systematically the areas where public film support and the WTO regulatory framework intertwine. The article concentrates on the compatibility of European film support policy with the GATT and GATS rules.