IRIS Plus 2003-2: European Copyright Law and the Audiovisual Media: Are We Moving Towards Cross-Sectoral Regulation?
This article explores the system of European copyright law as it applies to the audiovisual media. It discusses the aims of copyright law and how that law is affected by digitalisation, then goes on to ask whether we can identify a trend towards cross-sectoral regulation. Finally, taking the...
IRIS Plus 2002-4: In Search of Lost Rightsholders: Clearing Video-on-Demand Rights for European Audiovisual Works
This article investigates the conflict between copyright protection and new ways of exploiting audiovisual works. The key role that collecting societies might play and the need for corresponding legal provisions are discussed in particular.
IRIS Plus 2002-2: Movies Online: Balancing Copyrights and Fair Use
In 2000, our IRIS Focus featured an article that reported on a first wave of lawsuits related to online offers of audio files (see IRIS 2000-8: 14, "MP3: Fair or Unfair Use?"). This IRIS plus supplements our earlier article by focusing on the new legal questions as well raised as their factual...
IRIS Plus 2000-5: Who Owns Electronic Rights?
A round table conference was held on 27 May 2000 at the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam (IViR) to discuss the issue of the ownership of copyrights, with special focus on the new electronic media. The conference was organised by the Institute for Information Law in...
IRIS Plus 2000-4: MP3: Fair or Unfair Use?
This article dates from 2000 and explores some of the legal problems arising from the then current uses of MP3 technology by considering case law from various European countries and the United States. The case law is selected and presented according to the chronology of technical developments.
IRIS Plus 2000-2: The Electronic Rights War
Who Owns the Rights to New Digital Uses of Existing Works of Authorship? Some stock taking reflecting the situation as of April 2000.
IRIS Plus 2000-1: Copyright and Related Rights in the Audiovisual Sector
The following contribution informs on the situation in the field of copyright and related rights in the year 2000. It focuses on the then applicable regulation and ongoing developments concerning WIPO and the EC.