
Diary of conferences and workshops

The European Audiovisual Observatory presents its work during numerous international conferences and workshops. Our Experts and Analysts are frequently invited to take part in events concerning the audiovisual industry. Every year the Observatory organises at least three of its own events, namely:

  • the biggest public event on cinema during the Cannes Film Market (May);
  • a conference in the country holding the Presidency of the Observatory (June);
  • an event in Brussels targeting industry representatives and European decision makers, members of the press and the academic sphere (November).

We announce Observatory events, also events where we are present on this page of our website as well as on our various social media platforms.

Current Events
— 5 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 5 of 15 results.
Films of the latest Observatory workshops and conferences

The European cinema sector - diverging paths? - 20 May 2023

FOCUS 2023: Key Trends in the Film Sector - 19 May 2023


Creators in Europe’s Screen Sectors – Sketching Present and Future Challenges - 7 June 2022

Latest news

Back Film, television and VOD in Europe - what’s new this autumn?

Film, television and VOD in Europe - what’s new this autumn?

Our team of Experts and Analysts is ready to present our 2023 autumn collection of free reports on the film, television and VOD sectors in Europe. As always, we’ll be zooming in on new market data as well as providing our take on the latest developments in European media legislation.

From our Department for Market information, we’re pleased to announce forthcoming reports on:

  • The theatrical export of European films 
  • Analysis of Film Funds’ resources and spending
  • Investments in European Original content 
  • A comparative analysis of the circulation of films
  • Gender in film production
  • A new edition of our online Yearbook
  • First indicators on sustainable production
  • An analysis of audiovisual works broadcast on TV
  • A 5-year analysis of the financing of European film
  • An analysis of the composition of VOD catalogues

And our Department for Legal Information will be releasing reports on:

  • IRIS Special 2023-01: Access to and findability of “public value content” on all platforms
  • IRIS Plus 2023-03 on Fair remuneration in exploitation contracts of authors and performers
  • IRIS Special 2023-02 on Transparency of data, platforms and algorithms accountability
  • Legal mapping of alignment with the AVMS Directive in third countries
  • And get ready for a brand-new publication series: the AVMSDigest on the AVMSD rules regarding the promotion of European works on TV and VOD

Watch this space and our social media channels for alerts on each new publication!




Strasbourg 28 August 2023
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