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Back 32% of all works found in VOD catalogues are of European origin and 21% are of EU27 origin.

The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new analysis of TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues
32% of all works found in VOD catalogues are of European origin and 21% are of EU27 origin.

Download "Film and TV content in TVOD,
SVOD and FOD catalogues - 2022 Edition" 


Note: The word ‘European’ in this press release refers to data concerning the 46 Council of Europe Member Countries. 

Main findings:

  • European works (films and TV seasons) made up 32% of all works found in VOD catalogues with EU27 works representing 21% of all works and other European works 11%. 
  • EU27 works included in catalogues are mainly of non-national origin. Of all EU27 works in VOD catalogues, on average, 79% were of non-national origin in SVOD catalogues, 63% in TVOD and catalogues and 61% in FOD catalogues.
  • TVOD catalogues had the largest overall number of works on average with 6 567 works (5 477 films and 1 090 TV seasons), followed by SVOD catalogues with 1 660 works on average (990 films and 670 TV seasons) and FOD catalogues with 1 002 works (823 films and 179 TV seasons).

This new report was authored by Christian Grece, TV and VOD Analyst within the Observatory’s Department for Market Information. The VOD catalogue data comes from JustWatch and covers 971 VOD catalogues for film data and 497 VOD catalogues for data on TV seasons.
This report was supported by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission.

  • 32% of all works found in VOD catalogues are of European origin.

Origin of films and TV seasons found on VOD - Cumulated - TVOD, SVOD and FOD catalogues

Source: JustWatch (

  • A higher share of European works in SVOD and TVOD catalogues, more international works in SVOD catalogues

SVOD and TVOD catalogues had a higher share of European works than FOD catalogues.

Source: JustWatch (

  • The highest share of national works out of EU27 works is found in FOD catalogues

SVOD and TVOD services rely more on EU non-national works for their EU27 film and TV seasons offering than FOD services.

Source: JustWatch catalogue data (

  • EU27 works circulated the best among countries in SVOD catalogues

On average, a EU27 film was found in 5.2 countries in SVOD catalogues. On average, an EU27 origin TV season was found in 3 countries on SVOD, enhanced by the presence of several pan-European SVOD services in the sample. The lowest circulation for EU27 works was in FOD catalogues.

How to read these graphs: on average, a EU27 film available on TVOD is available in 4 countries
Source: JustWatch catalogue data (


  • For film data, 169 TVOD catalogues, 673 SVOD catalogues and 129 FOD catalogues in 25 EU countries (No data on CY and LU) were analysed based on JustWatch catalogue data. The data was collected in September 2022 and the titles were matched through databases with their countries of production. The consistency of data is obtained by matching each entry of each catalogue with a unique original title.  
  • For TV content, the analysis was based on JustWatch data from 391 SVOD catalogues and 58 FOD catalogues in 25 EU countries (No data on CY and LU) and on 48 TVOD catalogues in 13 EU countries (No data on BE, BG, CY, EE, GR, HR, HU, LU, LT, LV, MT, RO, SI and SK). The data was collected in September 2022 and the TV seasons were matched through databases with their countries of production.
  • Four regions of origin are considered: “EU27” titles have an EU27 country as first production country. “Other European” titles have as a first production country a European country that is a member of the Council of Europe, “US” titles are from the United States of America and “Other region”/”Other international” designates titles from all other origins.  

 Link to other VOD reports

Strasbourg 28 March 2023
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