In the public interest
IRIS Bonus 2015-3: Public service media remit in 40 European countries
The following tables provide an overview of the definition of the public service remit in the 40 countries that are members to the Observatory, and indicate the adopting bodies, the concerned broadcasters, the legal sources defining the remit, with mention of the specific articles, and the links...
IRIS Special 2015-1: Online activities of public service media: remit and financing
This report tackles issues such as the definition of a public service media, current funding models for broadcasting or indeed the pertinence and practicability of a public value test for New Media services of public service media.
IRIS Plus 2015-1: The protection of minors in a converged media environment
This publication concentrates on the protection of minors from harmful editorial content delivered over electronic communication networks.
IRIS Bonus 2015-2: Annotated bibliography on the protection of minors in a converged media environment
This annotated bibliography aims at completing the IRIS plus on “The protection of minors in a converged media environment” with a basic gateway to the most recent reference documentation available for free on the internet.
IRIS Extra 2015-1: Regulation of online content in the Russian Federation
This report analyses the regulation of online content in the Russian Federation.
IRIS Bonus 2015-1: Comparative tables on the protection of minors in audiovisual media services
Conceived as a tool for our workshop on “Empowering users: Rating Systems, Protection Tools and Media Literacy across Europe” organised in Strasbourg jointly with the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) in December 2014, these comparative tables aim at giving an overview of the...
Workshop - Empowering users: rating systems, protection tools and media literacy across Europe
Workshop organised by the European Audiovisual Observatory and the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities European Youth Centre, Strasbourg - 15 December 2014
IRIS Plus 2014-3: Enabling Access to the Media for All
When it comes to barriers to accessing information and to culture for people with disabilities, the concept becomes immediately multifaceted. Depending on how content as such is conceived, whether it is a library with stairs before an entrance door or an immaterial file requiring the command of...
IRIS Plus 2014-2: Media in the Courtroom
The model of separation of powers (legislature, executive and judiciary) in its different declinations forms the basis for the political structure of most democratic states in the world. Not formally one of these powers, the press is nevertheless often called “the Fourth Estate” or “the fourth...
IRIS Plus 2014-1: The new Cinema Communication
Younger generations nowadays take the existence of the European Union for granted. Today’s European adolescents were born into the European Union, so to speak, but it is a very recent development if we take into consideration the history of Europe as a whole. It is an organisation that was not...