The visibility of films and TV content on VOD

20/02/2018 Author: Gilles FONTAINE, European Audiovisual Observatory

How are European films and TV series promoted on VOD: key figures and detailed statistics by origin of content and categories of players.

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Trends in the EU SVOD market - 2017 edition

20/02/2018 Author: Christian GRECE, European Audiovisual Observatory

The state of play of SVOD in Europe: subscribers, revenues, main players and trends.

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The circulation of EU non-national films - A sample study: Cinema, television and transactional video on-demand

16/02/2018 Author: Christian GRECE, European Audiovisual Observatory

How do European films circulate in cinemas, TV and TVOD? This report presents a European overview and a country by country analysis of film exports and imports, including a focus on co-productions

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VOD distribution and the role of aggregators

24/05/2017 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE & Patrizia SIMONE, European Audiovisual Observatory

The exploitation of audiovisual works, and films in particular, is traditionally based on two pillars: a release windows chronology, mainly agreed upon on a contractual level, with theatres being the first (usually exclusive) window and a territory by territory exploitation of rights.

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Origin of films and TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU & Visibility of films on VOD services

04/04/2017 Author: Gilles FONTAINE & Christian GRECE, European Audiovisual Observatory

This study examines the presence of EU content in Video-on-Demand services.

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Yearbook 2016 - Key trends


The second edition of this publication provides the analysis and intelligence necessary to gain a comprehensive overview of recent key trends in the audiovisual sector. It includes a focus on Poland, the Observatory Presidency country in 2017.

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Linear and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe 2015

11/07/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE and Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

Focusing on the supply and circulation of TV channels and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe, this new report outlines a) the country of origin of services b) the availability of services and c) those services targeting other countries.

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Media ownership: towards pan-European groups?

04/07/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE and Deirdre KEVIN, European Audiovisual Observatory

Focusing on a selection of major pan-European groups in both the broadcast and the distribution markets, this new report outlines some of the key players, their geographical footprint, their position in a range of markets, and their most recent strategies regarding expansion, acquisition and...

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How do films circulate on VOD services and in cinemas in the European Union?

16/06/2016 Authors: Christian GRECE, European Audiovisual Observatory

How do films circulate on EU VOD services? How do films circulate in EU cinemas? How many theatrical release films make it to VOD? How does circulation in cinemas and VOD compare?

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Origin and availability of on-demand services in the European Union

12/04/2016 Author: Gilles FONTAINE and Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

This note provides an overall background of the on-demand audiovisual media services landscape by focusing on a) the availability of services in the EU28 and b) on the country of origin of services.

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