Audiovisual services in Europe - Focus on services targeting other countries

Published: 20/06/2017 Author: Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

Around one third of all audiovisual services based in the European Union (EU) are targeting other markets. Most of these were established in the United Kingdom.

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Yearbook 2016 - Key trends


The second edition of this publication provides the analysis and intelligence necessary to gain a comprehensive overview of recent key trends in the audiovisual sector. It includes a focus on Poland, the Observatory Presidency country in 2017.

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Films on television: Origin, age and circulation

14/10/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE, European Audiovisual Observatory

This brief provides an analysis of films programmed by a sample of 125 TV channels from 17 European Union (EU) countries for two seasons: 2011‐2012 and 2014‐2015.

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Linear and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe 2015

11/07/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE and Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

Focusing on the supply and circulation of TV channels and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe, this new report outlines a) the country of origin of services b) the availability of services and c) those services targeting other countries.

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Media ownership: towards pan-European groups?

04/07/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE and Deirdre KEVIN, European Audiovisual Observatory

Focusing on a selection of major pan-European groups in both the broadcast and the distribution markets, this new report outlines some of the key players, their geographical footprint, their position in a range of markets, and their most recent strategies regarding expansion, acquisition and...

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Access to TV platforms: must-carry rules, and access to free-DTT

17/05/2016 Authors: Deirdre KEVIN & Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report is based on work carried out for the European Commission in 2015 and looks at the way in which national systems prioritise the delivery of certain types of television content over distribution platforms.

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Origin and availability of television services in the European Union

12/04/2016 Author: Agnes SCHNEEBERGER, European Audiovisual Observatory

This note provides an overall background of the linear media services landscape in the 28 EU countries by focusing on a) the country of origin of services, b) the availability of services and c) the television viewing time of the overall and younger population.

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Trends in linear television revenues

12/04/2016 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE, European Audiovisual Observatory

Linear audiovisual services increasingly tend to propose non-linear derived versions whose revenues are not necessarily accounted separately

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Investments in original content by audiovisual services

12/04/2016 Authors: Deirdre KEVIN, European Audiovisual Observatory

This brief provides analysis of two sets of data: an overview over time (2009-2013) of the levels of investment of the main TV groups in 15 countries in original programming; and a brief overview of the growth of investment (by a range of players) in original online content.

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European fiction works on TV channels

12/04/2016 Authors: Deirdre KEVIN and Laura ENE, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report provides an overview of the trends in fiction programming over the years 2009-2013 with regard to their origin and circulation.

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