Supply of audiovisual media services in Europe: MAVISE insights - 2019

17/02/2020 Author: Laura Ene, European Audiovisual Observatory

Based on the analysis of 2019 insights from the MAVISE database, this publication provides an overview of the European audiovisual media landscape as regards the supply of services from several perspectives.

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Film and TV content in VOD catalogues - 2019 edition

26/11/2019 Authors: Christian Grece and Marta Jiménez Pumares, TV and VOD Analysts, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report aims to provide a global insight into the composition of VOD catalogues in Europe, looking at both film and TV content.

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Audiovisual media in Europe: insights from the MAVISE database

08/10/2019 Author: Agnes Schneeberger, European Audiovisual Observatory

Based on data analyses of 2018 data from the MAVISE database, this publication provides an overview of the European audiovisual media landscape from three different perspectives.

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First feedback from the implementation of the Portability Regulation by free online video services

08/07/2019 Author: Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

This study aims to show the degree to which the Portability Regulation is being implemented by free online video services since its entry into force a year ago.

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The theatrical - TVOD window. A sample analysis

24/06/2019 Author: Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory

A sample analysis of the theatrical-TVOD windows in 5 European countries

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The internationalisation of TV audience markets in Europe

14/06/2019 Author: Agnes Schneeberger, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report examines the increasing internationalisation of the European TV sector from three different angles : concentration and fragmentation tendencies in national audience markets, the market power of non-domestic TV channels in national markets, and the growing footprint of US groups.

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Pay AV services in Europe: the state of play

29/05/2019 Author: Laura Ene, European Audiovisual Observatory

An analysis of the pay audiovisual services market with a keen eye on the interactions between pay-TV and SVOD.

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TV content in VOD catalogues - 2018 edition

10/05/2019 Author: Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory

Latest figures on the origin and circulation of TV content in TVOD and SVOD catalogues

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The production and circulation of TV fiction in the EU28 - 2018 edition

10/05/2019 Authors: Gilles Fontaine and Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

Latest figures on volume of TV fiction production in Europe, including analysis of country of origin, main producers and broadcasters, circulation on television and on VOD.

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Yearbook 2018/2019 - Key trends


This fourth edition of the 'Key trends' Yearbook offers a broad array of insights and data on the European audiovisual market. The focus this year is on Italy - Presidency country of the Observatory in 2019 .

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