Yearbook 2018/2019 - Key trends


This fourth edition of the 'Key trends' Yearbook offers a broad array of insights and data on the European audiovisual market. The focus this year is on Italy - Presidency country of the Observatory in 2019 .

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Audiovisual media in Europe: Localised, targeting and language offers

16/10/2018 Author: Agnes Schneeberger European Audiovisual Observatory

This report provides an overview of the European audiovisual media landscape by looking at the origin of linear and pay-on-demand audiovisual services and their circulation through three complementary angles.

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TV news channels in Europe: Offer, establishment and ownership

04/10/2018 Author: Laura Ene, Analyst European Television and On-demand Audiovisual Market European Audiovisual Observatory

This new report provides an overview of the TV news channel landscape in Europe. It quantifies the offer of TV news channels in Europe, analysing their typology, assessing their availability, and identifying where they are established.

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Brexit in context: The UK in the context of the EU audiovisual market

04/05/2018 Authors : Film analysts - Department for Market information

This report provides the key figures on: The weight of the UK within the EU audiovisual market; Co-productions between the UK and other EU28 countries; Import/ export of films between the UK and other EU28 countries; The circulation of audiovisual services between the UK and the EU.

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Yearbook 2017/2018 - Key trends


Recognized by professionals and decision-makers across the audiovisual industries, this publication provides the analysis and intelligence necessary to gain an overview of recent key trends in the audiovisual sector. This year, the focus is on France, the Observatory Presidency country in 2018.

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TV fiction production in the European Union

17/04/2018 Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory

Key figures for the production of TV fiction in Europe.

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The origin of TV content in VOD catalogues - 2017 edition

02/03/2018 Authors: Christian Grece, Marta Jiménez Pumares, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report gives an overview of the origin of TV content in TVOD and SVOD catalogues in Europe.

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The circulation of EU non-national films - A sample study: Cinema, television and transactional video on-demand

16/02/2018 Author: Christian GRECE, European Audiovisual Observatory

How do European films circulate in cinemas, TV and TVOD? This report presents a European overview and a country by country analysis of film exports and imports, including a focus on co-productions

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Films on TV: Origin, age and circulation – 2017 Edition

16/11/2017 Authors: Gilles FONTAINE, European Audiovisual Observatory

This brief provides an analysis of films programmed by a sample of TV channels in EU-countries.

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Media Ownership: Children’s TV channels in Europe - Who are the key players?

01/08/2017 Authors: Laura ENE, European Audiovisual Observatory

This report focuses on portraying the children’s TV channels in terms of market offering, performance and major players.

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