Origin of films and TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU & Visibility of films on VOD services
This study examines the presence of EU content in Video-on-Demand services.
The online advertising market in the EU
Update 2015 and Focus on programmatic advertising.
The presence of broadcasters on video sharing platforms
Typology and qualitative analysis.
Yearbook 2016 - Key trends
The second edition of this publication provides the analysis and intelligence necessary to gain a comprehensive overview of recent key trends in the audiovisual sector. It includes a focus on Poland, the Observatory Presidency country in 2017.
The Circulation of European Films Outside Europe in 2015
This report focuses on the theatrical exploitation of European films outside Europe. Theatrical window is only one out of – broadly speaking – four market segments.
Films on television: Origin, age and circulation
This brief provides an analysis of films programmed by a sample of 125 TV channels from 17 European Union (EU) countries for two seasons: 2011‐2012 and 2014‐2015.
Public financing for film and television content – The state of soft money in Europe
The report covers the 4 existing public support mechanisms designed to foster the film and audiovisual sectors, defining the characteristics and current use of each: public funds, fiscal incentives, obligations for broadcasters to invest in film and audiovisual content and guarantee facilities.
Film Production and Co-Production in Russia, and the Export of Russian Films Abroad
The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes a new report edited by Nevafilm Research: "Film Production and Co-Production in Russia, and the Export of Russian Films Abroad". The report takes the pulse of the Russian cinema industry and looks at its capacity to co-produce with other countries,...
The Exploitation of Film Heritage Works in the Digital Era
The European Audiovisual Observatory has released a study - commissioned by the European Union - on film heritage works and their presence online.
Linear and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe 2015
Focusing on the supply and circulation of TV channels and on-demand audiovisual media services in Europe, this new report outlines a) the country of origin of services b) the availability of services and c) those services targeting other countries.