FOCUS 2008 - World Film Market Trends
This 11th edition of Focus contains more countries and for the first time data about VoD.
Video on Demand in Europe - Second survey of VoD services as of January 2008
After a first study on the VoD scene in Europe carried out in 2006 by NPA Conseil, this survey is an attempt to draw up a general description of the European VoD landscape, i. e. the offer of VoD programmes and markets in Europe, updated to the end of 2007.
Comparative analysis of national aid mechanisms
Public Aid Mechanisms for the Film and the Audiovisual Industry in Europe
The whole landscape of public support systems for the cinema and audiovisual industries is depicted, portraying the great diversity of national and regional policies.
Video on Demand in Europe
This report provides a comprehensive picture of video on demand in 24 European countries as of early 2007 and includes descriptions of 150 operational services. A survey of VoD services in each of these countries yields a framework for across-the-board analysis. Although VoD is still an emerging...
FOCUS 2007 - World Film Market Trends
This 10th edition looks at how the development of the Internet as a promotional and broadcasting vector is seen as both a threat and an opportunity for diversity.
FOCUS 2006 - World Film Market Trends
This ninth edition of FOCUS sheds essential light on the great movements the film industry is experiencing with the broadening of horizons, the competition of new and huge markets and the stakes involved with digital and piracy issues.
FOCUS 2005 - World Film Market Trends
FOCUS 2005 gives a concise view of production and distribution around the globe in an era of increasing multinational co-productions.
FOCUS 2004 - World Film Market Trends
FOCUS 2004 provides a concise view of the worldwide situation of production and distribution. All the key figures for cinema in the most important countries are given, including China and India for the first time, as well as additional information on the new member states of the European Union.
FOCUS 2003 - World Film Market Trends
FOCUS 2003 appears for the sixth consecutive year and provides a concise analysis of results and tendencies country by country, together with figures from 2002.This year, it is enriched with unpublished figures on Korea and various countries in Africa and Middle East.