For each chosen topic, this new publication looks into:
- the economic and technological backdrop
- the international and European regulatory framework
- the national implementation of these provisions
- self- and co-regulation
- case-law
- recent trends.
The former version of the IRIS Plus series (until 2014) was a paid-for publication that featured a combination of a lead article, related reporting and a Zoom section, comprising overview tables, market data or practical information.
- All published issues are available for free in PDF format (see below).
- Print versions for publications prior to 2022, may be purchased from the Council of Europe online shop.
IRIS Plus 2003-4: Swings on the Horizontal - The Search for Consistency in European Advertising Law
This IRIS plus addresses the horizontal regulation of advertising.
IRIS Plus 2003-3: European Public Film Support within the WTO Framework
This edition of IRIS plus describes systematically the areas where public film support and the WTO regulatory framework intertwine. The article concentrates on the compatibility of European film support policy with the GATT and GATS rules.
IRIS Plus 2003-2: European Copyright Law and the Audiovisual Media: Are We Moving Towards Cross-Sectoral Regulation?
This article explores the system of European copyright law as it applies to the audiovisual media. It discusses the aims of copyright law and how that law is affected by digitalisation, then goes on to ask whether we can identify a trend towards cross-sectoral regulation. Finally, taking the...
IRIS Plus 2003-1: New European Rules for the Communications Sector
This article analyses the new EU framework for the communications sector, exploring several of the provisions that are more directly relevant for the audiovisual sector.
IRIS Plus 2002-5: Co-Regulation of the Media in Europe: The Potential for Practice of an Intangible Idea
This article picks up the trail begun by the earlier IRIS plus article, "Co-Regulation of the Media in Europe: European Provisions for the Establishment of Co-Regulation Frameworks". Drawing extensively on the discussions held at a workshop on the topic "Co-Regulation of the Media in Europe", the...
IRIS Plus 2002-4: In Search of Lost Rightsholders: Clearing Video-on-Demand Rights for European Audiovisual Works
This article investigates the conflict between copyright protection and new ways of exploiting audiovisual works. The key role that collecting societies might play and the need for corresponding legal provisions are discussed in particular.
IRIS Plus 2002-3: Co-Regulation of the Media in Europe: European Provisions for the Establishment of Co-regulation Frameworks
This article discusses the role that co-regulation plays in the audiovisual media, focusing on European Union and Council of Europe provisions that need to be implemented through national legislation. The European legal framework for co-regulation is primarily described using the example of the...
IRIS Plus 2002-2: Movies Online: Balancing Copyrights and Fair Use
In 2000, our IRIS Focus featured an article that reported on a first wave of lawsuits related to online offers of audio files (see IRIS 2000-8: 14, "MP3: Fair or Unfair Use?"). This IRIS plus supplements our earlier article by focusing on the new legal questions as well raised as their factual...
IRIS Plus 2002-1: Media Supervision on the Threshold of the 21st Century What are the Requirements of Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Concentration Regulation?
The following article is based on the ideas that were brought to a workshop held by the European Audiovisual Observatory and the Institute of European Media Law (EMR).
IRIS Plus 2001-5: Changing Aspects of Broadcasting: New Territory and New Challenges
This issue of IRIS plus provides another part of the jigsaw on the theme of the convergence of the audiovisual media.