The Department for Legal Information analyses key legal issues linked to the audiovisual sector and reports on major legal developments and ground breaking cases which affect media legislation in Europe.
IRIS Special 2019-2: Self- and co-regulation in the new AVMSD
This publication aims to analyse the system of self- and co-regulation provided for in the revised AVMSD.
IRIS Plus 2019-2: Release windows in Europe: a matter of time
This latest report clarifies the current release windows situation in Europe by providing a thorough analysis of the system and the economic and legal rationale on which it is based.
IRIS Special 2019-1: The independence of media regulatory authorities in Europe
This IRIS Special aims to advance understanding of the ways in which the revised AVMSD may have an impact on current legislation and practices.
IRIS Extra 2019-1: Disinformation in the media under Russian law
This article provides an overview of the legislation and case law concerning disinformation in the Russian Federation.
IRIS Plus 2019-1: The promotion of independent audiovisual production in Europe
This publication aims at providing an overview of many relevant issues concerning the independent production of films and audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, inter-professional agreements and case law.
Mapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EU
This latest mapping report tracks over 800 schemes of public national/federal and regional film and audiovisual funds in the EU in order to provide the big picture of film funding criteria in Europe today.
Mapping of national rules for the promotion of European works in Europe
This mapping report contains a description of the initiatives and rules in the 31 EFADs member countries (EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland) and provides an overview of the “regulatory mix” in each of these countries, with a comparative analysis and a set of national factsheets for each of them.
IRIS Special 2018-2: Media law enforcement without frontiers
This report provides an in-depth overview of relevant issues, from the challenges of law enforcement in the online environment to the scope of intervention of competent public bodies concerning cross-border activities and the practices of regulatory authorities.
IRIS Plus 2018-3: The legal framework for international co-productions
This publication provides an overview of many relevant issues concerning the co-production of films and other audiovisual works in Europe, including market figures, international and national rules, and funds supporting co-production.
IRIS Plus 2018-2: Brexit: The impact on the audiovisual sector
This publication provides information on current key facts and figures on the weight of the UK in the European audiovisual market and on the main features of the legal framework that will cease to apply from 30 March 2019.