The Department for Legal Information analyses key legal issues linked to the audiovisual sector and reports on major legal developments and ground breaking cases which affect media legislation in Europe.
IRIS Plus 2008-3: User-Generated Content Services and Copyright
This IRIS plus looks at the EU and US American copyright framework concerning UGC and how it has translated into case law. Suspecting that neither the pending revision of the relevant EU e-commerce Directive nor further court decisions might settle the matter entirely, the article also explores...
IRIS Plus 2008-2: Media Windows in Flux Challenges for Audiovisual Media Chronology
This IRIS plus does not deal with economic considerations, but with the legal framework on which an economic strategy, however it is chosen, must be built. The author begins by explaining how rules on media chronology have developed. On this basis, it is easy to see who defines the media windows...
IRIS Plus 2008-1: Transformation of Authors' Rights and Neighbouring Rights in Russia
In this IRIS plus Dmitry Golovanov gives a clear albeit colourful picture of the problems, development and current situation of the institution of Russian copyright law.
IRIS Special 2007 - Legal Aspects of Video on Demand
Whenever a “new” audiovisual service becomes established, questions are inevitably asked about what legal norms govern it and whether those norms take sufficient account of all legitimate needs and interests. As far as video-on-demand (VoD) is concerned, it is clear that the “Television without...
IRIS Plus 2007-7: The Impact of EC Law on the Taxation of the European Audiovisual Industry
In this IRIS plus Hasan Bermek analyses a wide spectrum of tax issues relevant to the audiovisual sector and demonstrates the various ways in which these issues relate. His article is both a guide to the legal framework and a description of the areas which may still be regarded as requiring...
IRIS Plus 2007-6: Online Games from the Standpoint of Media and Copyright Law
It is clear from this edition of IRIS plus that an unambiguous legal framework for online games has yet to be established, so these issues will remain topical. Paul Göttlich's article also usefully documents the rules that definitely can be applied to online games already.
IRIS Plus 2007-5: A Post-Soviet Perspective on Licensing Television and Radio
This IRIS plus gives an overview of the different legal frameworks for licensing broadcasting in countries of the former Soviet Union, which all share the experience of a relatively recent launching of licensing systems.
IRIS Plus 2007-4: Safeguarding Human Dignity in the European Audiovisual Sector
This IRIS plus looks into the legal roots and main elements of human dignity as an important standard for audiovisual media services.
IRIS Plus 2007-3: Audiovisual Archives and the Inability to Clear Rights in Orphan Works
This article will examine and evaluate solutions which could possibly be introduced at European or national level to overcome the rights clearance issues caused by the orphan works problem.
IRIS Special 2007 - The Public Service Broadcasting Culture
In the recent Report “Public service media in the information society”, commissioned by the Council of Europe, Christian S. Nissen points to a provocative argument in the vibrant discussions about public service broadcasting. He writes that public service media can be seen as a remedy for a...