The Department for Legal Information analyses key legal issues linked to the audiovisual sector and reports on major legal developments and ground breaking cases which affect media legislation in Europe.
IRIS Plus 2007-2: Broadcasters' Access to Broadcasting Frequencies
The aim of this article is to show how broadcasters obtain their frequencies and who lays down the standards for this process: how is spectrum organised, divided up and ultimately distributed? Who decides on the allocation of transmission capacities and how? This article will also look at new...
IRIS Plus 2007-1: Digital Rights Management Systems (DRMs): Recent Developments in Europe
This article provides an overview on recent developments concerning DRMs in Europe, with the aim of bringing some clarity to the relevant legal issues.
IRIS Special 2006 - Broadcasters' Obligations to Invest in Cinematographic Production
This IRIS Special describes the various ways in which the television industry supports cinematographic film – whether enshrined in law or on a voluntary basis, whether direct or indirect. It considers broadcasters' investment obligations in different European countries and investigates whether...
IRIS Special 2006 - Audiovisual Media Services without Frontiers - Implementing the Rules
Working from the premise that after a revision of the TVwF Directive the rules of the two leading European instruments on broadcasting will be once more re-aligned, this publication seeks to explore the interplay between the Directive and the Convention. It will focus on monitoring and...
IRIS Plus 2006-5: The Position of Broadcasters and Other Media under "Rome II" Proposed Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations
This IRIS plus explores in full detail the background, objectives and rules of the envisaged "Rome II" Regulation on non-contractual obligations.
IRIS Plus 2006-4: Cultural and Regional Remits in Broadcasting
This edition of IRIS plus explores how broadcasters' remits may be closely bound up with culture and geography. In particular, the following article focuses on legal stipulations about respect for culture and territorial specificities, which have been the subject of transnational or regional...
IRIS Plus 2006-3: Protection of Minors from Harmful Information in the Law of Post-Soviet States
The angle chosen in this IRIS plus is to inform about the difficulties of establishing standards, procedures and justified limits to the right to information in countries with a more recent tradition of free mass media and the challenges they pose for protecting the youth.
IRIS Plus 2006-2: Major Events and Reporting Rights
Starting with a brief explanation of the various links between major events, media and society, this article describes the provisions of European law on the broadcasting of major events.
IRIS Plus 2006-1: Search Engines: Seek and Ye Shall Find? The Position of Search Engines in Law
What are search engines really? How, if at all, are they regulated? Why would they come under regulation? How do they compare to other technological means that we use in the process of asking for and receiving information electronically? These are questions tackled by this IRIS plus article,...
IRIS Special 2005 - To Have or Not to Have Must-Carry Rules
Must-carry rules are one string in the regulators' bow regarding their efforts to ensure that all viewers may enjoy a certain basic content package. The establishment of new distribution platforms for television content (mainly cable) seemed to call this aim into question. It was feared that...