The Department for Legal Information analyses key legal issues linked to the audiovisual sector and reports on major legal developments and ground breaking cases which affect media legislation in Europe.
IRIS Special 2015-2: Smart TV and data protection
A man walks through a shopping centre. His eyes are flashed by a multitude of cameras equipped with eye-recognition software. Immediately the shop windows start to show on flashy screens advertising specially tailored to him.
IRIS Bonus 2015-5: Annotated bibliography on copyright enforcement online
This annotated bibliography aims at completing the IRIS Plus on “Copyright enforcement online: policies and mechanisms" with a basic gateway to the most recent reference documentation available for free on the internet.
IRIS Bonus 2015-4: Annotated bibliography on territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works
This annotated bibliography aims at completing the IRIS Plus on “Territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works” with a basic gateway to the most recent reference documentation available on the internet.
IRIS Plus 2015-3: Copyright enforcement online: policies and mechanisms
The ambition of this report is to give a digest of what has happened so far in the field of copyright enforcement online.
Workshop - The grey areas between media regulation and data protection
As part of their long-lasting collaboration, the European Audiovisual Observatory (OBS) and the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) jointly organised in Strasbourg on 11 December 2015 a workshop on “The grey areas between media regulation and data protection”....
IRIS Bonus 2015-3: Public service media remit in 40 European countries
The following tables provide an overview of the definition of the public service remit in the 40 countries that are members to the Observatory, and indicate the adopting bodies, the concerned broadcasters, the legal sources defining the remit, with mention of the specific articles, and the links...
IRIS Special 2015-1: Online activities of public service media: remit and financing
This report tackles issues such as the definition of a public service media, current funding models for broadcasting or indeed the pertinence and practicability of a public value test for New Media services of public service media.
IRIS Plus 2015-2: Territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works
This report aims to interpret the results of previous research in the light of the concept of territoriality. It focuses in parallel on copyright and media regulation, in order to take a closer look at the impact of the two leading concepts of “territoriality of copyright” and “country of origin”...
IRIS Special 2015 - Online activities of public service media: remit and financing
When going online, audiovisual media service providers adapt their activities to the expectations of their audiences and, consequently, elaborate new ways of presenting their content. This is true both for commercial and for public service media (PSM). For the latter there are also further...
IRIS Plus 2015-1: The protection of minors in a converged media environment
This publication concentrates on the protection of minors from harmful editorial content delivered over electronic communication networks.