Workshop: Prominence of audiovisual content and services of general interest

05/12/2023 European Youth Center

How can Europe ensure better respect of diversity and inclusion in its cinema, television and VOD industries? This workshop aims to look at the strategies and challenges faced by the sector.

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Workshop: Diversity and inclusion in the European audiovisual industries: both on and off-screen

10/12/2020 Videoconference

How can Europe ensure better respect of diversity and inclusion in its cinema, television and VOD industries? This workshop aims to look at the strategies and challenges faced by the sector.

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Workshop - Gender imbalances in the audiovisual industries


The workshop aimed to discuss gender imbalances in the media and audiovisual industries in Europe, with a particular focus on legal tools, data collection measures and interesting initiatives which have been implemented to tackle gender inequalities off- and on-screen. 

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Workshop - Online (re)transmission of TV programmes


A round-table workshop was held on 21 June in Brussels in order to discuss certain aspects of the proposal for a Regulation laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television...

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Workshop - Addressing regulatory asymmetries: video-sharing platforms, targeting on-demand services, and services outside the EU


For the third time, the European Audiovisual Observatory (OBS) and the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) jointly organised a workshop on "Addressing regulatory asymmetries: video-sharing platforms, targeting on-demand services, and services outside the EU".

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