Back European films make up one third of all films promoted on VoD platforms in Europe

US films still get the lion’s share with 58%

European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new VoD study focusing on the visibility and promotion of films on VoD platforms

  • Recent films (produced in 2015 or 2016) were allocated in average 93% of all available promotional spots[1].
  • The allocation of “promotional spots” is heavily concentrated: the 10 most promoted films accounted in average for 38% of all available spots,
  • On average, one-third of films which were promoted were European films but European films were allocated 22% of promotional spots.
  • In average, the share of US films among films promoted was 58%, and US films were allocated 72% of promotional posts.

Number, origin, and breakdown of films promoted

These figures are taken from the European Audiovisual Observatory’s new report: The Origin of films and TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU & Visibility of films

The Strasbourg-based Observatory, part of the Council of Europe, has analysed figures provided by AQOA dating from October 2016 and concerning 5 sample countries: Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. 42 different VoD platforms were examined.

Number and breakdown of promotional spots


Differences between the various players

  • The promotion of European films varied not only by country but also between players. Only 14 out of the 42 services of the sample had a share of promotional spots allocated to European films higher than the average of the sample (28%)
  • In most countries of the sample, national VOD players tended globally to assign more promotional spots to European films. Out of the 14 services with a higher share of promotional spots allocated to European films than the average of the sample, 10 were national players (whereas national players represent 17 of the 42 services of the sample).
  • But significant differences also appear between US players: ITunes, and, to a lesser extent Amazon Instant video, tended to propose more European works than PS Store, Xbox Live or Google Play.
  • Differences also appear in terms of the diversity of the use of promotional spots, i.e. how the promotional spots are distributed among the films promoted. Diversity can be approached by comparing the number of different films promoted with the number of promotional spots. The higher this indicator, the more diverse are the films promoted. On average, the services of the sample promoted 6.6 different films for every 100 promotional spots available.
  • 16 services out of 42 proposed a more diverse promotion than the average of the sample. Out of these 16 services, 11 were national players (whereas national players represent 17 of the 42 services of the sample).

[1] Some promotional spots are dedicated to promotional bundles of several films, often catalogue films; these bundled films were not identified and therefore not considered in the analysis. The share of recent films is therefore somehow overstated.

[2] Figure calculated on a country per country basis, without eliminating the double counts (i.e. films repeated) between countries.

Download the report: The Origin of films and TV content in VOD catalogues in the EU & Visibility of films

News 15/06/2017
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