AT - Austria
This page includes links to the European Audiovisual Observatory’s databases and to reports in which Austria is prominently featured, as well as links to national public authorities and other organisations relevant to the audiovisual sector. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
Resources from the Observatory databases
Legal resources
AVMSDatabase: Rules transposing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive in Austria
European works table: Rules pertaining to European works in Austria
Public service media table: Rules pertaining to the public service media in Austria
Merlin database: Newsletter articles featuring Austria
Market resources
MAVISE database: MAVISE data for Austria
Legal publications featuring Austria
Newsletter: links to the last 5 articles featuring Austria
- IRIS 2024-3:1/16 [AT] The end of official secrecy (Amtsgeheimnis) and a new right to freedom of information
- IRIS 2024-2:1/28 [AT] New service centre for artificail intelligence at the RTR-GmbH
- IRIS 2023-10:1/20 European Court of Human Rights: Zöchling v. Austria
- IRIS 2022-8:1/26 [AT] Film aid: new incentive scheme for Austrian film producers
- IRIS 2022-7:1/12 [AT] Austrian Supreme Court decides whether YouTube is responsible for content posted online before the implementation of the DMS Directive
All newsletter articles featuring Austria are available in the IRIS MERLIN database.
Reports: links to the last reports featuring Austria
- IRIS Plus 2023-2: Territoriality and release windows in the European audiovisual sector
- IRIS Plus 2023-1: Accessibility of audiovisual content for persons with disabilities
- IRIS Plus 2022-1: Governance and independence of public service media
The reports above are reports in which Austria was featured as a national country case. Austria may also be featured in other reports where it is not the focus of a specific section or chapter of the report.
Mappings: links to all national summaries on Austria
- AVMSD Note on independent production and retention of intellectual property rights - AT - 2024
- AVMSD Note on accessibility measures as implemented by AVMSD providers for persons with disabilities - AT - 2024
- AVMSD Note on the protection of minors on VSPs : focus on age verification and parental control - AT - 2024
- Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illegal and harmful content online - 2022 update - AT - 2023
- Mapping report on the rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Focus on commercial communications - AT - 2023
- Mapping report on national remedies against online piracy of sports content - AT - 2021
- Mapping of the regulation and assessment of the nationality of European audiovisual works - AT - 2020
- Mapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EU - AT - 2019
- Mapping of the national rules for the promotion of European works in Europe - AT - 2019
- Mapping of licensing systems for audiovisual media services in EU-28 - AT - 2018
Please note that the files above are only the national summaries for Austria. The full mapping reports can be accessed here.
Main Public Institutions and Bodies
This section includes links to national public authorities and other organisations where useful information and resources relevant to the audiovisual sector can be found. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
- Österreichisches Parlament - Parliament
- Österreichische Präsidentschaftskanzlei - Presidency
- Bundeskanzleramt Österreich - Federal Chancellor
- Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur - Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
- Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie - Austrian Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
- Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend - Federal Ministry of Work and Economy
- Verfassungsgerichtshof - Constitutional Court
- Oberste Gerichtshof (OGH) - Supreme Court
Official Publishing Organisations
- Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (RIS) - Database of legislation
- Medienrecht / Koordinierung Informationsgesellschaft - Information on Austrian Media Law
Regulatory Authorities for Audiovisual and Communication Sectors
- Kommunikationsbehörde Austria (KommAustria) - Communications Authority
- Bundeskommunikationssenat (BKS) - Federal Communications Board
- Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK) - Telecommunications Commission
- Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs (RTR) - Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Film Institutions
- Österreichisches Filminstitut - Austrian Film Institute
- Filmarchiv Austria - Film Archive Austria
- MEDIA Desk Österreich - Desk of the MEDIA Programme
Disclaimer: Please note that the list contains links to external websites where information is created by other organisations. The European Audiovisual Observatory takes no responsibility for the content and accuracy of information provided by linked sites and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by our organisation.