This page includes links to national public authorities and other organisations where useful information and resources relevant to the audiovisual sector can be found. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.


Main Public Institutions and Bodies

Official Publishing and Statistical Organisations

Regulatory Authorities for Audiovisual and Communication Sectors

Competition Authority

Data Protection Authority 

Self and Co-regulatory Bodies

Copyright and Intellectual Property Offices

Copyright Collecting Societies

Film Institutions

Television and On-demand Audiovisual Services

For a list of television and on-demand audiovisual services in Switzerland search the MAVISE database

Archives de la Radio Télévision Suisse - Archives of the Public Service Broadcaster of the French-speaking Part of Switzerland

Organe suisse de perception des redevances de réception des programmes de radio et de télévision / Schweizerische Erhebungsstelle für Radio- und Fernsehempfangsgebühren / Ufficio svizzero di riscossione dei canoni radiotelevisivi - Organisation in charge of TV Licence Fee Collection 


Disclaimer: Please note that the list contains links to external websites where information is created by other organisations. The European Audiovisual Observatory takes no responsibility for the content and accuracy of information provided by linked sites and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by our organisation.