CH - Switzerland
This page includes links to the European Audiovisual Observatory’s databases and to reports in which Switzerland is prominently featured, as well as links to national public authorities and other organisations relevant to the audiovisual sector. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
Resources from the Observatory databases
Legal resources
European works table: Rules pertaining to European works in Switzerland
Public service media table: Rules pertaining to the public service media in Switzerland
Merlin database: Newsletter articles featuring Switzerland
Market resources
MAVISE database: MAVISE data for Switzerland
LUMIERE VOD: LUMIERE VOD data for Switzerland
Legal publications featuring Switzerland
Newsletter: links to the last 5 articles featuring Switzerland
- IRIS 2023-8:1/5 [CH] Investment obligations for audiovisual services come into force in Switzerland
- IRIS 2023-3:1/24 [CH] Swiss Media Commission favours structural change for media support
- IRIS 2022-6:1/2 [CH] Swiss public vote to amend Federal Film Act
- IRIS 2022-4:1/29 [CH] Swiss vote to ban tobacco advertising aimed at children and young people
- IRIS 2022-4:1/30 [CH] Swiss reject Media Support Act
All newsletter articles featuring Switzerland are available in the IRIS MERLIN database.
Reports: links to the last reports featuring Switzerland
- Curtains up on regulation and support measures for the cinema exhibition sector
- IRIS Plus 2022-2 : L’investissement dans les oeuvres européennes : les obligations des fournisseurs de VOD
The reports above are reports in which Switzerland was featured as a national country case. Switzerland may also be featured in other reports where it is not the focus of a specific section or chapter of the report.
Main Public Institutions and Bodies
This page includes links to national public authorities and other organisations where useful information and resources relevant to the audiovisual sector can be found. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
- Assemblée fédérale / Bundesversammlung / Assemblea Federale - Federal Assembly - Swiss Parliament
- Conseil fédéral/Bundesrat / Consiglio Federal / Cussegl federal - Federal Council
- Chancellerie fédérale / Cancelleria federale / Schweizerische Bundeskanzlei - Federal Chancellery
- Département fédéral de l'intérieur / Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern / Dipartimento federale dell'interno - Federal Department of Home Affairs
- Office fédéral de la culture / Bundesamt für Kultur / Ufficio federale della cultura - Federal Office of Culture
- Tribunal fédéral / Bundesgericht / Tribunale federale / Tribunal federal - Federal Supreme Court
- Tribunal pénal féderal /Bundesstrafgericht / Tribunale penale federale / Tribunal penal federal - Federal Criminal Court
- Tribunal administratif fédéral / Bundesverwaltungsgericht / Tribunale amministrativo federale / Tribunal administrativ federal - Federal Administrative Court
- Tribunal fédéral des brevets / Bundespatentgericht / Tribunale federale dei brevetti / Tribunal federal da patentas - Federal Patent Court
Official Publishing Organisations
- Droit fédéral / Bundesrechts / Diritto federale - Electronic Collection of Federal Law
- Bulletin Officiel / Amtliches Bulletin / Bollettino ufficiale - Official Gazette
Regulatory Authorities for Audiovisual and Communication Sectors
- Office Fédéral de la Communication / Bundesamt für Kommunikation / Ufficio federale delle comunicazioni - Federal Office of Communications
- Autorité indépendante d'examen des plaintes en matière de radio-télévision / Unabhängige Beschwerdeinstanz für Radio und Fernsehen / Autorità indipendente di ricorso in materia radiotelevisiva - Independent Complaints Authority for Radio and Television
Film Institutions
- Office fédéral de la culture , Section du Cinema / Bundesamt für Kultur , Sektion Film / Ufficio federale della cultura , Sezione cinema - Film Department of the Federal Office of Culture
- Cinemathèque Suisse - National Film Archive
- Media Desk Suisse - Desk of the MEDIA programme
Disclaimer: Please note that the list contains links to external websites where information is created by other organisations. The European Audiovisual Observatory takes no responsibility for the content and accuracy of information provided by linked sites and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by our organisation.