The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes a new in-depth analysis of measures to help today's media users sort the real from the fake in a world of information overload
New report! Media literacy and the empowerment of users
How can Europe equip its citizens with the skills needed to safely surf the information tsunami?
The European Audiovisual Observatory publishes a new in-depth analysis of measures to help cinema exhibitors in Europe
New report - Curtains up on regulation and support measures for the cinema exhibition sector
What regulations and support policies are in place in Europe in support of the film exhibition sector?
Adaptations in European TV/SVOD fiction production: Streamers offer more adaptations than broadcasters
The report analyses adaptations in audiovisual fiction production in Europe in the period 2015-2022.
Yearbook online
A unique source of data on:
• television • film • video • on-demand audiovisual services in 42 European countries and Morocco
- 400 tables featuring more than 25 000 figures
- 43 country fact sheets
- The current edition 2023 covers the data range 2018 to 2022
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We're tracking the transposition of the Revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive in the EU
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Latest update 15/04/2024
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AVMS Database
Database on the transposition of the AVMS Directive into national legislation
IRIS Merlin
Database on legal information relevant to the audiovisual sector in Europe
Database on admissions to films released in Europe
Database on audiovisual services and their jurisdiction in Europe
The European film directory on European works available on on-demand services in Europe
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