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Back 40 000 European film titles currently available on 367 VOD services in Europe

European Audiovisual Observatory updates LUMIERE VOD directory with new data
40 000 European film titles currently available on 367 VOD services in Europe


Access the LUMIERE VOD directory here

Data from LUMIERE VOD on film titles per director shows: 

  • Luc Besson is the European director with the greatest number of films present on VOD in Europe
  • Stanley Kubrik’s 2001: A Space Odyssey still features among the top 5 European films available on VOD
  • Italian Director Carlo Vanzina is the European director with the most titles on VOD in Europe, ahead of Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol and Werner Herzog.

A new update of the European Audiovisual Observatory’s LUMIERE VOD, the European film directory provides data on the presence of 41 550 European film titles (produced or minority co-produced by countries of the European Union and Council of Europe) in 367  different VOD catalogues (119 TVOD and 248 SVOD catalogues), representing 472 180 film presences at the end of August 2020. This free access directory is supported by European Commission’s Creative Europe programme.

The Observatory has announced that it will also include television content (series and TV films) in the LUMIERE VOD directory. This data should be freely available in the directory before the end of the year.  A new Observatory report on the content of VOD catalogues in Europe will be released in November.  

Highlights and Insights

1. Availability of European film titles in VOD catalogues 

1.1. Availability by film director

When the number of available film titles by director is considered, the 23 top  directors of European film titles present in VOD catalogues (ranked as 1-15) is composed of 9 Italian directors, 5 French (of which one is also Swiss), 3 Spanish, 3 German and respectively one Swedish, one Danish and one British director. These 23 directors directed 889 European film titles which were available across the 367 VOD catalogues.  

Top European directors by number of film titles found in VOD catalogues

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020. Nationality based on Wikipedia, IMDb country of birth.


1.2 Availability of film titles by first European production country

Of the 38 393 film titles in which a European country (EU-27 or Member of the Council of Europe) was the first production country, the top 5 production countries (GB, FR, DE, IT, ES) accounted for 73% of all European titles available in VOD catalogues.

Top 20 European production countries (only first production country considered) by number of titles

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020


1.3 Share of co-production in European titles

Finally, 30% of all European film titles available were coproductions between European countries, countries from other regions and European countries as minority coproducers and titles in which a European country was the majority coproducer and countries from other regions minority coproducers. 
The main minority coproduction countries (up to 5 minority coproduction countries are taken into consideration ) for European film titles were France (participation as a minority coproducers in 3 011 titles), the United States (participation as a minority coproducers in 2 518 titles), the United Kingdom (participation as a minority coproducers in 2 276 titles), Italy (participation as a minority coproducers in 1 580 titles) and Germany (participation as a minority coproducers in 1 427 titles).
Other non-European countries with a minority coproduction part in European film titles were Canada (575 film titles), Argentina (247 titles), Australia (153 titles), Israel (146 titles) and Mexico (111 titles). The rest of countries of other regions (approximately 100) participated as a minority coproducers each in less than 100 European film titles. 

Share of co-productions for European film titles

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020


2. Presence of European films in VOD catalogues – Focus on the actual presence of 472 180 European films

2.1. Top European directors by film presences on VOD services

When the number of film presences (the number of times a single title may appear) are taken into account (and no longer individual film titles), the list of the top 20 European directors changes radically, with only Wim Wenders and Ingmar Bergman being present in both of the top  directors lists (by titles and film presences). 12 British directors ,3 French and respectively one German, one Polish (with also a French nationality), one Swedish, one Danish, one Spanish and one Turkish director make up the top 20 European by film presences on VOD services.  

Top European directors by presences of films found in VOD catalogues

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020. Nationality based on Wikipedia, IMDb country of birth


2.2. European film titles with the most presence on VOD services

British films dominated the top 15 European films the most found in the 367 VOD catalogues, with 14 film titles being produced, or majority coproduced in the United Kingdom. Only 6 films were produced in or after 2010.

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020 – GB Inc and films without a European majority coproduction country excluded


2.3. Main production countries of European films by film presence on VOD

The top 5 European production countries by film presence correspond to the top 5 European production by film titles, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. In addition to 15 EU countries, 5 other European countries (members of the Council of Europe) are part of the top 20 production countries of European films by presence: United Kingdom, Turkey, Russia, Norway and Switzerland. 

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory LUMIERE VOD on JustWatch, Netflix, Chili, EUROVOD data August 2020 – GB Inc and films without a European majority coproduction country excluded


Data on VOD catalogues are for 46 European countries, representing all 27 Member States of the European Union and an additional 19 Members of the Council of Europe. 
LUMIERE VOD is supported by the European Commission’s Creative Europe MEDIA.
The data on the presence of European films in VOD catalogues in Europe for LUMIERE VOD was obtained through our main partnership with JustWatch and participation of Amazon, Chili, EUROVOD, Filmtoro, Netflix and la Pantalla Digital. 


Strasbourg, France 12 October 2020
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