SI - Slovenia
This page includes links to the European Audiovisual Observatory’s databases and to reports in which Slovenia is prominently featured, as well as links to national public authorities and other organisations relevant to the audiovisual sector. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
Resources from the Observatory databases
Legal resources
AVMSDatabase: Rules transposing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive in Slovenia
European works table: Rules pertaining to European works in Slovenia
Public service media table: Rules pertaining to the public service media in Slovenia
Merlin database: Newsletter articles featuring Slovenia
Market resources
MAVISE database: MAVISE data for Slovenia
LUMIERE VOD: LUMIERE VOD data for Slovenia
Legal publications featuring Slovenia
Newsletter: links to the last articles featuring Slovenia
- IRIS 2024-2:1/9 [SI] Draft Law on Media addresses transparency, media concentration, pluralism, hate speech and artificial intelligence
- IRIS 2023-1:1/7 [SI] Slovenian referendum on changes to the PSB Law
- IRIS 2022-2:1/14 [SI] Slovenia transposes the AVMSD without the introduction of obligations to invest in European works and the planned European Audiovisual Production fund
- IRIS 2021-5:1/20 [SI] Update on media legislation proposals and European Parliament debates on media freedom
- IRIS 2021-1:1/26 [SI] Update on the third draft AVMS law and the establishment of a European Audiovisual Production Fund
All newsletter articles featuring Slovenia are available in the IRIS MERLIN database.
Reports: links to the last reports featuring Slovenia
- IRIS Plus 2022-1: Governance and independence of public service media
- IRIS Special 2022-2: Prominence of European works and of services of general interest
The reports above are reports in which Slovenia was featured as a national country case. Slovenia may also be featured in other reports where it is not the focus of a specific section or chapter of the report.
Mappings: links to all national summaries on Slovenia
- Accessibility measures as implemented by AVMS providers for persons with disabilities - SI - 2024
- Independent production and retention of intellectual property rights - SI - 2024
- The protection of minors on VSPs age verification and parental control - SI - 2024
- Mapping on video-sharing platforms 2022 - Focus on CC - SI - 2023
- Mapping on video-sharing platforms - 2022 update - SI - 2023
Please note that the files above are only the national summaries for Slovenia. The full mapping reports can be accessed here.
Main Public Institutions and Bodies
This page includes links to national public authorities and other organisations where useful information and resources relevant to the audiovisual sector can be found. Indicative translations of the names of linked organisations are given for reference.
- Republika Slovenija - Official portal
- Državni zbor - Parliament
- Vlada - Government
- Ministrstvo za kulturo - Ministry of Culture
- Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo - Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
- Ustavno sodišče - Constitutional Court
- Vrhovno sodišče - Supreme Court
Official Publishing Organisations
- Uradni List - Official Gazette
Regulatory Authorities for Audiovisual and Communication Sectors
- Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve Republike Slovenije (AKOS) - Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia
- Svet za Radiodifuzujo - Broadcasting Council
Film Institutions
- Slovenski filmski center – javna agencija - Slovenian Film Centre
- Slovenski filmski arhiv - Das Filmarchiv
- Kinoteka - Cinematheque
- Center Ustvarjalna Evropa v Sloveniji - Creative Europe Desk Slovenia
Disclaimer: Please note that the list contains links to external websites where information is created by other organisations. The European Audiovisual Observatory takes no responsibility for the content and accuracy of information provided by linked sites and inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by our organisation.