This brand new report: “Female audiovisual professionals in European TV fiction production – 2021 figures ” has just been published by the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. The report analyses the composition of key positions in over 50 000 TV/SVOD fiction films and series episodes produced between 2015 and 2021: directors, writers, producers, directors of photography, composers and lead roles.
The share of female professionals in European TV fiction production ranges from less than 10% (composers, cinematographers) to over 40% (producers, lead roles). In 2021, 37% of TV fiction episodes were written by female writers, but only 22% directed by female directors.
The low share of women in these key roles results from a multiplication of factors: typically, for directors, the low share of women results from fewer female directors active in TV production, who work less often than their male counterparts, and are more often than male in a team of directors than being the sole creator of the work. Moreover, teams are more often male-driven.
Share of women in the production of European TV/SVOD fiction (2021)
Source: European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIERE, Plurimedia
When combining directors, writers, producers, cinematographers and composers the share of female professionals has gradually incresed since 2015, although at a very slow pace.
Evolution of the share of female professionals in the production of European TV/SVOD fiction
Note: combines directors, writers, producers, cinematographers and composers
Source: European Audiovisual Observatory/LUMIERE, Plurimedia