Back EU films represent 29% of pay-per-view VOD catalogues in Europe and 21% of subscription VOD

European Audiovisual Observatory publishes new report on the place for European films on VOD.
EU films represent 29% of pay-per-view VOD catalogues in Europe and 21% of subscription VOD

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This brand new VOD report: Films in VOD catalogues – Origin, Circulation and Age – Edition 2018 has just been published by the European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Author Christian Grece, Analyst from the Observatory’s Department for Market Information, has taken a sample of 77 pay-per-view (TVOD) catalogues and 45 subscription VOD (SVOD) catalogues available in the European Union in order to build this yearly analysis.
Grece finds that the top 5 main production countries worldwide account for 76% of all identified films on TVOD (US, UK, France, India, Germany), and 75% on SVOD (US, India, UK, Germany, France).

1. Average shares by region of origin of films in SVOD and TVOD catalogues

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

2. Average share by Region of origin - national and multi-country SVOD and TVOD services

National VOD services have on average a higher share of EU films in their catalogues than multi-country services, which have a higher a share of US and other international films.

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

3. Average shares by region of origin of film titles in SVOD and TVOD catalogues

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

Considering single film titles (individual titles being counted only once) and for the 77 TVOD services and 45 SVOD services studied, the report finds that

  • The share of EU single film titles on TVOD was 42% for all of the 77 TVOD services.
  • The share of EU single film titles on SVOD was 32% for all of the 45 SVOD services.
  • The top 5 main production countries accounted for 67.5% of all identified single film titles on TVOD (US, France, UK, Italy, Germany), and 68.7% on SVOD (US, Germany, UK, France, India).

4. Circulation of single film titles by region of origin in countries and on VOD services

The report finds that EU films still face challenges to cross borders. On average, any film of any nationality was available in 5.1 countries on TVOD and in 3.7 countries on SVOD, however with stark differences when the region of origin is taken into consideration.

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

5. Age of films in VOD catalogues

The report finds that films tend to be more recent on SVOD services than on TVOD services. The definition of recent for the purpose of this study is produced in or after 2008. Recent films represented 58% of films in TVOD catalogues and 69% in SVOD catalogues.

Source: European Audiovisual Observatory

Strasbourg 10/07/2019
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